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Knowledge makes life gray

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I've matured last year, maybe a couple years ago, and all it has led me is to a grey area. Anyone else feel that? I don't really consider it "depression" since I'm not that sad about it, but it just seems... dull.

When I think to back when I was a kid, everything was colorful to me, brighter and more amazing to me.

Does it have to do with knowledge?

What sounds more fun to believe in - The sun is a big lightbulb in the sky or the fact that it is an enormous ball of gas?

That dandelions are flowers or that they are just weeds?

That the earth is flat and extends on forever, or that it is round and just a result of rocks colliding with other rocks from gravity?

That the Indians and Pilgrims sat down and had a feast together in happiness or that those peaceful Indians were raped and robbed and murdered?

Don't get me wrong, knowledge is very important and necessary, but it seems to be a major killjoy in our lives.


Well-Known Member
For me it's not knowledge that makes life boring, but responsibilities. The more a person matures, the more responsibilities that he should handle. That's why you can see some irresponsible jerks out there, 'cause responsibility is boring..


Dr. Greenthumb
I love Knowledge and find the pursuit for more and more knowledge is the equivalent to the pursuit of happiness.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I've matured last year, maybe a couple years ago, and all it has led me is to a grey area. Anyone else feel that? I don't really consider it "depression" since I'm not that sad about it, but it just seems... dull.

When I think to back when I was a kid, everything was colorful to me, brighter and more amazing to me.

Does it have to do with knowledge?
Heh... I think it has to do with you being a teenager. :D

What sounds more fun to believe in - The sun is a big lightbulb in the sky or the fact that it is an enormous ball of gas?

That dandelions are flowers or that they are just weeds?

That the earth is flat and extends on forever, or that it is round and just a result of rocks colliding with other rocks from gravity?

That the Indians and Pilgrims sat down and had a feast together in happiness or that those peaceful Indians were raped and robbed and murdered?

Don't get me wrong, knowledge is very important and necessary, but it seems to be a major killjoy in our lives.
Baloney. It's not knowledge; it's what you do with it.

Here - I think you need this:



Well-Known Member
What sounds more fun to believe in - The sun is a big lightbulb in the sky or the fact that it is an enormous ball of gas?

But it's so much more than an enormous ball of gas. And we have learned that our existence relies upon the fact that these balls of gas explode spreading heavier elements into the universe of which we are comprised. So more than just being a lightbulb what was once part of the stars is now part of us.

That dandelions are flowers or that they are just weeds?

And weeds are inherently bad?! No. If you like dandelions why stop liking them because they are weeds?

That the earth is flat and extends on forever, or that it is round and just a result of rocks colliding with other rocks from gravity?

Just a result! We are still grappling with gravity and using our imaginations to tackle that problem. What do you get with a flat earth. An incorrect view of what is.

That the Indians and Pilgrims sat down and had a feast together in happiness or that those peaceful Indians were raped and robbed and murdered?

I think you need to work on your knowledge.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
What sounds more fun to believe in - The sun is a big lightbulb in the sky or the fact that it is an enormous ball of gas?

But it's so much more than an enormous ball of gas. And we have learned that our existence relies upon the fact that these balls of gas explode spreading heavier elements into the universe of which we are comprised. So more than just being a lightbulb what was once part of the stars is now part of us.

That dandelions are flowers or that they are just weeds?

And weeds are inherently bad?! No. If you like dandelions why stop liking them because they are weeds?

That the earth is flat and extends on forever, or that it is round and just a result of rocks colliding with other rocks from gravity?

Just a result! We are still grappling with gravity and using our imaginations to tackle that problem. What do you get with a flat earth. An incorrect view of what is.

That the Indians and Pilgrims sat down and had a feast together in happiness or that those peaceful Indians were raped and robbed and murdered?

I think you need to work on your knowledge.

How is earth only being a bunch of rocks any good?

We also depend on blood cells, nobody finds those guys beautiful or amazing.

Why do I need to work on my knowledge? Sure the first generation of pilgrims got along, but there was more hatred than love in the second. Accepting that is just dull

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Knowledge and directness is sobering. It just clears any embellishments and fabrications that may have manifested when things were initially new, mysterious, and facinating at one time*. I dont regard anything as being a downer of sorts or a killjoy in light that knowelge purges away those misconceptions, and reveals the truth of things. There is a refreshing quality in seeing things as they really and actually are, and developing an appreciation for it can be just as wonderful as the first time except the boots are more planted on the ground, and the rose colored sunglassess are then marked as "entertainment use only".

Killjoys are embellishments as well mind you. Just need to adjust. Thats all. Drink Java and go ahhh!... ;O)

*Queue in the Chitravina.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I've matured last year, maybe a couple years ago, and all it has led me is to a grey area. Anyone else feel that? I don't really consider it "depression" since I'm not that sad about it, but it just seems... dull.

When I think to back when I was a kid, everything was colorful to me, brighter and more amazing to me.

Does it have to do with knowledge?

What sounds more fun to believe in - The sun is a big lightbulb in the sky or the fact that it is an enormous ball of gas?

That dandelions are flowers or that they are just weeds?

That the earth is flat and extends on forever, or that it is round and just a result of rocks colliding with other rocks from gravity?

That the Indians and Pilgrims sat down and had a feast together in happiness or that those peaceful Indians were raped and robbed and murdered?

Don't get me wrong, knowledge is very important and necessary, but it seems to be a major killjoy in our lives.
I know knowledgeable people that get excited about stuff, and knowledgeable people that don't. I know people who are not particularly knowledgeable who get excited, and some that don't. So I don't think it's knowledge alone. Learning something about the sun doesn't make it seem less interesting. If anything, knowing that it's a giant sphere of nuclear fusion a million times bigger than the earth is much cooler than a giant lightbulb.

I assume it's mostly just perspective. Some people just seem to find things more exciting than others.

For me, only certain types of knowledge kind of make things gray. Like when I was old enough to know that, at any given moment, tons of people are starving to death, or being killed in war, or being tortured, etc. At basically every moment. That kind of made things seem a little lame. Or when I was old enough to understand that all of the stuff around me, all the stuff I interact with, requires energy and material and transportation (more energy), and that the current practices for acquiring those things are unsustainable, and in some cases, lead to those previously mentioned deaths.

So I find that only certain types of knowledge lead to "grayness". Scientific knowledge: no. Ethical knowledge: basically yeah. But it still depends on perspective. Some people aren't bothered by stuff, and some are.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I've matured last year, maybe a couple years ago, and all it has led me is to a grey area. Anyone else feel that? I don't really consider it "depression" since I'm not that sad about it, but it just seems... dull.

When I think to back when I was a kid, everything was colorful to me, brighter and more amazing to me.

Does it have to do with knowledge?

What sounds more fun to believe in - The sun is a big lightbulb in the sky or the fact that it is an enormous ball of gas?

That dandelions are flowers or that they are just weeds?

That the earth is flat and extends on forever, or that it is round and just a result of rocks colliding with other rocks from gravity?

That the Indians and Pilgrims sat down and had a feast together in happiness or that those peaceful Indians were raped and robbed and murdered?

Don't get me wrong, knowledge is very important and necessary, but it seems to be a major killjoy in our lives.

I think one is okay if one has imagination.

I think knowledge can make you incredibly happy if it comes with wisdom.

I remember when I was a child and old people told me "tyhis years of you... the best you are going to have in your life. Enjoy them!" to me I only thought "Uh...huh... I don´t want to be like yu when I grow up".

Knowledge wisdom and imagination should help to better enjoy life. Everyday one can get more creative and grow in understanding and in power over the real world. The key to happines I believe is in the heart ultimately, not in the head.

I remember when I playued I was Batman, I didn´t actually believed I was Batman, I still enjoyed the **** out playing. I still play today as a 21 year old man, and it makes me happy to have my gf to enjoy my silliness :D

So I would say... stop thinking too much, make up a story or play or both, and then enjoy it fully.

If someone thinks your are silly, remember to laugh and point at them ;):p


Cosmic Vagabond
I have been on the search for knowledge for the past few years, non stop. I am a bit closer to your age and can back up the opinion that it likely has a lot to do with your age.

Being that I have been both a teenager and a person with depression (both at the same time once) then the whole "greyness" of everything is very familiar.

In fact, most of the time things are still lackluster, but I think thats the depression :D

I dont think that knowledge ever made anything more grey for me, and actually, they way science explains the things around us is pretty cool. I mean, sure a giant light bulb is neat, but to imagine the the sun is what it actually is, involves so much more than a lightbulb. And then to learn about what light bulbs actually are is cool too :D

Id say, just work on your perspective, and also keep in mind that these kinds of things are an inevitable part of being a teenager, what with the brain chemicals and such; it's science ;) But all things change, and as you once saw the world as you did when you were very young, you now see they world this way, and will one day see it a different way. Just dont hold on to it and it will pass even faster.