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Judaism and Eden and Eve



From a discussion many years ago, it was explained that the money-changers, the offering sellers, and so forth would have most likely been Gentiles. However, even if Jewish, these marketable transactions would have been conducted in The Court of the Gentiles, the mass area where worshippers gathered to negotiate their offerings, as indicated by the red x.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
In post #93 you said:
"It was most likely due to Jesus' actions at the Temple and his claim about the Roman kingdom being replaced by God's kingdom. The Romans did not allow any of that, and the persistent fear of the Sanhedrin was that if they allowed one of their own to cause any ruckus, the Romans would come in with their notorious heavy-handed approach, which they eventually did in 70 c.e."

So here you say 'At the Tample'.

In post #96 you said:
"I think one would be hard-pressed to sell this to learned theologians because it defies logic based on how the Romans reacted to any threat of insurgency, plus you're forgetting Jesus' actions at the Temple. Pilate was notoriously brutal to the point whereas he was recalled to Rome to account for his actions, and taking the Barabbas story at face value gets the Roman historians laughing.

You're feeding into the "Jews are the Christ killers" myth, btw. Jesus was crucified, and that was not a form of Jewish execution."

Again we see this actions at the Tample , but no explenation on Inner and Outer Court.

In post #110 again you replied:
"If he hadn't broke what the Romans were continuously concerned about, then this position simply ignores Jesus' action at the Temple."

In your last responces you said "Only what's inside the Temple", so if it is in the Inner Court then please explain how do you know this is so?
I don't , i am asking for proof of why that might be so.
It's been explained, so...

BTW, "Been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt". ;) Literally.
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Well-Known Member
There is no indication whatsoever that Pilate or the Romens had an issue with Jesus! Judaism had an issue with Jesus! Pilate had to ask what Jesus supposedly did! And after consideration Pilate didn't even find Jesus guilty but since he was a coward and the Jews had him by the balls due to his past missteps, he capitulated and hoped that the appeal to popularity would free Jesus! But the enemies of Jesus in the audience saw to it that Jesus was crucified by the Romans.


Veteran Member
And right there, in a nutshell, is the problem with Judaism.

There is no cohesive belief and it’s extremely convoluted with differing opinions and rituals, certainly not something from God.

He doesn’t make His message a giant riddle that people have to try and figure out.
Christianity has the same problems, in case you haven't noticed. In fact, Judaism more cohesive than Christianity. Christianity is extremely convoluted with differing opinions and rituals.

Followers of Jesus span the globe. But the global body of more than 2 billion Christians is separated into thousands of denominations. Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist, Apostolic, Methodist — the list goes on. Estimations show there are more than 200 Christian denominations in the U.S. and a staggering 45,000 globally, according to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity. So why does Christianity have so many branches?

Now, contrast that with the divisions in Judaism.

However, there are three main denominations in Judaism: Orthodox Judaism, Reform Judaism, and Conservative Judaism, as well as other smaller denominations including Reconstructionist Judaism.
Jewish Denominations | Sects, Branches & Examples - Le
No, God does not make His message a giant riddle that people have to try and figure out, and that is why I do not believe the Bible is the Word of God..


There is no indication whatsoever that Pilate or the Romens had an issue with Jesus! Judaism had an issue with Jesus! Pilate had to ask what Jesus supposedly did! And after consideration Pilate didn't even find Jesus guilty but since he was a coward and the Jews had him by the balls due to his past missteps, he capitulated and hoped that the appeal to popularity would free Jesus! But the enemies of Jesus in the audience saw to it that Jesus was crucified by the Romans.
Actually "Judaism" didn't have a problem with Jesus, Anna's and his son-in-law, Caiaphas, the High Priest, had a problem with him. Some say jealousy. Some say conspiracy to sacrifice one to save many according to prophecy. Some, and what I concur, a combination of the other two that was politically based to make a profitable impression on Pilate and Rome. The "council" warranted his arrest.


Veteran Member
I am Christian because here is General section of the forum. Eve is actual person. God told the first couple that they die, if they will eat the forbidden fruit. It is the definition of any sin -- to become dead.
To sin is to become spiritually dead, not to become physically dead.


Active Member
Christianity has the same problems, in case you haven't noticed. In fact, Judaism more cohesive than Christianity. Christianity is extremely convoluted with differing opinions and rituals.

Followers of Jesus span the globe. But the global body of more than 2 billion Christians is separated into thousands of denominations. Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist, Apostolic, Methodist — the list goes on. Estimations show there are more than 200 Christian denominations in the U.S. and a staggering 45,000 globally, according to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity. So why does Christianity have so many branches?

Now, contrast that with the divisions in Judaism.

However, there are three main denominations in Judaism: Orthodox Judaism, Reform Judaism, and Conservative Judaism, as well as other smaller denominations including Reconstructionist Judaism.
Jewish Denominations | Sects, Branches & Examples - Le
No, God does not make His message a giant riddle that people have to try and figure out, and that is why I do not believe the Bible is the Word of God..
That is your choice given to you by God.

He also gave Lucifer the same choice.


Veteran Member
But He does.

He wants them all to follow Him, not just a select group.
That is correct, but God does not want everyone to follow Him as the 'select' group of Christians.
That is never going to happen since Christianity is not growing, it is dwindling, as more and more people wake up and smell the coffee.


Active Member
That is correct, but God does not want everyone to follow Him as the 'select' group of Christians.
That is never going to happen since Christianity is not growing, it is dwindling, as more and more people wake up and smell the coffee.
Actually it is increasing worldwide although it is dwindling in America.

I don’t think God worries about imaginary lines.


Active Member
The funny thing is that all Christians claim to have the Holy Spirit, but they don't agree as to what the Bible means. :oops:
No they don’t which tells you two things.

Some people are not really Christians and some people interpret parts of the Bible that are unclear differently.

Now to be a Christian you must believe that Jesus gave His life for us, He is God, and there is no path to Heaven except through Him.

All Christians believe this.

The rest of the Bible is up for debate and that’s where the different religious beliefs come from.


Veteran Member
Kinda hard to debate someone who isn’t even in the game.

I do respect your choice tough.
I do not view religion as a game, I consider it serious business.

I am not looking for a debate since I don't care about winning anything. I am just an onlooker who came to see what others are debating.
I only know enough if the Bible to be dangerous so I let others debate about it.
All I can really have is a personal opinion, which wavers from time to time.


Active Member
I do not view religion as a game, I consider it serious business.

I am not looking for a debate since I don't care about winning anything. I am just an onlooker who came to see what others are debating.
I only know enough if the Bible to be dangerous so I let others debate about it.
All I can really have is a personal opinion, which wavers from time to time.
Still you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t looking for something.

Would you like me to pray for you, it takes nothing on your part except an open mind.