OK. well, it seems to me that group of very very talented inGatherers could sweep the globe, ingathering the Yetzer Hara in each and every community of Jews Globally. And that... would be the beginning of the trigger redemption.
This supports the anti-zionist position. It puts it in perspective.
InGatherers in The Holy Land may not be able to inGather the Yetzer Hara here in the hearts of American Jews. Too distant. Arguably counter-productive.
It would be better, imo, to have the inGathers spread out, annihilate or enslave the Yetzer Hara globally... then and only then, ingather physically in the Holy Land.
I'm not saying that the inGatherers who are in the Holy Land should leave. What I'm saying is that those who are not in Israel are perhaps not in Israel for a good reason.
Not to mention... according to Rashi and IbnEzra virtually every Jewish person has at least a little inGatherer in their lineage. Were you able to see that in the commentary from Parsha Pinchas? It's linked to the verses of the census of the Tribe of Dan? If so, then that means we ( Jews ) have a ready made army of inGatherers spanning the four corners of the world. They just need to be activated. ( so to speak ).