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Lesson from Declining Faith\Get Blessings of Promises by Allah, and His Connection\Rise and Shine


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on all....Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) said in his address to UK’s young Ahmadiyya Muslim mens [at their Ijtema / annual spiritual and moral training gathering] that Allah the Exalted has mentioned in Surah Al-Kahf [Holy Quran, chapter 18] how young Christians lived in the early centuries of Christianity. There is a lesson in it. They lived with steadfastness, continuous prayers, strong bond with Allah. They defended their faith from opponents and kings. They were sure they cannot get success without help for Allah. Their struggle bore fruits and despite prolonged persecution by opponents, their faith did not shake. They had an aim.

Then kings accepted Christianity. The faith obtained worldly power.

Then a slow decline began. Life became earthly. Strength in faith decreased. They got physical prosperity. They began to give precedence to worldly life over religion. Then eventually a time came when their connection with faith became only a label.

Christianity as religion has collapsed. Worldly power is there but no spirituality. Lack of interest in Christianity and decline has gone so deep that Arch Bishop of Canterbury has mentioned his concern that perhaps Christianity is about to go extinct in UK and Islam will be superior.

Huzur (may Allah be his Helper) said that we should ponder at the failure of other religions. Surely decline of Christianity is fated by Allah…..The Holy Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was sent and Islam’s victory is written fate……..Non-Muslims are openly saying so.

Huzur (a.t.) said: I remind Ahmadi youth and all Ahmadis to invite people of all nations towards real Islam with enthusiasm and effort. Convey the perfect teaching to all world….All religions except Islam will slowly lose their importance. Previous Prophets foretold so. Prophecy for Islam’s eternity was done.

Allah has made several promises with believers.

= One of these is the eternal safety of Holy Quran by Allah Who has sent it. Today, after 1400 + years, not an iota has been changed in it. The same words are still present. Millions of Hufaaz commit the words of Quran exactly as Allah revealed it. Recently an old copy of Quran is found, first it was said it belonged to 8 th Century and it is exactly same as which is being used today. Further research showed, the found copy belonged to 6 th Century. Thus the attempt that the copy was not saved was failed by their own research. The Promise of security of Quran by Allah the Exalted has been being fulfilled grandeur.

= Another promised is about Akhareen [the later people]. Allah has sent the Promised Reformer of later days [Promised Messiah Mahdi , on whom be peace] who is the real obedient ardent devotee of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). We Ahmadis are fortunate that that our forefathers accepted his signs of truth by Allah the Exalted. Holy Quran made the promise and Holy Prophet (sa) explained it and we believed it.

= There is the promise of grant of Khilafat for real believers. There are conditions for it which should be fulfilled for the continuous fulfillment of this promise. One of the conditions is believers should pay rights of worship One Allah, other conditions are pay Zakaat, and live life as true obedient of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). When these conditions about Allah’s true worship, Salaat and financial sacrifice for deen / religion will be fulfilled, bounty of Khilafat will be granted. We are fortunate that this grand bounty has been given to Jama'at Ahmadiyya. We should increase our faith and continue to check our internal states. Our young men should keep worldly desires on side and devote themselves for deen / religion so that future generations should get this bounty of Khilafat too.

How Christians are going away from their faith and leaders of Church are being worried whether Christianity will stay or not. They are depressed that perhaps Christianity is taking last breaths. The base of desire to save Christianity is the result of worldly desires. Divine support is not with them.

On the other hand, it is the promise of Allah the Exalted that He will continue to save Islam. Deen has been made perfect through teachings of Quran and it will be remain in perfect condition till Qaiyamat / Hereafter. In

This regard, Muslim need not worry.

Huzur (a.t.) said he is worried that there should be no young man in Jama'at who go away from religion because such going away will destroy their lives……..True followers promise that they shall remain servant of Jama'at. They shall get bounties mentioned in Quran………Jama'at is spreading Islam worldwide and serving deen.

A young man in Ivory Coast who was previously non-Ahmadiyya Muslim, always thought about Islam but it always made him sad when he would look at the conditions of Muslims and mutual fights……Sometimes ago he went to Ahmadiyya mosque, offered Salaat, attended dars / lecture and heard speech of local Ahmadis. Soon he realized the truth of Jama'at Ahmadiyya and joined it by doing Bai'at. [making pledge of allegiance]. After that he made savings and bought dish antenna to watch MTA tv at home. Previously, he would regularly watch MTA in mosque with interest. He started to watch all programs. His faith continued to get strength. He committed the schedule in memory. He finds extreme peace in watching sermons of Huzur (a.t.) and happy to watch other programs.

Huzur (a.t.) said that we should be thankful to Allah the Exalted, there is great bounty for us in the form of MTA.

Time changes. By the grace of Allah the Exalted, after Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) Jama'at Ahmadiyya have been granted eternal Khilafat. Each Ahmadi should make strong connection with Khilafat. Like the young man in Ivory Coast, Ahmadis should not miss the Sermons, their faith should get increased as that young man’s faith progressed. Each Ahmadi should get benefits from MTA. It presents programs on various topics, it presents view of Jama'at Ahmadiyya and solutions. Many people mention their passions for it…….Similarly Ahmadiyya radio stations are serving.

Ahmadis should increase their religious knowledge and serve Islam as leading force, and fulfill expectation of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) to defend Islam and practice its teaching.

In these times, true teachings of Islam have been presented in twisted ways. The Sun has risen as Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), we should take his message to the ends of the earth. Educated people confess that the teachings of Jama'at Ahmadiyya are the most effective.

At places, these days, many injustices have been going on in the world. On the name of Islam and Khilafat, young people are losing right path. As the result, many innocent people are losing lives. Hopeless people fell in traps. Initially they felt they were going to serve faith but advantage was taken of them and they were sent to do wrong things on the name of Jihad [wrong concept of Jihad].

Hazrat Promised Messiah has presented true Islam. His Jama'at in Europe, America, Asia, Africa and other places is under the flag of true Khilafat with same creed as one people.

Media in UK, USA and other places reports that Ahmadiyya-Islam gives peaceful teaching.

Each Ahmadi youth convey the true message of Islam with their full capacity, and save those young people who have been

trapped in the shackles of so called Ulama / clergies.

Followers of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) should defend Islam from those who are determined to destroy Islam. Ahmadi youth should become the front line defender of Islam.

Huzur (a.t.) said: Today (14 June 2015), Ijtema [gathering] of Ahmadi young men in UK and USA is taking place. Make strong promise that you will be the people who defend Islam, and convey its peaceful teaching to the far places. We have believed Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) who has explained the beautiful teachings of Islam. He (a.s.) said that this era is era of fight between virtue and evil. Satanic attack want to defeat Islam………. We have to save Islam from such attacks. Islamic world has mutual conflicts which makes other happy. Muslim also have problems with other nations……We have to make it clear that Islam is religion of peace, with all effort and readiness for sacrifice……Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that God has made Jama'at Ahmadiyya because distance between human and God was increased……...He (a.s.) was sent to make hidden God manifest…….We have to correct ourselves…..Success comes when we walk on the path of God. If self correction is not made, Bai'at will not give benefit and it will be like Christians who were strong in right faith in early times, and now have drifted away to the point that Church is feeling its last breath….….

Prosperity and technology should not make people go away from God. Walk on His ways. For this, study the books of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) which are a way to make connection with Allah the Exalted. Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) stresses to make this connection.

Ramadhan is about to start. There are many occasions to have nearness of Allah in this month. One should keep Fast and remember Allah in abundance; recite Quran in abundance; try to learn teachings; mere Bai'at with Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) is not enough, each Ahmadi should make connection with Allah the Exalted.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (one whom be peace) said that Unless Ahmadis will walk on the path of Taqwa / righteousness, they cannot reach Allah.

Do not follow the path of people who forgot their Maker in pursuit of earthly delights.

Fulfill conditions of Bai'at.

May Allah enable us to practice all these matters, may we give precedence to deen (religion) over earthly life. May you become such Khuddam [auxiliary of Ahmadi men from age 15-40 ] who cause progress of their nations and do not become burden for their nations.

Make promise that our Ijtamaat [spiritual moral training gatherings] become means of progress, which guide the world towards Allah.

Huzur (a.t.) said that he finds during his world tours that people realize that Jama'at Ahmadiyya practice real teachings of Islam. We are not wordy but it is fact that our lives call towards true peace. No Ahmadi should never feel inferior. Knowledge, wisdom and truth is with us. All of us should have personal connection with Allah. May Allah make you successful and enable you to practice at my words, may you manifest truth of Islam.

Some of you have come here (UK) because you were not allowed to do worship in your previous homelands. You were not given right to practice your faith. Some were directly affected other could not bear the examples and left for here…..Your coming here is due to Ahmadiyyat – the real Islam which says you should not make discord, and your should create peace. You left your country for the sake of God. So worship. It should not be so, that when cases of asylum are passed you forget God. This benevolence of God is because of Jama'at. Here you have been given prosperity so always be thankful servant of God. Remain connected with Khilafat and Jama'at, and fulfill your duties, so that Islam prosper. Present good models. Take asylum’s benefits as much permissible by law and truth. Do not take support of false. To hold to false against God is shirk [making associate with God]. May Allah save everyone from temporary gods. Allah is Ever-living.

As salamo alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatohu to Khuddam in UK and USA Ijtema.

Reference : Based on Address to Ijtema UK and USA, June 12, 2015 , UK, mta.tv