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Leaving Jesus Christ out of politics imperils America
David Dickerson
extracted from a letter to the editor at Springfield Missouri's News Leader
Again, no specification of the terrible price that failure to place Christ first would bring and no understanding of the benefit to deny Christ a place in Constitutional law.
And this is tied to the Civil War????
David Dickerson
extracted from a letter to the editor at Springfield Missouri's News Leader
We go from reluctance to address a secular issue of slavery to a sectarian concern?????Of course, the reluctance of politicians to openly address the issue of equal rights might not have reflected their innermost feelings. Rather, it is reasonable to believe that politicians, including Lincoln, desired liberty for all but were hindered in their efforts by what the constituent was willing to accept. In any event, the combination of an apathetic political structure coupled with an unresponsive constituency did little to help emancipate the Negro, or to stave off Civil War that resulted in the loss of over 600,000 lives.
I am convinced we have a situation in the United States today that mirrors several of the circumstances we saw affecting the late 1850s. Specifically, there is little evidence of our political leaders publicly acknowledging Jesus Christ as the rightful Lord of our country.
What shaky ground?Are we not operating on shaky ground if the name of Jesus Christ is seldom, if ever, mentioned by those responsible for governing America?
It would definetly effect my impression of a politician to acknowledge politically some higher authority than the US Constitution. His or her character would be in severe question for disregarding the oath of office to protect the Constitution.Why is the name of Jesus and, more importantly, the calling upon his authority consistently missing from the rhetoric of political leaders? Could it be because politicians might think it would somehow jeopardize their political well being? Possibly, the failure to openly acknowledge Jesus Christ is closely tied to keeping "church and state" separated. Or, has the citizenry become so complacent in respect to his name that politicians are merely following suit?
We hear that old saw again about our founding - it was no more true when first said as it is today. I wonder if the delibrate repetition could be called dishonest?Whatever the reasons are for minimizing the role of Jesus in a country founded on the principles of Christianity, let's not forget we were inclined once to minimize the freedom of the black race and ultimately ended up paying a terrible price. What are the ramifications if the nation continues to minimize the rightful place of Jesus? The toll once paid for a Civil War might pale in comparison.
Again, no specification of the terrible price that failure to place Christ first would bring and no understanding of the benefit to deny Christ a place in Constitutional law.
And this is tied to the Civil War????