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Lies in the Defense Department, lies in the press


Uber all member
WSJ provided false cover for Rumsfeld, falsely asserted that vehicle armor production is at "full capacity"
A December 10 Wall Street Journal editorial (registration required) provided false cover for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's response to an American soldier who asked the secretary about the military's insufficient supply of vehicle armor. Rumsfeld told the soldier at a December 8 "town hall" meeting in Kuwait that the shortage was due to "a matter of physics," and explained: "It isn't a matter of money. It isn't a matter on the part of the Army of desire. It's a matter of production and capability of doing it." The Journal editorial stated: "When commanders first identified the need for more armored vehicles, in August 2003, production was at 30 per month; it's now up to 450 a month and the plants making armor are running at full capacity." But according to numerous news reports, the companies that produce military vehicles and fit them with armor are not operating at full capacity; they are readily capable of increasing production, but have not been asked to do so.
Complete article


The cake is a lie
Eh, Rumsfailed lying, what's new. I wish those soldiers had given him a harder time. Like shooting him for war crimes or something. :D

No, I'm not vindictive...

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
[rant]The politicizing of this war has been extremely upsetting to me. We have consistently played as fools by an administration that is morally corrupt and intent upon making the rich richer.

This war was started because they couldn't catch Osama.

It has been continued so they could win the election.

Their pattern of deception has been so complete and invasive throughout this administration that they make Nixon and Clinton appear to be amateurs. The election shows that you CAN fool most of the people ALL of the time! ARRRRGH!

I personally hold everyone who voted for Bush as personally responsible for this war that is more morally reprehensible than the Vietnam War. Their hands are red with the blood of our brave American soldiers and they should be ashamed. You have been duped and the joke is on all of us. [/rant]

BTW, someday I'll stop holding back and tell you what I REALLY think. :D

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
By God, NetDoc, we have found some common ground!!!
I detest (I use that word because I can think of nothing stronger) the Bush administration for sending our young men and women in harm's way for nothing more than political leverage, the control of oil, and the profits that come from wartime production in the military-industrial complex.

To sacrifice even one kid at the altar of corporate profit is reprehensible, and should be criminal.

Pissed off,


The cake is a lie
NetDoc said:
I personally hold everyone who voted for Bush as personally responsible for this war that is more morally reprehensible than the Vietnam War. Their hands are red with the blood of our brave American soldiers and they should be ashamed. You have been duped and the joke is on all of us.

That reminds me of that very... grotesque site on the civilian injuries in Iraq I found. They're... awful. It made me horribly sick to look at them.

I feel guilty for wanting to show it to my mother and saying "This is what you voted for."

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
I hope I don't anger anyone by saying this, but do the camps where they're holding the 'suspicious citizens' indefinately (and, if what I'm hearing is correct, not obeying the habeus corpus laws) remind anyone else of the Japanese internment camps during WWII? This, combined with so many other things about our current government, has made it hard for me to think about these things. Otherwise, I get consumed by anger, fear and frustration.

I know a lot of Republicans I've met are outraged that they feel they're being represented by someone who they feel is destroying the reputation their party has. I know I already didn't care if someone was Democrat or Republican, but I think it's starting to matter less and less to more people. As with so many things, ultimately, it's just a word. I think the real dividing line is becoming whether or not a person supports Bush.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
NetDoc said:
We probably are more alike then we would like to admit.
I couldn't agree more. I would have absolutely no problem hanging out with you, going to ballgames, playing golf, diving, or whatever. I think we'd probably have to agree to keep our Sundays for ourselves. :)
I'm proud to call you a friend, albeit through the internet only. I'll forgive your fondness for revealed faith, if you'll forgive my obstinance and inability to believe.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
"...do the camps where they're holding the 'suspicious citizens' ... remind anyone else of the Japanese internment camps during WWII?"

The Japanese and German (yes, they interned German-Americans too) camps were camps, where the suspicious persons could socialize and have a degree of freedom. The current detainees are prisoners.