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Rolling Marble
Everyone here who can explain to me what it is about?
I think it's one of those channeling movements, but I'm not sure...


Rolling Marble
I personally think it's a hoax to make money, but I know people who are involved.
They call earth "Lady Gaia".


Unrepentant goofer duster
Yeah I always wanted to know what it was about from a anthropological point of view but it was always far too expensive. Like 100+$ to attend these Kryon channeling sessions. So I am inclined to agree with you Marble.

I am checking out a "Masters Path" thing for free next weekend for the same reasons. Should be a hoot. Much like a recent encounter with Braco, if you've ever heard of the new Croatian gaze-healer extraordinaire. A surreal experience I could detail in another thread if requested.


Rolling Marble
My mother attended Braco (she believes in that Kryon stuff too), I refused to accompany her - I'm not going to pay someone for glances.


Unrepentant goofer duster
I thought the entertainment value to be worth the 8$. But I'm a very strange person.


Unrepentant goofer duster
It true. He didn't say a word. He supposedly hasn't spoken publicly in 5 or more years.

So I find out about this thing and a friend and I go. Its at the Airport Marriot in Portland (Or) in one of the back convention centers. Its 8$ for an hour session, but people were buying these all day passes so they could go again and again. I noticed a lot of the volunteers were from Yelm, so I suspected a Ramtha connection on some level. We line up when it seems time and wait. The session gets out and a bunch of people get out of the auditorium and then go right back in line.

When we get to our seats on one side is a couple who described themselves as "healer junkies" and want to know all about how we found out about Braco. On the other are a few wizened old Ethiopian ladies with large poster boards covered in photographs of their extended family. This was a pretty good picture of the demographic. A lot of recent immigrants.. Slavs, Ethiopians, Vietnamese, Indian.. all with these large poster boards covered in photographs. The newagers had only their smiling heart chakras.

So a pleasant blond lady comes out and introduces herself as the spokeswoman for Braco America and seems familiar. I later find out she was an actress and used to have a bit part in Friends as Ross's lesbian ex-wife. :D

So she starts talking about how cool Braco is and how he healed her totally skeptic husbands tennis injury by gazing at it over Skype. Then they play a video about him and I realize just what a big deal he is in his native Croatia.. many thousands of people lining up in his special chapel-gazing hall thingie. Old conservative-looking Serbian Orthodox ladies lined up with the picture boards. Its blowing my mind.

So like 30-40 minutes have gone by and no Braco.. She comes out again and starts talking about what it will be like and what people have experienced... she's doing a good job of getting on my nerves now... and finally introduces the main event. The worst new age music starts playing.. total crystal healing instructional video soundtrack material or even shades of Unarius*.

Braco comes out.. for everyone who doesn't know he looks like this:

They shine this strange set of lights on the podium from either side that cast a very odd cross-shadow and he ascends it. From one side to another, void of expression, towering above all, he gazes at the audience.

If you've read my other posts, you may know I believe in the ability of the human mind to access many capacities not currently understood (or even understandable) by science. Magic, in other words. [Disclaimer: feel free to regard the rest of this as crazy talk.] So I took this opportunity to see what Braco looks like on, for lack of a better term, the "astral plane". And what I got was first like a white nothing.. a strong mirror.. the primary god-form he is using to hold all this energy certainly containing solar characteristics (definite surrogate christ vibes) and when he looked right at me I could see some kind of solar angelic entity but I couldn't feel it like it was actually there.. it was an illusion created by my expectations in the event..generated by the strong (but not so deep) mirror held by this man, whose real face I don't think I ever saw once during the event. Nothing passed the mirror of those eyes.

The strangest moment was when the horribly cheeseball soundtrack stopped and the whole audience was dead silent while he gazed to and fro.. for a good 3-5 minutes. Quite stark. Then he leaves in silence and the lady tells us we should buy a video. Definitely worth my 8$.

*If you don't know what Unarius is type it into youtube to see the best video art made by a UFO cult ever. So good.
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