We are not talking about America. Racism and xenophobia can be found in all demographics.
Yes, but we’re not talking about racism, as every human is racist in some degree, we are talking about overt, racist aggression. Man, everyone is racist, sexist, etc. to the degree that they think (as everyone does) that they are the best of all people. All these “-isms” are ultimately based in
egotism, and the thought that “I am the center of the universe, which revolves about me”. These types of thoughts are common to every person’s “Id”. Don’t know about you, but I think within my “Id”, that I’m God’s gift to creation, the best that a human can be. Do I need to list why? Do you seriously think that there is anybody alive who doesn’t harbor thoughts such as this within the primal portion of his mind? If you respond yes, then
gnothi seauton, woman, you need to introspect some.
Most of us are able to recognize our own racist/sexist/etc. thoughts, and mentally counter them before we offend, but people who cannot or will not do that are the ones who make scenes and hurt others. Generally speaking, people with “class” were taught as children or have otherwise learned to recognize their egotistical thoughts and counter them before they reach the lips, and in part these emotional checks are responsible for their social and economic success. You don’t usually see members of “the one percent” out in the streets yelling the “n word” or anything like that…it is always lower class people. People of lower soc.-etc. strata have sometimes not ever learned to deal with these emotionally based, deep-mind feelings, and end up acting out upon them.