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Light in Thoughts & Sentiments /\ Events and Lessons.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.

Purification of thoughts and sentiments is very important --- Constant and enduring pure thoughts come from cleansed mind. Its all times continuity is called Tanvir in Arabic. Constant and enduring pure sentiments come from cleansed heart. It is called Taqwa (righteousness). All times purity of mind and heart [Tanvir and Taqwa] is important for spiritual development

In the matters of questions about Islamic jurisprudence, Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) used various options. Sometimes he would refer to those scholars (of Jama'at) who were well versed and had recollection of the answers.

Sometimes he (a.s.) would feel that the answer should be given by himself as he was the one commissioned by Allah the Exalted and he would explain the matter himself.

There were times when he (a.s.) would also say: My natural instinct tells me that the matter should be like so and so and he would say: I have experienced that although at times I do not have knowledge of a specific matter but I instinctively give the answer which is later proved correct in light of Hadith and Sunnah.


Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) explained about Salaat during travel [Qasr, to short Salaat], in the light of Hadith which says deeds are judged by motives. He (a.s.) said sometimes one goes out with friends and it does not feel as if one is travelling. However, when one steps out having packed one's bag that is being on travel.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) said he went to Leicester [UK] recently on a day trip and while there, he led full Isha Salat. He had the Promised Messiah's pronouncement in mind at the time that state of travel is when one packs one's bag to travel. While travel to Leicester was not like this and was the reason why Salat was not shortened.

If one travels/commutes daily then that is not being in a state of travel. ….. Just going out for a walk for a few miles is not travelling. Salat should be shortened when one's heart is inclined that one is in a state of travel….Said Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.).


Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) also explained that when a person goes to stay at a religious centre for three days it is correct for him to shorten Salat……. He said when officials make their tours and visits that is not categorized as travelling, it is like taking a walk in one's garden.


Various explanation about Islamic Jurisprudence by Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), now has been collated as a book named Fiqahul Messiah.


When Salaats of Zuhr and Asr are combined the first and middle Sunnah Salaat are not offered. When Salaats of Maghrib and Isha are combined the middle and latter Sunnah Salat are not offered.

Hazrat Musleh Maud (r.a.) said that he had seen Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) offered Friday Salaat when travelling and at times he (a.s.) replaced them with Zuhr Salaat too. He said when he offers Friday Salaats during travels he also offers the first Sunnah Salat and in his view they should be offered because they are specifically in honour of Friday. The first Sunnah should also be offered when Friday Prayers are being combined with Zuhr Salaat.


The purpose of coming of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) was to make people follow the Islamic teaching and adopt the way of moderation. He (a.s.) gave guidance on outwardly minor matters too which are worldly in nature. He (a.s.) allowed illuminations on certain occasions. … He (a.s.) was the Hakam (Judge) and Adal (the Arbiter) of this time and as such he did not do anything which was contrary to the Holy Qur'an……The way in which the he (a.s.) allowed lightings it was an expression of joy and had wisdom behind it…… Likewise, sometimes he (on whom be peace) would let the children enjoy small fireworks.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (a.t.) clarified that Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) did not say that the Jama'at could go ahead and indulge in fireworks, he only allowed children to occasionally enjoy them especially as it also helps clean the air. It is fine for children to have some fun, their sentiments should not be completely suppressed so that they understand that Islam does not dismiss their rightful demands during their playing days, like illuminations and fireworks. When these celebrations are on a national level they will also make them realise of their connection to their country. There is nothing wrong in having fun at the right time and place and in moderation but it should be made clear to children that our celebrations are within the sphere of teachings of Islam and the law of the land.

Once Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) agreed to go to see exhibition of waxworks which was about life stories of various kings, because people had given very positive reviews about its educational aspect. He (a.s.) did not simply go because a child had insisted.


Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) was returning after visiting someone at some place in Lahore. When his carriage went past a crowd, his son [Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.)] saw a man with cut off hand and with bandage, shouting derogatory words about his father. The son thought What dangerous enmity; a man in such physical state thinks he could stop people to accept Ahmadiyya-Islam.

In fact there was a clergy who was devoted to go to Batala railway station and tell people not to go to Qadian. The clergies had excited the common people against Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), it was due to their ignorance and personal gains. In fact, Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) had come to establish real teaching of Islam and station of Khatme nabuwat of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). He was ardent devotee and true servant of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). He came to tell people that salvation of the world is now only through this last Prophet (with Sharah), Khatamul Anbiyya. But it is unfortunate of so-called ulama / scholars that instead they would connected with this devotee of Holy Prophet (sa) and listened to him, they blamed that (God forbidden) he denied Khatme Nabuwat or considered himself greater than Holy Prophet (sa). In fact such allegation have no remotest link with Promised Messiah (a.s.). He (a.s.) challenged people of all religions that now the way of salvation is only in Islam and in believing Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)…….These Ulama continued in their (resistive) efforts but Jama'at continued to progress. They are doing so and shall continue to do so, but it is the Destiny of God the Exalted that the Jama'at of true servant of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) have to make progress, it is progressing and will continue to progress InshAllah. May Allah the Exalted enable us that we develop such real change in us which Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) wants in us. May we be role model of real Muslims. May we develop light in our thinking and reflections, and fill our hearts with Taqwa. [Aameen].

Based on parts of Friday sermon (April 22, 2016) by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah Help him with His Mighty Help), UK, alislam.org and mta.tv