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Khilafat/10-Prayers/SuperbLife Events of Martyred Doctor of Great Repute.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you. Three Sections.
(A) Allah the Exalted’s benevolence – a very great benevolence, which has stringed Jama'at Ahmadiyya as unit, is the continued system of Khilafat after Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). The past 106 years of the history of Jama'at bear witness that the members of Jama'at accepted Khilafat with full obedience, after the passing away of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) as he stated in his booklet ‘Risalah Al-Wasiyyat’ (The Will).

Each Ahmadiyya Muslim dwelling in the world, regardless of any ethnicity or country, very well understands that it is his biggest duty to adhere with the Khilafat which started on the precepts of Prophethood after the advent of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). This mention is not about those who separated in the beginning and now they have no standing. It is about that large majority of Ahmadiyya Jama'at who understands the status of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) and realize that through the adherence with Khilafat, Jama'at has unity, progress and strength to respond the attacks on Ahmadiyyat, Islam. In this era of Islam’s revival, Allah’s support and victory, according to His promise, is associated with system of Khilafat. However, mere verbal admittance of one’s faith does not garner blessings of Allah.

Ayat Istikhlaf ---- [ (Surah Al-Nur, chapter 24: verse 56) “Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do good works that He will surely make them Successors in the earth, as He made Successors (from among) those who were before them; and that he will surely establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them; and that He will surely give them in exchange security (and peace) after their fear: They will worship Me, (and) they will not associate anything with Me. Then whoso is ungrateful after that, they will be rebellious.”] ----

-----promises Khilafat to the true believers and gives glad tiding of changing their fear in peace and promises dignity for them. These bounties are for those who pray, worship God and make sacrifices to uphold Unity of God in the world. There are many who say
لا الہ الا اللہ
(there is none worthy of worship except Allah) but those who really realize its meaning are those who turns to Allah only in each situation.

Each Khilafat Day -- [After the passing away of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) on 26 May 1908, Ahmadiyya Khilafat started on 27 May]-- should draw us to its spirit to get promised blessings. This spirit is prayers, worship of Allah, firm belief on Unity of Allah and checking its standards. These standards should rise otherwise commemorative gathering will be of no use.

Our true weapons for success are prayers and worship of Allah. History of Prophets, Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) and Khulafa e Rashedin [The Rightly Guided Successors] bear witness to that. There was sacrifice of life too.


[108:3] ‘So pray to thy Lord, and offer sacrifice.’

Worship and sacrifice attract blessings of Allah.

Long periods of trials and tribulation perturb human. In such situations, true believers raise the voice with full belief, submission, prayer and sacrifice and no despair: “….mata nusrullah…..” (2:215) i.e. ‘.....when (will come) the help of Allah?.....’

In response comes the sound: “……alaa inna nusrallahey qarib.” (2:215) i.e. ‘……yea, surely the help of Allah is near.’

Allah revealed this to Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) on different occasions and also manifested it in practice. We have seen its manifestations at various times and InshaAllah will continue to see it. Allah’s help comes in its respective spheres; InshaAllah, we shall see support and victory from Allah in the form of final grand triumph too. There are dangerous schemes but Allah is the Master of all the powers and He is ‘Khairul Maakerin’ (Best of Planners); He has the power to reduce foe’s plans to dust; their evil-plans will be returned to them. Prayers and Istighfar to Allah [seeking Divine cover, forgiveness and help] is much needed against anxieties and to get triumph.

Allah says: “fasabbeh behamdey rabbeka wastaghfirho…..” (110:4) i.e. ‘Glorify thy Lord, with His praise, and seek mughferat of Him (i.e. seek Divine cover, forgiveness and help)……’-------- We all need to understand this subject and to take our prayers to maximum.

To get fruits of sacrifices early , the standards of prayers must be raised with the condition:


[27:63] ‘Or, Who answers the distressed person when he calls upon Him, and removes the evil, and makes you successors in the earth? Is there a God besides Allah? Little is it that you reflect.’

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) explains: “Remember God the Exalted is very much Independent, if prayer is not done with anxiety, abundantly and repeatedly, He does not care. Look if one’s wife or child is sick or he faces a severe trial, how much anxious he becomes about these matters. Thus if the true yearning and state of anxiety is not developed in prayer, till then it is absolutely ineffective and vain act as it is said: ‘ammain yojeebul muztarra ezaa da-aaho wa yakshefussu-aa’ (Who answers the distressed person when he calls upon Him, and removes the evil--from 27:63) ”

(B) Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah be his helper) reminded to say abundantly certain prayers, in addition to daily Salaat.

1- Surah Al Fatehah. (alislam.org/quran)

2- Durud i.e. invoking salutation on Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) as done in the Salaat. (alislam.org/salaat/08qadah.html)

3- A revealed prayer to Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.): “subhan Allahey wa behamdehi subhan Allahil azeem Allahumma salley alaa Muhammadin wa aaley Muhammadin” i.e. ‘Holy is Allah and worthy of all praise, Holy is Allah, the Great. O Allah bestow Your blessings on Muhammad and on the people of Muhammad.’ ------ Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said: ‘‘There are two expressions which are very light on the tongue to utter but are very weighty in the balance and are very dear to the Gracious God. And they are: ‘subhan Allahey wa behamdehi subhan Allahil azeem’ i.e. Holy is Allah and worthy of all praise, Holy is Allah, the Great.” --- These phrases attracts Allah’s mercy.


[3:9] ‘Our Lord, let not our hearts get perverse after Thou hast guided us; and bestow on us mercy from Thyself; surely, Thou alone art the Bestower.’ ----- Hazrat Nawab Mubaraka Begum Sahiba (may Allah be pleased with her: daughter of Hazrat Promised Messiah, a.s.) had a dream after the passing away of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) in which he advised her to say this prayer abundantly. When she related her dream to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) he said he would never stop reciting this prayer and will recite it abundantly………..While the prayer beseeches for strength of faith, it is also a great prayer to stay connected to Khilafat.

5- “….rabbana afrigh alaina sabran wa thabbit aqdamana wansurna alal qomil kaferin.” [2:251] ‘……O our Lord, pour forth steadfastness upon us, and make our steps firm, and help us against the disbelieving people.’

6- A prayer of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), when he used to sense danger form a people: “allahuma inna najaloka fi nohurehim wa nauzobeka min shorurehim” i.e. ‘O Allah, we place you in their area between neck and breast (i.e. You attack their life line so that they become incapable to harm us) and we take refuge in You from their evils.’

7- Istighfar: “astaghferullaha rabbi min kulley zanbin wa atubo alaihey” i.e. ‘I beg pardon of Allah, my Lord from all my sins and turn to Him.’

8- Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) exhorted this prayer in the light of a dream [a revealed prayer of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.)]: “rabbey kullo sheyin khademoka rabbey fahfazni wansurni warhamni” i.e. ‘O Lord everything is subservient to You. O Lord, protect us, help us and have mercy on us.’

9-“…… rabbanagh’firlana zonubana wa israfana fi amrena wa thabbit aqdamana wansurna alal qomilkafereen.” (3:148) i.e. ‘Our Lord, forgive us our errors and our excesses in our conduct, and make firm our steps and help us against the disbelieving people.’

10- Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said: “I was praying for the my Jama'at and then for Qadian, then this revelation came:

i-‘(They have) drawn away from the fashion of life.’

ii-‘fasahhiqhum tashiqa’ (i.e. thus grind them fully grinded).

Huzur (a.s) said: It came to my heart that why this grinding is attributed to me. Then my sight went to that prayer which is written on (wall of) Bait ud duaa [chamber of prayer] and that prayer is this:

‘ ya rabbey fasma dua-ee wa mazziq ada-aka wa ada-e wa anjiz wadaka wansur abdaka wa arena aiyamaka wa shahhirlana hosamaka wa la tazar minal kafereen sharira.’ ”

[i.e. ‘ O Lord, hear my prayer and crush Your enemies and my enemies and fulfill Your promise and help Your servant and show us Your days and draw for us Your sword and spare not a single mischief maker out of the disbelievers.’]

Details: https://www.alislam.org/friday-sermon/2014-05-30.html
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