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Knowing TRUTH by Meditation vs Rationality


Active Member
Knowing TRUTH by Meditation vs Rationality.

There are ONLY 2 AVENUES..for the Human Brain...to GRASP...Knowledge.

1. Intellectual Rational Analysis.
2. Meditative Realization.

1. ....is Everyday Practicality...
2. ....is Neither Time Bound NOR everyday-practical.

1. Belongs to Science, Philosophy, Politics, Economics, Languages,...
2. Is DEEPER....and....FARTHER....!

.......NO JESUS....
..........NO MOHAMED..!

The Bodhi-Tree - A Buddhist Spiritual Practice Based on the Buddha's Night of Liberation
Jesus' Forty Days in the Desert
Inspirations and Creative Thoughts: Prophet Muhammad's Meditation

...is to Mix SALT & SUGAR....judiciously!



Well-Known Member
Does capitalization bring truth? To me, it looks absurd, and you sound like a borg in search of a collective. Good luck with that. ;)


Active Member
Does capitalization bring truth? To me, it looks absurd, and you sound like a borg in search of a collective. Good luck with that. ;)

knowing truth by meditation vs rationality.

there are only 2 avenues..for the human brain...to grasp...knowledge.

1. intellectual rational analysis.
2. meditative realization.

1. ....is everyday practicality...
2. ....is neither time bound nor everyday-practical.

1. belongs to science, philosophy, politics, economics, languages,...
2. is deeper....and....farther....!

no meditation....
....no buddha..
.......no jesus....
..........no mohamed..!

The Bodhi-Tree - A Buddhist Spiritual Practice Based on the Buddha's Night of Liberation
Jesus' Forty Days in the Desert
Inspirations and Creative Thoughts: Prophet Muhammad's Meditation

your liberation...
...is to mix salt & sugar....judiciously!


is it..
Björn Borg...
Björn Borg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Star Trek Borg..
Star Trek Borg


Rick B

Active Member
Premium Member
You are incorrect in assuming that there are two ways to obtain knowledge. Facts are provided objectively. We "interpret" them subjectively. Only the regenerate can know "true truth". All truth can only be correctly interpreted in a revelational epistemology(objective). "Confining himself to what he can find in himself, man naturally cannot rise above himself, and unfortunately the self above which he cannot rise is a sinful self." "Of all the conceivable forms of enlightenment, the worst is what these people call the Inner Light. Of all horrible religions the most horrible is the worship of the God within. Anyone who knows anybody knows how it would work; anyone who knows anyone from the Higher Thought Center knows how it does work. That Jones should worship the God within him turns out ultimately to mean that Jones shall worship Jones. Let Jones worship the sun or moon, anything rather than the Inner Light; let Jones worship cats or crocodiles, if he can find any in his street, but not the God within. Christianity came into the world firstly in order to assert with violence that a man had not only to look inward, but to look outward, to behold with astonishment and enthusiasm a divine company and a divine captain. The only fun of being a Christian was that a man was not left alone with the Inner Light, but definitely recognized an outer light, fair as the sun, clear as the moon, terrible as an army with banners." B.B. Warfield-Mysticism and Christianity


Active Member
You are incorrect in assuming that there are two ways to obtain knowledge. Facts are provided objectively. We "interpret" them subjectively. Only the regenerate can know "true truth". All truth can only be correctly interpreted in a revelational epistemology(objective). "Confining himself to what he can find in himself, man naturally cannot rise above himself, and unfortunately the self above which he cannot rise is a sinful self." "Of all the conceivable forms of enlightenment, the worst is what these people call the Inner Light. Of all horrible religions the most horrible is the worship of the God within. Anyone who knows anybody knows how it would work; anyone who knows anyone from the Higher Thought Center knows how it does work. That Jones should worship the God within him turns out ultimately to mean that Jones shall worship Jones. Let Jones worship the sun or moon, anything rather than the Inner Light; let Jones worship cats or crocodiles, if he can find any in his street, but not the God within. Christianity came into the world firstly in order to assert with violence that a man had not only to look inward, but to look outward, to behold with astonishment and enthusiasm a divine company and a divine captain. The only fun of being a Christian was that a man was not left alone with the Inner Light, but definitely recognized an outer light, fair as the sun, clear as the moon, terrible as an army with banners." B.B. Warfield-Mysticism and Christianity

Hi Rick B!

You say..."You are incorrect in assuming that there are two ways to obtain knowledge. Facts are provided objectively."

You say in your Description Religion Title: Christian




Veteran Member
Knowing TRUTH by Meditation vs Rationality.

There are ONLY 2 AVENUES..for the Human Brain...to GRASP...Knowledge.

1. Intellectual Rational Analysis.
2. Meditative Realization.

1. ....is Everyday Practicality...
2. ....is Neither Time Bound NOR everyday-practical.

1. Belongs to Science, Philosophy, Politics, Economics, Languages,...
2. Is DEEPER....and....FARTHER....!

.......NO JESUS....
..........NO MOHAMED..!

The Bodhi-Tree - A Buddhist Spiritual Practice Based on the Buddha's Night of Liberation
Jesus' Forty Days in the Desert
Inspirations and Creative Thoughts: Prophet Muhammad's Meditation

...is to Mix SALT & SUGAR....judiciously!


wisdom through meditative realization isn't gaining wisdom by osmosis...
one meditates with past experiences (intellectual rational analysis) as a part of the process of influencing the realization from evidence proven. depending on the level of honesty or objectivity will determine the wisdom gained


Active Member
wisdom through meditative realization isn't gaining wisdom by osmosis...
one meditates with past experiences (intellectual rational analysis) as a part of the process of influencing the realization from evidence proven. depending on the level of honesty or objectivity will determine the wisdom gained

wisdom by osmosis

Osmosis...by its own definition..implies..a Membrane...of this side..and that side..
Osmosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reverse osmosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

WHAT MEMBRANE ..are you talking about?...WHICH DIVIDES....?



Well-Known Member
TRUTH is a state of mind that encompasses all, it is reality itself objective just there HERE NOW but indescribable and unable to be analyzed in any sense. Once you try to encapsulate it in any form that's it, it isn't the truth anymore.

I am not talking about factual/scientific truth by the way


Well-Known Member
I express my being in the simultaneous duality of the dualistic singularity - 4 into 2 into 1.

Ususally. Sometimes, I'm just ellen; when shallow thought and deep beer get me through the day. ;)

Rick B

Active Member
Premium Member
As I said revelational epistemology. In the theistic metaphysical arena, propositional truth recorded in God's written self-disclosure-The Bible.


Well-Known Member
TRUTH is a state of mind that encompasses all, it is reality itself objective just there HERE NOW but indescribable and unable to be analyzed in any sense. Once you try to encapsulate it in any form that's it, it isn't the truth anymore.

I am not talking about factual/scientific truth by the way

Just an addendum to my earlier post. When you no-people capitalize stuff, it makes sense. Whatever else is going on, there is tao.

Rick B

Active Member
Premium Member
Where did I "quantify"( Explicitly exress the logical quantity, by use of all, some, or none) in my statement?


Well-Known Member
Where did I "quantify"( Explicitly exress the logical quantity, by use of all, some, or none) in my statement?

I meant the bible is a perfect example of the error in trying to quantify mystical experiences, see all of Moses and Pauls rules respectively.

You end up with a bunch of nonsense mythology taken as fact when it's all symbolism.


Well-Known Member
one can only learn the truth when the warm fuzzies reach down into the cockles of your heart and burst forth from the spring of frothy giggity goo which arises from the spirit of the unicorn as it impaled it's unisexual horn into the universal mother birthing the gods of rational conundrum who upon reflecting on their inner being cracked open the skulls of pigs spilling the apeman unto the firmament of fermented nature, the holy *****, green and almighty in it's wondrous ubiquity expelling thought which embedded itself into the very marrow of the fae prancing around upon mother's belly belching forth wisdom until the son of light slid forth from the cloaca of Deepak Chopra!

It's true because look at all the underlining, italics, colors and inappropriate use of font sizes.

Rick B

Active Member
Premium Member
By what standard or authority do you claim to judge the veracity of the Bible?


Well-Known Member
one can only learn the truth when the warm fuzzies reach down into the cockles of your heart and burst forth from the spring of frothy giggity goo which arises from the spirit of the unicorn as it impaled it's unisexual horn into the universal mother birthing the gods of rational conundrum who upon reflecting on their inner being cracked open the skulls of pigs spilling the apeman unto the firmament of fermented nature, the holy *****, green and almighty in it's wondrous ubiquity expelling thought which embedded itself into the very marrow of the fae prancing around upon mother's belly belching forth wisdom until the son of light slid forth from the cloaca of Deepak Chopra!

It's true because look at all the underlining, italics, colors and inappropriate use of font sizes.

That's a pretty coded way to tell people to go smoke grass, but I guess the forum rules are pretty strict.


Well-Known Member
By what standard or authority do you claim to judge the veracity of the Bible?

By mystical standards which is where my opinion goes when people discuss "truth"

The bible has some nice tips for the mystic but it gets bogged down by the fairy stories