Would you like to learn that what you have been fed is actually the result of smoke and mirrors and no actual evidence? Evolution is a fabrication fed to the masses by men with degrees, with nothing more than wishful thinking and some nifty diagrams holding it together.And with that, you demonstrate you don't really know. Would you like to learn?
This air of superiority in evolution supporters makes me smile......you really think we don't understand what evolution teaches?
Do you understand that the whole evolutionary theory is based on nothing more than educated guesswork and a bunch of bones that no one can connect by anything but conjecture and suggestion? The fossils are made to speak the language of the scientists because they have no voice of their own.
Are we all related? Well, if we are all made from the same basic raw materials, by the same Creator, then that is as plausible as guessing what "might have" happened because someone "suggested" that it "could have" taken place that way millions of years ago. Since nobody was there to document the process we are told that we must believe these men because they have science degrees?
Evolution has no more "scientific" proof of its veracity than ID has. I can't produce irrefutable evidence for my Creator any more than you can produce irrefutable evidence that there ever was a chain of evolutionary descent in any creature who has ever lived.
Finding different species of the same "kinds" of creature in different rock strata and assuming a chain of descent is not the same as providing proof of your assumption. Science does not have that proof. The fossils are strung together with nothing more than educated guesses and really good graphics.
You treat the notion of a Creator as a fairy story whilst promoting one of your own. Life just "poofed" itself into existence and then miraculously transformed itself into all the living species on this planet including man....with no intelligent direction whatsoever......now, that sounds plausible to you? It sounds ludicrous to me.