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Lessons from Life of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.)


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…..Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) said: In this age , Allah the Exalted has sent Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) as subservient to Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). He (a.s.) has shown us the beauty of the base, root and real teaching of deen (faith, Islam), and advised us to remove bad-innovations and wrong narratives. In this age he (on whom be peace) is the true exemplar of the teaching and excellent model of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). In this respect, his (a.s.) model too is the path-showing light for us.

We are fortunate that our respectful forefathers and the Companions of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) conveyed to us the narratives about him (a.s.). There might be many among long term Ahmadis who would have directly heard events and narratives about Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) from their elders, who saw him (a.s.) and were blessed of his company.

Huzur (a.t.) presented advices and narratives by Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him: The second Khalifatul Messiah) in relation to above mentioned subject.

Hazrat Musleh Maud (r.a.) stated the significance of traditions regarding Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) in unique style. He derived counsel and much about the basic teachings of Islam from even apparently minor, ordinary accounts. During his time, still many of Companions of Hazrat Promised Messiah a.s. lived, he asked them and their relatives to collect accounts related to Hazrat Promised Messiah a.s. because these accounts were to provide advice, real teaching and solutions to many problems to come for next generations. He said even the smallest narrative regarding Hazrat Promised Messiah a.s. is helpful and saves us from many mischiefs and evils.

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) said that it was a national-betrayal if anyone who remembered even the very little thing about Hazrat Promised Messiah a.s. but did not tell others about it. Some seemingly little matters are very important in terms of results. Following is brief mention of

=For example, this matter seems little that once gourd was cooked for Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and he ate pieces of gourd from curry with liking and highly praised this vegetable…..Apparently it is a minute matter but it helped Islam a lot. A time came for Muslims when under the influence of Hindu culture, they began to think the virtuous people do not eat pleasant food and such avoidance is the way of Jogis and Faqirs….Once a person in Qadian felt surprise when he heard Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) ate Pulao and used almond oil. He was told that ascetics and holy men in Islam are allowed to use such bounties…….Had the Companions of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) not mentioned the account about gourd, an important (food related) matter would have been missed unstated.

=Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) wore a fine robe to Friday Salaat. He s.a.w. was very keen of cleanliness.

=Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah I (r.a) was a busy servant of faith and humanity (seeing patients), sometimes he would forget Friday related bath and changing dress. Once Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) reminded him in subtle way to remember sunnah of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) regarding bath and change of clothes on Fridays.

=A young man said that he was child at the time of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.). Once he held the hand of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) who kept holding his hand but after a while he had to attend something, so he let go of the child's hand.

From this apparently small incidence, many lessons can be drawn: Little children should be brought to gatherings of holy persons. In future, the indulgence in worldly matter was to make people negligent of this good practice so this incidence pre-counters it. Similarly, it also clarify any future thought regarding, a holy man may let hand of other go to attend some matter.

=Once someone read in some book that small actions during Salaat leave Salaat invalid….Then this person learned the Hadith that Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) picked up his child during Salaat and putting him down during Raku and Sajdah (Bowing and Prostration)….This person began to think about Salaat of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). The person was wrong, as the Shariah law was due to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) not due to writer of some book.

=Once Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) went to a garden and sat with friends and said, ‘let us eat shahtoot’ (sub-continental mulberry). They spread a cloth in the garden and ate th shahtoot, harvesting it by shaking the tree….. Some accounts resolve future religious, cultural and political issues.

=Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) was eager for the progress of Islam even before the start of Ahmadiyya Community. He arranged Salaat for the people of Qadian. He sent for people to come for Salaat. People in area were farmers. To subdue their excuse, he (a.s.) arranged one free meal for them. About 25 to 30 came but venture closed down latter……By the time of Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.), four mosque were in operation in Qadian.......Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) said Now, mosques of Jama'at are everywhere in the world, attention should be given to fill them.

More and mention of life events of two elders. They were enthusiastic conveyers of Message @