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Kingdom of Creation


Kingdom of Creation

Beginning with the Old Testament, we learn of God’s great plan for man handed down by his prophets. Even with the devil fighting against God’s plan with corruption, God found mercy for man whom he had created in his own image with the promise of a Messiah.
Then in the New Testament we find that this great promise is fulfilled with the sending of God’s only Son, that through the cross man might be forgiven of this great sin. While Christ was on earth we learn much from his great teachings, with him being the Son of God among men.

Turning to Revelation we find Gods plan taking form with the teaching of a great God sitting on the right hand of the very Greatest, teaching of the things that must soon come to pass. Revelation is the forerunner of Christ’s Second Coming, witnessed by his two great witnesses, which are the Comforter and the Spirit of Truth.
With sin invading our country, we find their dying bodies already lying in our streets, where the Spirit of God is dying, where sin has already taken over out education. The people are now turning to idols from the teaching in our churches to the highest of our high-education, with nightclubs becoming mans main event, with man dancing with the spirit through our many churches for wealth.

Out in the world man are looking to this filth for their enjoyment, with man indulging in drinking alcohol, taking dope, adultery, and breaking God’s commandments when it comes to our many abortions. We find the Spirits of these witnesses dying bodies surrounding us, but we suffer them not to be put into graves, because we are tying to hide these things behind our many churches.
We will not let the Spirit of God die in peace, for now we have a new spirit. Which was born and invented here back within many of our churches during this great depression of slavery which has now grown, because we now find ourselves using the house of God for our own glory. We will not give up what belongs to God, for we are using them trying to ease our own conscience, by using the house of God here on earth to cover up our own sins.

The same as we find in the book of First Timothy: “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving, heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;”
We also find in the Book Philippians the only way that we can overcome this: “Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”
“That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, with out rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;”

We will one-day face this true Church becoming the bride of Christ in Heaven, a Church that Christ said that upon this belief the gates of hell should not prevail against it. For now we like to use the house of God here on earth to show off what we have or try to hide our many romances, thinking that if we went to church, no one could guess where we were the night before or where we are headed afterwards.
The earth is now rejoicing, for the Spirit that once tormented man has died, and we have once again find peace because we do not feel the guilt of right and wrong. The people can now go about sending their gifts of sin by believing, which that they are God’s chosen and by hoping that they will be able to get by. There will be many on earth that will not be satisfied with this great judgment. They will think that they should get by as they did here on earth by going to church each Sunday and by paying their tithes.

There are many here which have lead themselves to believe that they are God’s chosen, but yet, on judgment day they will find themselves lacking and remaining among the congregation of the living dead. There will be many that will say that they attended church every Sunday and paid their weakly dues, but knowing that they can no longer use these excuses that they once used here on earth, for they will be of no use.
Knowing that all men have sinned, we can only be willing to change through Christ. We cannot ask to be forgiven for something while knowing in our hearts, when we are planning on doing them again, we cannot continue to live in sin by breaking the laws handed down by God. For from each day to day we think that going before man with a short pray or a confession can forgive us.

The great Book of Revelations picks up after Christ ascended into Heaven; after being glorified of the Father created a new beginning for all mankind. Revelations tells of Christ’s New Kingdom in Heaven; here on earth, here man faces God’s new covenant along with the sending of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter and the Spirit of Truth.
Yes, in Revelations we find the missing link that we have been looking for, the forerunner of Christ Second Coming, as God reveals it in many mysteries. This shall be the terrible day of the Lord that the prophets told us about, and Christ told us of the many things that we was to watch for before his Second Coming.

Facing Revelation we once again hear the voice of the one crying in the wilderness (a wilderness of trials and tribulations), saying, “Repent ye for the kingdom of Heaven is now at hand Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his path straight. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto to the west: so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
“Then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in Heaven; and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory.” This shall be a lot more different from our Christ’s first coming, for then we found that Christ then only came at the mercy of man, for this is when all men will be at the mercy of our Lord – and his many angels.

With the book of Revelation being the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ, there are many that say that this book is hard to understand and that we will have to wait until Christ return before these mysteries can be explained. The one and only sole purpose of the Bible is to save souls, and after Christ returns, it shall be of no further use, so we will have to get what we can out of the Bible now.
The Book of Revelations picks up after Christ ascended into Heaven; his being glorified of the Father created a new beginning for all mankind. Revelation tells of Christ’s New Kingdom in Heaven; and here on earth, man faces God’s new covenant along with the sending of the Holy Ghost. Yes in Revelations we find the missing link that we have been looking for, the forerunner of Christ Second Coming, as God reveals them in his many mysteries.

Go to www.glorifiedchrist.com for more information.
Thanks Herbert