The Section I will quote here:
Omnipotence and the stone paradox
Can God create a stone that he can’t lift it? If he can, then he will not be able to lift the stone. But otherwise, he can’t create such a stone. Either way, it seems, there is something God cannot do. If there is something God can’t do, then God isn’t omnipotent. This famous paradox makes an assumption we should question: it presupposes the possibility of something logically impossible. ‘The power to create a stone an omnipotent being can’t lift’ is logically incoherent, so it’s not a possible power. If God lacks it, God still doesn’t lack any possible power. Alternatively, we may allow that God could create such a stone, but in that case, the stone is, by definition, impossible to lift (clearly it will not be the stone’s weight that prevents its being lifted by God, so it must be some other, essential attribute). If God lacks the power to lift a stone it is logically impossible to lift, there is still no power God lacks. Doing what God can’t How should we understand ‘omnipotence’? Is it ‘the power to do whatever it is logically possible to do’? I can go jogging, which shows it is a logically possible act, but God can’t. So perhaps omnipotence is ‘the power to do whatever it is possible for a perfect being (or the greatest possible being) to do’. One interpretation of this is ‘maximal power’ – it is not possible for any being to have more power overall than an omnipotent being. A different response says that God possesses every power it is logically possible to possess. We need to take care in how we should identify and individuate powers. The power to go jogging isn’t a distinct power. It is a combination of free will and the power to move my body in accordance with that free will, but subject to laws of nature. But this is not a power God lacks. God can’t go jogging because God doesn’t have a body. But this is not a lack of power. God has free will and God can move bodies, including my body, in accordance with his will. God can even move bodies without regard to the laws of nature. So there is no logically possible power I have that God lacks.