At first I was planning on commenting on this horrendous video which displayed horrible treatment of a man for simply being Jewish. That was until I started to scroll down to read the MANY insane responses of people saying, "it wasn't that bad", "two hostile moments in 10 hours" and other BS. Sadly it seems that if this were a physical forum, and not a cyber one, you would probably have half of this forum wanting to spit on you too!!!
I am a Jew who was raised a Christian because my ancestors were forced converts to Christianity in Spain. The majority of my life I have not identified myself as a Jew but I always had a special place for Jews in my heart. Truly accepting my own Jewishness has been a process since I have been divorced from the culture so long but watching things like this make me want to stand side by side with my distant brethren. Thank you for posting this and to all those who made excuses for this behavior, I pray we never meet.