Right, a King and an In-gatherer.
The Chabad approach is looking for a King, that's rare. Needle in a haystack.
My approach is looking for an in-gather, and that's actually pretty common. According to Tanach. The past two or maybe three times they are mentioned in BaMidbar, LMatay Dan, is described as in-gathers, and that they were a voluminous population that interacted and perhaps intermarried with all the other tribes.
Because of that, one could use the criteria for L'Matay Dan to narrow their search. First find in-gatherers, then find the King among them. That's my claim ( in blue ), summarized in 1 sentence.
Okay. I understand better the two approaches.
I still see a problem with both. I don't see anything in Tanakh, Rambam, or Zohar that states that by searching for someone in either concept that we will find said person. For example, the criteria given by the Rambam, before it is confirmed that he is mashiahh by accomplishing all the requirements, is more than just an in-gatherer.
- Needs to be approved by both a Sanhedrin and a Navi (Mishnah Torah - Hilchoth Melachim 1:3)
- Must have Yirath Shamayim (Mishnah Torah - Hilchoth Melachim 1:7)
- Needs a proven geneology to David HaMelekh (Mishnah Torah - Hilchoth Melachim 1:7)
- Needs a proven genogology to Shlomo HaMelekh (Iggereth Teiman section 3 - Sefer HaMitzvoth, Commentary on the Mishnah)
- Must be very knowledgable in Torah and does the mitzvoth like David HaMelekh, per Torah shebaal Pe, and convinces Am Yisrael to do also do so. (Mishnah Torah - Hilchoth Melachim 11:4)
- Must be in Eretz Yisrael (Iggereth Teiman section 4)
- Until Hashem reveals to him [that he is mashiah] he won't be mashiahh, won't know he is mashiah, and neither will anyone else. (Iggereth Teiman section 4)
- The signs and wonders he does will only be based on need, and not to prove he is mashiah (Iggereth Teiman section 4)
So, based on Rambam alone it appears that looking for someone won't do much in the way of determing the reality. Further, as Rav Saadya Gaon points out Am Yisrael making shuva is the driving force for the above:
נבחר באמונות ובדעות
(האמונה והדעות)
לרבנו סעדיה בן יוסף פיומי זצ"ל
מאמר שמיני - פרק ה [קץ ללא תשובה]
והואיל וכבר פירשתי את הקיצים הללו וביארתים, אומר עתה, כבר ידענו שאם תשובתנו לא תהיה שלמה, נשאר עד שישלם הקץ, וכאשר ישלם הקץ ולא נשוב, אפשרי שתהיה הישועה ואנחנו חוטאים. וכיון שארך הזמן ולא שבנו, יחזירנו בלי תשובה, ויהיה זה בהופעת הגואל, אלא שמסורת הנביאים קיבלה שיבואו עלינו צרות ומצוקות, שעל ידם נבחר לשוב, ונזכה לישועה, והוא מאמר קדמונינו: [רמו] אם ישראל עושין תשובה נגאלין, ואם לאו הקב"ה מעמיד להן מלך שקשין גזרותיו מהמן והן עושין תשובה
ונגאלין. [סנהדרין צז ב