So, you want my son to loose his job, his home so that you feel more at ease? Or you want to dictate the lives and how they live it because of what ''MIGHT" happen?
What percentage of people wear masks and still get COVID?
Why the straw man? You son has nothing to do with me.
I and my husband have both been told that because of our health problems covid 19 will likely kill us. Do you want to explain to my children why selfishness killed us?
Do you think your son would take the same risks if he knew spreading the disease to you would kill you?
Do you still not know how masks work?
If you have covid a mask will reduce how much of the virus you spread by about 75%
If you do not have covid and there is an Infectious person close to you a mask will only reduce your chance of catching it by about 5%
They are to help prevent the spread of the disease, not are not meant prevent you catching it