Anyone and everyone is invited to answer the following series of in-depth, insightful, straight-shooting interview questions, but please make it easy on everyone else by quoting each question before responding. That way no one has to look up which question you're responding to.
Please answer any or all of these questions:
1) What would your favorite color be if you were standing in a pitch dark cave and could not see it? Would you most likely be wearing that color? If so, how?
2) Where are you most likely to sing to yourself? What are you most likely to be doing when singing to yourself? And what song are you most likely to sing?
3) Which of the arts are you least familiar with or feel you least appreciate? Why?
4) Please fill in the blank: "To me, a watermelon would be erotic if ____________________________."
5) If Micheal has three apples in his arms, and Stephanie has seven pears in hers, what is the velocity at which Rodger must collide with Micheal and Stephanie in order to produce a fruit salad? No googling, please.
6) Why, if at all, is it important to you to be scientifically literate? And what is the average size of a litter of scientists, anyway?
7) If you had to choose, would you prefer on the one hand to have a sense of purpose or meaning in life, or on the other hand, to be happy in life? How did your enthusiasm for second-hand chicken costumes factor into your decision here?
8) Suppose you come home early from a business meeting only to find your spouse in bed with your best friend. What would you instantly assume was the real reason they were in bed together?
9) About Captain Kirk of the Enterprise... Why?
10) If you could enhance or improve one trait or characteristic about yourself, what would that trait or characteristic be? And why would you want to mess with it?
11) Please assume that Sunstone is a considerate, passionate lover...
12) What was one of the most thrilling moments of your life to date? What was one of the most fulfilling moments?
13) Taken as a whole, does your life's history seem to you to "read" like a story? If so, please describe the plot in 48 words or less. What do you suppose the climax will be, and when will it come? Do you think they'll be a happy ending?
14) Who is your best friend in the whole wide world? What makes them your best friend? Have you ever given them a wedgie? If not, why not?
15) Do you consider mischievousness a desirable trait in children and/or adults? Why, why not, or why not not?
16) When dressing a Spanish donkey in black fishnet stockings and lace garters, is it proper to put stockings and garters on all four legs, or just the two rear legs? Defend your reasoning!
17) On a ten point scale of one to @Rival, just how perverted are you?
18) Is there something you'd like to say for the camera?
19) Do you quite often talk on behalf of inanimate objects, such as walls or cameras?
20) Please fill in the blank: "My virginity was never so lost as ___________________________."
21) How do you typically respond to those people who insinuate that you dropped out of grade school because of your abject failure to draw a credible stick figure portrait of your family for art class?
22) What food item are you most likely to eat because you always think it will taste better than it actually does?
24) What was question #23 all about?
Please answer any or all of these questions:
1) What would your favorite color be if you were standing in a pitch dark cave and could not see it? Would you most likely be wearing that color? If so, how?
2) Where are you most likely to sing to yourself? What are you most likely to be doing when singing to yourself? And what song are you most likely to sing?
3) Which of the arts are you least familiar with or feel you least appreciate? Why?
4) Please fill in the blank: "To me, a watermelon would be erotic if ____________________________."
5) If Micheal has three apples in his arms, and Stephanie has seven pears in hers, what is the velocity at which Rodger must collide with Micheal and Stephanie in order to produce a fruit salad? No googling, please.
6) Why, if at all, is it important to you to be scientifically literate? And what is the average size of a litter of scientists, anyway?
7) If you had to choose, would you prefer on the one hand to have a sense of purpose or meaning in life, or on the other hand, to be happy in life? How did your enthusiasm for second-hand chicken costumes factor into your decision here?
8) Suppose you come home early from a business meeting only to find your spouse in bed with your best friend. What would you instantly assume was the real reason they were in bed together?
9) About Captain Kirk of the Enterprise... Why?
10) If you could enhance or improve one trait or characteristic about yourself, what would that trait or characteristic be? And why would you want to mess with it?
11) Please assume that Sunstone is a considerate, passionate lover...
12) What was one of the most thrilling moments of your life to date? What was one of the most fulfilling moments?
13) Taken as a whole, does your life's history seem to you to "read" like a story? If so, please describe the plot in 48 words or less. What do you suppose the climax will be, and when will it come? Do you think they'll be a happy ending?
14) Who is your best friend in the whole wide world? What makes them your best friend? Have you ever given them a wedgie? If not, why not?
15) Do you consider mischievousness a desirable trait in children and/or adults? Why, why not, or why not not?
16) When dressing a Spanish donkey in black fishnet stockings and lace garters, is it proper to put stockings and garters on all four legs, or just the two rear legs? Defend your reasoning!
17) On a ten point scale of one to @Rival, just how perverted are you?
18) Is there something you'd like to say for the camera?
19) Do you quite often talk on behalf of inanimate objects, such as walls or cameras?
20) Please fill in the blank: "My virginity was never so lost as ___________________________."
21) How do you typically respond to those people who insinuate that you dropped out of grade school because of your abject failure to draw a credible stick figure portrait of your family for art class?
22) What food item are you most likely to eat because you always think it will taste better than it actually does?
24) What was question #23 all about?