Not even close to what I was saying. Was my post unclear or something? Im not saying God evolved at all. If he did evolve what exactly did he evolve from? Anyways, my point was quite simple, if its difficult, or impossible, for you to think that the most basic building blocks of our Universe, that would of been necessary to form all life, is IMPOSSIBLE to believe without God, but then you can imagine God just magically existed and came about and SOMEHOW that isnt impossible to you, then I would love to know what kind of logic you use to come to this conclusion. You might as well be saying a tiny pebble is MUCH harder to throw than a pebble the size of Jupiter, it makes that little sense.
Again, not even close. If the Universe could of come about by its own then thats it, no need for God. How you came to some conclusion that God needed to be in there, or was therefore necessary, ill never know. Please do explain.
The impasse between the reason and evidence based thinker and the faith based thinker is in the radically different ways that they process information as alluded to above. If you begin with an idea believed by faith, that is, an unjustified belief, and then filter evidence such that what remains seems to point to your faith based premise as if it were a conclusion derived from the evidence you have saved, you will always be able to fashion some reverse engineered argument together that appears to support your premise, which you will offer as a conclusion (we can call such premises "pseudoconclusions").
Too much for me to address, I should be working. So I sum my position only.
I am saying this: blackdog says if God must have come from nothing or by chance, then why could not the universe and life have done as well? And I said, the only reason you are saying the universe could come from nothing is because you are saying God originated the same way. That logic fails for me, but I am going to leave it at that.
Here is a Catholic argument: We do not need to know how God originated, all we need to know is that He exists. This is has been proven a thousand times over via means the unbeliever will not accept, or more times than not, simply chooses not to consider.
Fatima all alone proves the existence of God. So does the Shroud of Turin. So does the life of Joan of Arc. So do weeping statues and paintings. So do the bleeding stigmata wounds on Padre Pio every day for 50 years. So do the numerous incorruptible bodies of long dead saints. So do near death experiences. So does the inexplicable image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. So does all of the medically unexplained healings at Lourdes. No one wants to connect dots or believe the witnesses to the miracles.
Along with that is the history of the Church and its rising from the blood of martyrs and civilizing and bringing order into a barbaric world. So does their immeasurable acts of charity and goodness despite its many horrible sins. God had no choice but to have sinners be His witnesses.
So we look at the infinitely complex makeup of life from a thousand machines working inside a single cell to a human brain and say, without an intelligent designer it could never have happened. So do many scientists who have converted. A trillion transformations to get from primordial soup to mammals, insects and plants, and nary a mistake strewn about history. That’s quite a trick for something that apparently does not have a mind to even rival a bug. But humanity acts so smug and dreams up theories and fills in the gaps by totally ignoring scientific probabilities of such occurring --- expecting a walleye to start growing feathers and wings before our eyes, and with oh, such precision. Never any real mutations hanging out --- there should be billions of monsters alive and in the fossil record. And the only reason there is not is because if evolution did occur then logic demands it was done with a far superior intelligence than anything man could conceive.
But still they say, no sign of God. And we say we have demonstrated in a myriad of ways real evidence for God. And given that, then of course God was involved in the origin of life. We can say that with the utmost certainty without ever having to explain where God came from first.