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Let's brand ourselves red.

Which label best fits you?

  • Anarchist

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Communist

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Socialist

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Green

    Votes: 6 13.0%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 8 17.4%
  • Progressivist

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Centrist

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Libertarian

    Votes: 5 10.9%
  • Populist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 6 13.0%
  • Neo-Conservative

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Totalitarian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fascist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tribalist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 9 19.6%

  • Total voters


Reason, and reason again
I know a lot of us don't like to throw around labels, but let's throw caution in the wind for once. Which political label fits you best and why? More precisely, is there anything you hold that is contrary to where you fall on the political spectrum (for example, liberal who supports taking evolution out of the class room).

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
I like to consider myself a moderate. I believe that extremes are the problem as extremists are incapable of objective discussion. I maintain political independence because I refuse to vote party lines. Conservatives consider me too liberal, Liberals consider me too conservative, I consider all of them just too much.

I like the Libertarian stance but the extreme version is just as bad as the rest of them. The last Democrat I liked was Wesley Clark but he didn’t make it very far because he just wasn’t extreme enough for the current Democratic Party. I am really hoping the Rudy Giuliani makes it as he is a very good mix of liberal and conservative with a proven track record of hard work and integrity.

But my favorite fantasy is of course, Condi vs Hillary. Gooooo Condi!!


God's Nephew
I am a libertarian. I don't believe the government has any business doing most of what its doing outside of its constitutional limits.


The Devil's Advocate
GeneCosta said:
I know a lot of us don't like to throw around labels, but let's throw caution in the wind for once. Which political label fits you best and why? More precisely, is there anything you hold that is contrary to where you fall on the political spectrum (for example, liberal who supports taking evolution out of the class room).
I'm a liberal, unabashedly.

I'd say the contrary views that come immediately to mind are:

1) I have no desire to outlaw guns, whereas most liberals seem to be hostile to the second amendment.

2) While I am strongly pro-choice, I do not believe that a foetus is "just a ball of cells" and I am against late-term abortions.

3) While I strongly favor equality for same-sex couples, I also am sympathetic to the religious view that marriage is a religious sacrament. Therefore, if it were up to me, we wouldn't be fighting for legalizing same-sex marriages; we'd be fighting for legalizing same-sex civil unions and removing "marriage" from the the civil arena altogether.

4) Separation of church and state does not mean separation of religion and politics. I am not hostile to religious expression within politics, which seems to give many liberals fits.

5) I'm not ashamed to say that I love my country whereas a lot of liberals seem to think that expressing love for one's own country somehow means that we're putting other countries down. I really don't think that has to be the case.


Reason, and reason again
FeathersinHair said:
Awwww! You didn't have the "tree hugging hippy" category!

Hey, I'm a Green for that reason. :D

In responce to my own answer, I'm not pro-choice, and I'm not as fond a supporter of legalizing drugs, though I do see the double-standard involving alcohol.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
GeneCosta said:
Hey, I'm a Green for that reason. :D

In responce to my own answer, I'm not pro-choice, and I'm not as fond a supporter of legalizing drugs, though I do see the double-standard involving alcohol.

True. I'm afraid, in retrospect, that my reply should have been quite a bit more like the esteemed Shaktinah. Curse you for being so eloquent! (Except that I can't and wouldn't want to because you're so awesome...)


Veteran Member
GeneCosta said:
I know a lot of us don't like to throw around labels, but let's throw caution in the wind for once. Which political label fits you best and why?
Socialist describes to an extent my beliefs on economic issues and social justice. Liberal could be used to characterise my outlook in that I'm live and let live. Anarchist touches on my feelings regarding governance and authority. Green suits me fine in regards to environmental issues. I think all these things and more are quite easily contained in libertarian socialism, which to my knowledge is the best descriptor of my political outlook.

GeneCosta said:
[More precisely, is there anything you hold that is contrary to where you fall on the political spectrum (for example, liberal who supports taking evolution out of the class room).
Some of the ways I differ from people 'on my side' are these:

I'm pro-choice which you'd likely expect. I'm very uneasy about the idea though. I'm not looking for a debate right now, but I find it very difficult to justify abortion in most cases.

I don't dislike the market economy essentially, and I don't believe capitalism is the root of all evil or that private trade is somehow eradicable as many of my comrades do.

I believe most drugs should be decriminalised. Drug disorders are social health problems not criminal ones imo. Drug decriminalisation seems to be fine with people until I mention coke or heroin.

I have less concern for blaming specific governments for problems than blaming governments generally in many cases.

I think the sanctions against Iraq were a greater tradgedy than the inavsion and I do not subscribe to ideas of coalition mistakes in managing the operation. Many of the worst atrocities have parallels to other interventions, and are, I believe, quite deliberate.

I do not believe that the complete obliteration of the Palestinian people is either a conscious motive or unaviodable outcome of the Israeli occupation. I beleive peace will come without genocide on either end.

I don't believe religion is incompatable with science, in such things as the evolution controversy, only ignorance.


Steel Magnolia
I guess I would be considered a conservative. Basically, I am against gay marriage, abortion, illegal immigrants, and terrorists. And that's what my parents are, so...


Deviled Hen
GeneCosta said:
I know a lot of us don't like to throw around labels, but let's throw caution in the wind for once. Which political label fits you best and why? More precisely, is there anything you hold that is contrary to where you fall on the political spectrum (for example, liberal who supports taking evolution out of the class room).

Other: Baha'i

As a Baha'i, I eschew any political labels, especially anything that might, even remotely, be associated with any political party.

We take no sides in anyone's politics. We have bigger fish to fry, and so prefer to live politics to the politicos.

We can vote, and occasionally run for non-partisan judge or school board, or something like that.

But if you want a political-discussion free zone during campaign seasons, let me know and I'll put you in touch with your local Baha'is. You can go party with them and skip the whole blasted thing. :woohoo:


Following Christ
I would have to vote anti-labelist. :D Among the choices, I would have to pick conservative, not the religious right conservatives which I guess are disparagingly refered to as neo-conservatives, but rather a limited government fiscal conservative that is not represented by today's Democrats or Republicans.

I rather like shaktinah's post except I don't consider myself a liberal. :eek:


Deviled Hen
CaptainXeroid said:
I would have to vote anti-labelist. :D Among the choices, I would have to pick conservative, not the religious right conservatives which I guess are disparagingly refered to as neo-conservatives, but rather a limited government fiscal conservative that is not represented by today's Democrats or Republicans.

They used to call those "Natural Fiber" Republicans back in the old days. :D


The Devil's Advocate
CaptainXeroid said:
Among the choices, I would have to pick conservative, not the religious right conservatives which I guess are disparagingly refered to as neo-conservatives, but rather a limited government fiscal conservative that is not represented by today's Democrats or Republicans.
Is "neo-con" a disparaging term? I thought that label was chosen by the neo-cons themselves. At least, the first time I remember hearing it, it was being used by a neo-con to identify his own position. (Tho I think the term has become disparaging because of the mess it's gotten us in.)

CaptainXeroid said:
I rather like shaktinah's post except I don't consider myself a liberal. :eek:
Thank you and that's fine. :) As long as we don't hate each other over it I have no problem with differences in political views.

I have a question for Gene: How is "Green" not liberal? Liberal doesn't just mean Democrat does it?