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Liberate World from Oppression- Power of Unidirectional Prayers-God Recognized thru Prayers-Victory.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.

[Holy Quran Surah Al-Naml, chapter 27, verse 63] “Or, Who (is He, Who) answers the distressed person when he call upon Him, and removes evil, and makes you successors in the earth? Is there a God besides Allah? Very little is that what you hold of advice.”

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has repeatedly advised it to the people of his Jama'at that they should pay great attention to prayers because progress and supremacy of Jama'at and getting rid of opponents’ plots and actions will be achieved by prayers. He made it very clear that the weapon of our victory is the prayer.

Thus if we have to achieve each progress and to defeat each foe through prayers, then keeping in mind such importance of prayers, how much attention we ought to pay to prayers and how much attention we are devoting to prayers to get this objective. Each of us can make its estimation and check by looking at own condition.

Past days, a dear of Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) told him a dream of his, in which Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.) was saying to him, “Ramadhan has ended very soon, still I was to make Jama'at to do more prayers.”…..Huzur (a.t.) explains that there is an indication in it: As focus on prayers is maintained in Ramadhan, it will not be the same afterwards while Jama'at still is in great need of prayers…..Allah the Exalted has put in the heart of Huzur (a.t.) before he heard the dream, that he should draw attention of Jama'at towards prayers in Friday sermon after Ramadhan too….The favouring dream drew more attention.

Currently, conditions in world, Muslim Ummah especially Israel’s brutal attacks on Palestinians; there are cease fires; Palestinians are accused of initiating rocket attacks (Allah knows better about reality); may Allah make such arrangement which end the war permanently and oppression is stopped. We also observe Muslims’ mutual oppression on each other, chopping necks and murders, it is reaching to high limits. The extreme cruelty by these Kalima reciters is that they oppress Ahmadis on the name of Allah and Messenger and find excuses to continue these oppression willfully and give statements. It has become common by many Pakistanis to persecute and oppress Ahmadis at each level and occasion, under the influence of Mullahs [Fanatic-Clergies]. This poison is being passed on to the children too; at this young age when they have no real understanding of religion and animosity, they utter the words like, “Ahmadis are Kafirs [disbelievers] and their murder is allowed.”…Ahmadiyya Muslim teachers are misbehaved by children because of religion. These teachers are expelled and boycotted…The other day, in a village, parents and children rallied and caused shutdown to protest against such teacher. A reasonable person reminded them that Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) freed prisoners of war [who had come to kill Muslims in war!] if they taught Muslims how to read and write. The villagers replied, that incidence in the past was true for Kafirs but these Qadianis [fanatics’ hateful slang for Ahmadiyya Muslims] people are worst than Kafirs. We are sparing their lives but according to us, it is permitted to kill them….This obstination get any low after any incidence and remains same….In Guranwala incidence, neighbours who used to have good terms with Ahmadis, some of them took part in looting the vacated houses of Ahmadis. When Fall reaches to such level, nothing can be said except ‘inna lillah’ [surely we are for Allah]. These people have reached to their ending.

In this period of trials we need to bow to Allah the Exalted more than before. Thus do not let deficiency come in your prayers…….Non-Amadiyya Muslims get even with each other by doing oppression for oppression. But Ahmadiyya-Muslims have to respond to each act of oppression by self-immersion in Cry-to-Allah the Exalted through humble and earnest prayers. Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said in a couplet:

Foe, when, in noise and clamor, heightened
Concealed, we, our self, in Hidden-Friend

Thus it is needed;
= to get concealed in Hidden-Friend.
= to produce the condition in self which shake the pillars of Divine throne [metaphor for acceptance of prayer to get Divine help].
= to do such prayers which are unidirectional, not scattered prayers.

As mentioned in the dear’s dream that yet Huzur (a.t.) needed more prayers from Jama'at. To ask Jama'at to do prayers as Jama'at, is for getting success, progress and removal of difficulties of Jama'at….Thus as each of us wants the soon end of period of trials, our flows of prayers should be in the direction that we may get rid of evil of opponents; such prayers are need of the hour.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah be Helper) remembered a message given in a dream of his which he had mentioned in the past. The message was that if Jama'at wants to change the circumstance soon then Jama'at as a Jama'at will have to change its conditions, making them pure for the sake of Allah the Exalted, making their prayers purely for Allah, Jama'at need to bow before Allah to have safety from trials….If such state is obtained that we spend our nights in prayers for Jama'at then the spiritual revolution can come within days after doing prayers of some nights. Otherwise, arrival of this Promised-by-Allah due-revolution and change in circumstances will take at their time…..The message given to Huzur (a.t.) required from the people who attribute themselves to Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) that they must pray with pureness. The impression of message, Huzur (a.t.) perceived in the dream, was that it was for Pakistan’s Ahmadiyya Muslims; no matter they are rich or poor, men or women, they should pay special attention to this because the greatest persecution in the world with respect to Ahmadiyya Islam, is being done in Pakistan….The worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslims, in general, should pay attention to such prayers too because:

= the survival of the world and
= gain of blessings of Allah the Exalted for Muslim Ummah and
= the end of oppression

is attached with the victory of Ahmadiyya Islam.

Thus, may it be the liberation of Palestinians from oppression, or freedom of common Muslims from their cruel rulers, only the prayers of Ahmadiyya Muslims can save the world. They have to pay rights of such prayers as they are the greatest target of oppression. Our prayer can become Prayer-of-the-Distressed [muztar] which can free us from oppression and the humanity too. We need to understand our responsibilities.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said: “During the trials, the wonderful and unknown properties and effects of prayers become evident and the truth is that our God is recognized through prayers.”

Today who is being put more in these trials than Ahmadiyya Muslims; in certain Muslim countries? The nobleness of the nobles of these countries have gone dumb, as Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah III (may Allah have mercy on him) used to say….In such situation, to be enable to get blessings of miraculous prayers, we need to pay special attention. In the above mentioned verse, Allah the Exalted have said so that Look Who listens to the prayers of suffering people? Only Allah the Exalted accepts when they are in the state of being ‘muztar’.

‘muztar’ is a person who sees troubles and trials all around him and he does not see any worldly or physical way for his success. He sees only one way and this is the way that goes to Allah the Exalted……Allah the Exalted says these are muztar who comes towards Me, all worldly ways have been closed for them……… ‘muztar’ does not mean that when no way is seen, panic start in anxiety that where to go…………. ‘muztar’ means when all paths are closed, ray of light is seen on side, and he runs towards that……If fire is seen everywhere, then the one who runs nervously like a unwise, is not a ‘muztar’ because running like this will cause him to fall in fire. But when, after seeing fire everywhere, when he finds a way towards peace and sanctuary, he should go toward that established way, he is called a ‘muztar’……Allah the Exalted says: I save such a person from fire. I am his shelter. I am cool shade Who saves him from heat of fire. Come towards Me and seek My refuge. I will pull you out from these trials. Come to Me with certainty that we have God Who will take us out from this trial, I will take you out from this trial due to your sure trust and your prayers. ---- as Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has said that wonderful and unknown properties and effects will be shown in your favour.

Thus a person who become such a ‘muztar’ who does not consider anyone else except God the Exalted as his place of refuge and savior from these trials, he is the real ‘muztar’...His prayers shows wonders…..To have our prayers answered, we shall have to fill certainty in ourselves that only Allah the Exalted helps in all kinds of states of ‘iztirar’ [distress]; there is no other way than this where we may see ray of light. When such state of distress is developed, Allah the Exalted rushes to such ‘muztar’ to help him according to His Promise and removes his difficulties and troubles; his difficulties are lost in air whether these are personal troubles or troubles related to Jama'at.

Allah the Exalted further says that, not only it will happen: “wa yakshefus su” i.e. and He will remove evil, but when Allah the Exalted grants blessings, His blessings are unlimited; He can increase the blessings to any limit. Thus here when Allah the Exalted tells about removal of troubles of believers, He also said: “yaj-alokum kholafa-al-ard” i.e He makes you successors in the earth…………He destroys terrible oppressors, tyrants and rebellious ones and He makes the oppressed and weak looking ones to sit at their place.

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Peace be upon you.
Thus, as at individual level, Allah the Exalted accepts the prayers of ‘muztar’ and removes his troubles, He removes troubles of ‘muztar’ at national level too……. It is also mentioned at other place in Holy Quran that when previous people treated Messengers and their followers tyrannically, Allah [the Exalted says: We] destroyed them and granted their place to oppressed ones…….There were despotic people of past with splendor but their names vanished. This law still exists just it existed for people of past. Allah the Exalted brings end to the oppressors but when oppressed people pray, full of distress: “mataa nusrullah” i.e. when will the help of Allah come, [a prayer of certainty as they want to see victory of Divine message], then mercy of Allah the Exalted is excited and He produces the means for quicker end of oppressors.

Today there are people determined to commit oppressions with the presumption of having power and majority. May Allah the Exalted enable them to have wisdom otherwise their very same power and majority is about to cause them destruction……Allah the Exalted has said that those who do not use Taqwa / righteousness due to power and majority, their ends are terrible…. If by reciting Kalima and saying the name of Allah and Messenger, the saga of oppressions will be written, then Kalima and Allah and His Messengers are displeased with such people….Allah the Exalted has given the news about bad end of oppressors; it is not said anywhere that a certain nation or followers of a certain religion are exempted and they are free to do whatever they like. Anyone who will be involved in matters which are against the commandments of Allah the Exalted and which result in oppression, he will reach his bad end.

Our duty is to create the state of ‘muztar’ in ourselves to get rid of these oppressions soon; call the help of Allah the Exalted with concern. Then see how Allah the Exalted comes to help! Each of us has to create this state.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) says: “Remember, God the Exalted is the Most Self-Sufficient. If prayer is not done in abundance and repeatedly with anxiousness, He does not care. Look, if one’s wife or child is sick or one faces a hard lawsuit, how much anxious he becomes for these matters. Thus unless true eagerness and state of anxiousness is created in prayer, it is ineffective and useless thing. For acceptance, anxiousness is the requirement.”………….Thus to remove difficulties of Jama'at we need this anxiousness, as sometimes we show for our personal matters in prayers.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that condition for prayer is abundance and repetition. Thus to think that we have done prayers in Ramadhan and it was enough. It should be clear to us that it is not enough. We still need continuous prayers. Human is in need of continuous prayers. When Allah the Exalted will grant us clear victory, even then, practicing Taqwa / righteousness, to gather His blessings, there will be need of continuous of prayers. In short, there should never be shortage in connection with Allah the Exalted and a momin / believer can never bear that. In troubles, we need to be anxious [in prayers] and in eases and serenity, we need remembrance of God. A momin / believer is never selfish and does not consider temporary prayers and momentary excitement enough. But he has connection with Allah the Exalted in every condition and it ought to be. This faith and connection keeps showing signs of acceptance of prayers to a believer.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) wrote at one place that: Remember! To bow to other-than-Allah is to get cut from Him.

A real believer can not imagine to cut relation from God but sometimes there is a decrease in prayers due to weaknesses and attention is focused on ways and means due to worldly matters or right of prayers is not paid.

Thus each of us should keep continuous check on our conditions so that we should never get entangled in our own problems so much that we lose feeling to pray for those who are in troubles just for being member of Ahmadiyya Jama'at…..Remember! Prayer of each person of Jama'at and calling Allah with reference of His mercy, mughferat [cover, help], forgiveness and His various attributes removes troubles of Jama'at.

“Ahadith relate that there were three men from the earlier people who were caught in a storm. They took refuge from the storm in a cave. The storm was so fierce that it moved a large rock which fell on the mouth of the cave and the exit of the cave was blocked. The three men had gone in the cave to protect themselves from a lesser trouble and ended up in greater trouble. They could neither physically move the rock nor could anyone from outside move it for them. They were extremely anxious and began wondering if they were going to be buried alive in the cave. One of the men suggested that they should pray with reference to any good deed they had done in life, a deed done for the sake of God. One of them said, O God, I was in love with a relative girl and I wanted to do foul act with her but she did not agree. I did some planning, spent some money and at last she agreed. When I had overcome her, she said, ‘O man of God, I plead you for the sake of God, do not commit this sin.’ This is when I moved away from her. O God! If I did this for Your pleasure, remove the rock for us.’ Due to his prayer, the storm caused the rock to shift a little but not enough for them to get out. The second man said, O God, You know that a labourer came to me and did some manual work for me but he left before he could be paid for his labour. His wage worked out to be equal to a quantity of grains and I sowed that much grain which yielded a good crop. I bought some livestock with the proceeds which grew and multiplied into a herd of goats and flock of sheep. Many years later, the man came to me and asked for his wage. I told him the herd of goats spread across the valley was his and he could take it. He replied that he had come to collect his wage while I joked with him. I told him I had invested his wage in trade which had turned into such a large herd and said that it was his. The man took the herd. O God, If I did this to seek Your pleasure, have mercy on us and remove this rock.’ A strong gust of wind slid the rock a little more but still there was not enough space for them to get out. Then the third man turned to God with this prayer: ‘O God, You know that I herd goats and we live on milk. One day I was late in getting home and my very elderly parents who lived with me and whom I gave milk before my children had gone to sleep. I did not want to awaken them, so I stood by them with the milk so that I could give it to them when they rose. My children cried with hunger but I stood beside my parents with the milk until it was daybreak and they woke up and I gave them the milk and then fed my children and wife. O God, if this act of mine was for Your pleasure, and it had no worldly motive in it, have mercy on me and remove this rock.’ The storm intensified and the rock moved some more and a way was opened and the men came out. These three men had done three different things; one was just and fair to a labourer, the other was kind and caring to his parents and the third shunned fornication for the pleasure of God. However, the objective of their prayers was mutual; they wanted the rock to be removed and it was removed.”

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Peace be upon you.

Thus these individual virtues, and prayers done with their reference, showed scene of collective acceptance. While there are many lessons in this Hadith, a very big lesson is that individuals’ personal virtues and prayers cause removal of group’s collective troubles. So as we claim to be stringed as a Jama'at, it is required that we should pray to God the Exalted for removal of collective difficulties and trial; we should not be only immersed in prayers for own difficulties and distresses by considering these our own. Produce such ‘izterab’ [anxiousness] and ‘iztirar’ [focused eagerness and certainty that only Allah helps] in prayers for Jama'at’s, which is developed in a person for his own troubles.

When Jama'at offers two ‘nawafil’ daily [to seek progress of Jama'at and for change in situation as Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (a.t.) had asked Jama'at], pray in them with pain…. The state of people can be thought who were entrapped in cave, they were hopeless from any worldly help, they prayed with reference to their any virtue, which they had done for the only sake of God the Exalted. With no physical help in sight, we can imagine what state of anxiousness and only hope from God was developed in them.

Thus while we have to make our deeds, pure for Allah the Exalted, because these deeds play a very great role in acceptance of prayers, we also have to consider Jama'at’s difficulties as our own and pray to Allah the Exalted for their removal, with crying and humbleness. Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) says: “ It is also essential for the acceptance of prayers that human should make pure change in self. If he cannot avoid evils and breaks limits of God the Exalted then no effect is left in prayers.”……….. “If you will become like other people, then God the Exalted will consider no difference between you and them. And if you will not produce a distinctive change in you, then God the Exalted will have no difference for you. Good person is the one who acts according to pleasure of God the Exalted but if exterior is different than interior, then such a person is hypocrite and hypocrite is worst than disbeliever. First of all, cleanse the hearts, I fear about it most of all. We cannot win with sword and not with any other force, our weapon is prayer only and purity of hearts.”

May Allah the Exalted enable us that we, according to the desire of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), by bringing pure changes in our lives, we do all our works according to the pleasure of God the Exalted. May we strive for this always. May we pray in His Presence with crying. May we create same intensity in our prayers for progress of Jama'at and soon removal of trials, which we exercise in our prayers for elimination of our personal troubles. May we pray as unit to have safety from opponents’ evil. As mentioned earlier, unless we collectively bow to Allah the Exalted with purity to rid of these collective troubles, we cannot achieve our aim soon. After coming into the Bai'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) it is our collective prayers which can eliminate our individual troubles. When human prays for other, angels pray for him too. Stones from mountains are removed when purpose of prayers is common. Thus no person of Jama'at should have this selfishness that if I am all right everything is all right. The trouble of any Ahmadiyya Muslim living in any corner of the world is the common difficulty for all of us; this feeling should be created in us and we need to pay attention to prayers for its resolution; only feeling is not enough. This is the weapon, for which Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has said that we will meet our victory with this weapon.

But we should remember also that we should not pray in excitement for opponents that may God the Exalted send chastisement for them but we should pray that while we seek our successes and pray to You for removal of troubles and difficulties and pray for end of such era, we also seek goodness for these people, not destruction. We weak have been covered by Your blessings and instead of extremely difficult conditions we continue to see scenes of Your blessings. Thus if You cover these people too and grant them guidance, it will be greatly fortunate for them and us. But if Your wisdom does not consider some of them worthy of it and their annihilation is better, then remove them from our path in a way that they should not hinder the progress of Islam which You have connected with Ahmadiyya Islam – the true Islam now. While it is a prayer, where wisdom of Allah the Exalted will desire, it will become prayer, we should pray like this, not a full pray against anyone. May Allah the Exalted enable all of us to pay rights of prayers. [Aameen]

Reference: Friday Sermon (8 August 2014), by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), UK, alislam.org and mta.tv
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