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Just got kicked off another forum...woo-hoo!

So I came here hoping that I can say whatever I feel needs to be said within the bounds of decency. That means freely evangelizing, etc.

Case in point, a Mormon on the LDS site expressed that she felt a particular LDS doctrine was possibly "blasphemous," and said "yes, it definitely is as far as I'm concerned; here's what the Bible says... and so." The next thing I knew, I was banned.

So, do I have to fear that sort of thing here? Or is this really a free forum?

(Sorry if I sound a bit "miffed." I'll get over it.)
Thank-you for the link. I don't mean to bash the LDS. They're awesome actually. But I think you may as well delete my account, because it will only be a matter of time before I start trying to persuade someone that only Jesus can save and that X religion is false.

thank-you for your time!


Mr Invisible
Thank-you for the link. I don't mean to bash the LDS. They're awesome actually. But I think you may as well delete my account, because it will only be a matter of time before I start trying to persuade someone that only Jesus can save and that X religion is false.

thank-you for your time!

As one with 2 warnings, I'm sure you'll be fine. Just don't be a jerk like me... respecftul debate is alright.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Thank-you for the link. I don't mean to bash the LDS. They're awesome actually. But I think you may as well delete my account, because it will only be a matter of time before I start trying to persuade someone that only Jesus can save and that X religion is false.

Or... we may get you so hooked with interesting discussion and debate that you'd do just about anything to stay! :D

Welcome to the forums.
Are you telepathic or something? You knew that despite myself I've been checking the responses on this thread! LOL!!!

Well, maybe we'll see how long I last.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
Welcome to RF! We do have a few rules, but it's pretty easy to have a great discussion here. Looking forward to your perspective.


Depends Upon My Mood..

Give it a chance..Dont assume you are "bad news" before you even start..The people here are awesome..And the moderators are on the ball and fair ...If you get in trouble?..Its for being snarky or rude and you deserve it..IMHO..Not for sharing your views..

Its very well rounded around here..And we have lots of fun..I hope you will give it a try..




Well-Known Member
Premium Member
So - give it a try. Go post something substantive and let the LDS/Evangelical debates begin.


Flaming Queer
Thank-you for the link. I don't mean to bash the LDS. They're awesome actually. But I think you may as well delete my account, because it will only be a matter of time before I start trying to persuade someone that only Jesus can save and that X religion is false.

thank-you for your time!

Far be it from the moderators job to preeminently remove your account for not curtailing your own posting habits. Welcome to the forum.


Let's go racing boys !
Welcome........Bring it on and let's see how "bad" or how "good" you are.....Hope you enjoy the forum, it can be a lot of fun..............:D

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
Em hotep, old spiced sausage. Feel free to try out our new selection of metaphorical condiments, located just to the right of the (metaphorical) snack table by the (again, metaphorical) disused bingo machine. :)

What they're a metaphor for, however, is a question I've yet to see answered...


Kal-El's Mama
I do not know if I am allowed to mention the name of the forum I was on but it has the word "Bible" in it. They do not allow any unorthodox posting in it.
Here is my post that got me an infraction and my posts removed:
John calls Jesus the Son of God because he was the Logos. Read John 1 with the understanding of the word "word" meaning "the Expression of Intention of God". Jesus was the "the Expression of Intention of God", when he was conceived and when he was born, and then onward.
John the Baptist was the voice but Jesus was the word, itself. The prophets, up to the time of the Baptist, were the voice. Once the Baptist pointed out exactly who he was preaching of, Jesus was that word that they were only the voice of.

Here is my response to the moderator who gave me the infraction:
I am responding to the infraction I was given. I do not know if I am allowed to defend myself or not but quoting Wikipedia and the Bible, and pointing out how some people's arguments are not proof, does not amount to denying anyone's deity.
I realize you need to maintain some sort of integrity to the forum, but I am not coming in to espouse some religion that I am promoting. My opinions are my own and do not represent any theology of any organized religion. I am not recruiting any one to join my church of one. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but if they try to enforce them on others, they should have something to back it up.
Your policy seems to be very schizophrenic to me. On one hand you say Jesus is the Son of God and on the other that there is one God. Then you say you do not want any unorthodox views being promoted.
What is your definition of orthodoxy?
I think this issue has to be one of the most fundamental in Christianity and for you to exclude it from being discussed makes your forum very hollow.
I think my responses that you removed were well thought out and respectful to the posters. My question is about the nature of Christ's divinity and not whether he was divine. Sad if you cannot deal with that.
I am angry because I made four really great posts that took me two hours to research and write and they are gone. (except for the one I posted above)
They tolerated another poster who was making big long ridiculous arguments that were in direct violation of the rules, and took mine off. They specifically disallow teaching "Oneness" and here was this guy giving a dissertation on it. I was responding to it and got hotly criticized for basing my arguments on the Bible and facts from Wikipedia.
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Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
I do not know if I am allowed to mention the name of the forum I was on but it has the word "Bible" in it.
Welcome to RF! We do have a rule against bashing other forums, so it's probably best not to.
Here is my response to the moderator who gave me the infraction:
Also, here we have a rule against discussing moderation (that occurs here, of course), just FYI. :)

They specifically disallow teaching "Oneness" and here was this guy giving a dissertation on it.
Good news! You are allowed to talk about any belief system you wish to, as long as you do not attempt to convert anyone or advise people to take religious actions. That is considered proselytizing, which we do not permit. However, you are very much encouraged to discuss beliefs here, and we look forward to your perspective.


Well-Known Member
Ii-wy em hotep!

I hope you enjoy your stay here, please give it a try. It's not so hard to get along with people of other religions, even if you don't believe theirs is right. They're still people and can be quite interesting to talk to and discuss religion with. You could end up enjoying yourself and maybe coming to the conclusion that other people may choose religions that aren't right to you, but still, that's ok.
Welcome to RF! We do have a rule against bashing other forums, so it's probably best not to.
Also, here we have a rule against discussing moderation (that occurs here, of course), just FYI. :)

Good news! You are allowed to talk about any belief system you wish to, as long as you do not attempt to convert anyone or advise people to take religious actions. That is considered proselytizing, which we do not permit. However, you are very much encouraged to discuss beliefs here, and we look forward to your perspective.
I do not really want to bash other forums, just explaining why I would want to switch forums. I was not banned and I will be given back my posting privileges once, I guess, I agree to not discussing the nature of Christ. I just have to deal with the idea that some forums are restricted to "happy talk".
Everyone who has a forum can make up their own rules. I was on another forum that seemed to be biased towards demonic rants against God. I got a big penalty for saying that I had to stop reading the post because the demonic nature of it was about to make me throw up. Seriously, the guy had to be possessed to write the stuff he was posting.(I think evil can be transferred by actually reading it, like the inverse of reading the Word of God)
So, good. If they want that type of posts and threaten anyone for stating their reaction to it, them fine, that is their prerogative. They can create whatever atmosphere they want. I learn to spot demonic posts and just ignore them.
I am just surprised when I find a thread titled "Who is Jesus?" and that posting that he is the Son of God because he was the Logos, I would get shot down for not conforming to some insanely narrow definition of orthodoxy. As if orthodoxy means quoting verses that support your view and not quoting verses that may call into question your pre-conceived ideas. That makes the word orthodoxy an oxymoron, if it supports a form of insanity.
Like I said, they can do whatever they want. I am looking for a place where people can post without fear of stepping out of some incomprehensible set of boundaries that contradict the written version.
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