Welcome to RF! We do have a rule against bashing other forums, so it's probably best not to.
Also, here we have a rule against discussing moderation (that occurs here, of course), just FYI.
Good news! You are allowed to talk about any belief system you wish to, as long as you do not attempt to convert anyone or advise people to take religious actions. That is considered proselytizing, which we do not permit. However, you are very much encouraged to discuss beliefs here, and we look forward to your perspective.
I do not really want to bash other forums, just explaining why I would want to switch forums. I was not banned and I will be given back my posting privileges once, I guess, I agree to not discussing the nature of Christ. I just have to deal with the idea that some forums are restricted to "happy talk".
Everyone who has a forum can make up their own rules. I was on another forum that seemed to be biased towards demonic rants against God. I got a big penalty for saying that I had to stop reading the post because the demonic nature of it was about to make me throw up. Seriously, the guy had to be possessed to write the stuff he was posting.(I think evil can be transferred by actually reading it, like the inverse of reading the Word of God)
So, good. If they want that type of posts and threaten anyone for stating their reaction to it, them fine, that is their prerogative. They can create whatever atmosphere they want. I learn to spot demonic posts and just ignore them.
I am just surprised when I find a thread titled "Who is Jesus?" and that posting that he is the Son of God because he was the Logos, I would get shot down for not conforming to some insanely narrow definition of orthodoxy. As if orthodoxy means quoting verses that support your view and not quoting verses that may call into question your pre-conceived ideas. That makes the word orthodoxy an oxymoron, if it supports a form of insanity.
Like I said, they can do whatever they want. I am looking for a place where people can post without fear of stepping out of some incomprehensible set of boundaries that contradict the written version.