in essence saying Jesus finished work is not enough.
So do you believe that you can sin and commit adultery as long as you "believe in Jesus's "finished work"? Apparently you must think Paul is pretty "evil" since he says similarly that you have to actually still be a good person and obey a certain guideline.
Like Paul said if you seek to be justified by the law you are fallen from grace.
Paul also said that unrepentant fornicators won't enter the Kingdom. Or people that are even just angry. Is that legalism? Is Paul denying the finished work on the cross? Is Paul saying that justification involves obedience to some standard of action beyond claiming to "believe on" Christ?
legalism is just as evil as the latter I mentioned
So the idea that you have to actually obey the commandments like Jesus taught is evil? Dang Jesus was an evil guy!
Why does 1 Peter say that Salvation is something you "grow into"? Why does Paul say to "work out your salvation in fear and trembling"? Apparently there's more to your salvation involved than just believing in "Christ's finished work". What's "evil" is thinking you think can totally ignore everything Jesus says about your works and behavior being important and just go by a few cherry picked verses that ultimately deny 99% of the things he taught, that would be completely "denying" Jesus.
in essence saying Jesus finished work is not enough
Hebrews 10:26 says that no more sacrifice remains for one who "sins" after receiving knowledge of the truth. The context, in relation to the rest of the Chapter, is not saying that you don't have to do anything, it's saying that you have no more leniency, the sacrifice does not cover your future sins. And what is the definition of "Sin"? 1 John 3:4 is quite clear, "Lawlessness". Who did Jesus say would be rejected in Matthew 7:22-23? "Doers of Lawlessness", that would include all those who call Jesus "Lord" but think that they can ignore obeying what he actually teaches from a Jewish prophet-Messiah perspective, and that's the full compliance with the Law.
What is the point of a sacrifice if you're going to continue to sin? Do you think Christ gives you a free pass to sin? If not, why not? What is the consequence of willful sinning? Nothing?