That is one way to see it.I would have to disagree here. A vote represents that the voter is okay with what that candidate is representing.
But it doesn't address the complexity of the larger picture, ie, that....
1) Candidates can be viewed as not just who they are, but also
as their potential future record in office. For example, Bernie
was ostensibly a socialist. And despite socialism being a disaster,
there's no way he'd have presidential power to impose it upon us.
But we & other countries have been ravaged by our feckless wars,
& Bernie would indeed have the power to not start new ones.
I judged him to portend a better net effect on Ameristan than Trump.
So I'd have voted for him over Trump, despite my vigorous
disagreement with him on many issues.
2) Candidates don't run in a vacuum. Hillary vs Trump, & Joe
vs Trump both are lesser-of-2-evils choices for many of us.
Remember that Joe opposed public school integration, he
voted to start the Iraq war, his overt racism against blacks,
& he too has sexual impropriety allegations dogging him.
If you judge other people by the simplistic standard that they
are who they vote for (or otherwise support), then beware
being judged by your own standard.