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Premium Member
Light is a theme in SD. It's the root word in 'enlightenment' for example. We also here it in common idioms like 'lighten up', and 'see the light', 'light the way', and more.

So here a re a couple of thoughts for discussion ... What are some of your favorite expressions using it? and secondly, do you see it metaphorically, or literally? Or maybe both.

I'm curious.


Jai Lakshmi Maa
Light is a theme in SD. It's the root word in 'enlightenment' for example. We also here it in common idioms like 'lighten up', and 'see the light', 'light the way', and more.

So here a re a couple of thoughts for discussion ... What are some of your favorite expressions using it? and secondly, do you see it metaphorically, or literally? Or maybe both.

I'm curious.

One of my favorite stories about light explains why an owl is Lakshmi's Vahana. The owl sees/moves best the darkness. Lakshmi is the same in that through darkness, depression, anger, greed etc she can move freely and help us find our way. She is perfectly suited to help us because she is unfazed and unafraid of the dark.

Lakshmi is also addressed as Deepa Laksmi at the beginning of Puja - she is therefore, literally the light of our devotion.


Premium Member
One of my favorite stories about light explains why an owl is Lakshmi's Vahana. The owl sees/moves best the darkness. Lakshmi is the same in that through darkness, depression, anger, greed etc she can move freely and help us find our way. She is perfectly suited to help us because she is unfazed and unafraid of the dark.

Lakshmi is also addressed as Deepa Laksmi at the beginning of Puja - she is therefore, literally the light of our devotion.
In real life, in the great outdoors, owls are absolutely amazing birds. The way they can soar through trees without hitting a tree makes one think that they're part bat.
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Well-Known Member
Light is a theme in SD. It's the root word in 'enlightenment' for example. We also here it in common idioms like 'lighten up', and 'see the light', 'light the way', and more.

So here a re a couple of thoughts for discussion ... What are some of your favorite expressions using it? and secondly, do you see it metaphorically, or literally? Or maybe both.

I'm curious.


Light i see as many things depending on context, my favorite is the analogy of the Manas or Mind, many times we are advised that the Mind is similar to the Moon, and it is because the moon reflects light, so the mind reflects knowledge, here knowledge I consider as light of the Sun. This i think is leaning towards the idea that the "light of knowledge" is pre-existing and un-created and all our minds are doing is reflecting this knowledge to the inner witness.

I think something like light can be both metaphorical and literal, depends on the use.



Premium Member
It also has a similar metaphorical meaning in a totally different way, and that's related to weight. So we can lighten a karmic load. In the literal meaning here it is totally to do with mass. So when we say 'lighten up' it could be referring to colour, because the person has a dark feeling, or it could be referring to weight, because the person seems burdened, or is 'heavy'.

In mystic branches it's literal, referring to the inner light one sees inside their head during meditation. It's also in auras, and represented as such.

So when someone says, 'have you seen the light?' it can simply mean, 'do you understand now?' or for the mystic a very literal meaning.


Jai Lakshmi Maa
While there is Valmiki's Ramayan and Tulsidas' Ramacharitmanas, there are also hundreds of variants on the epic story. One of them is another beautiful story about light.

On the date that Rama, Sita and Lakshman were to return to Ayodhya after 14 long years in exile, the timing worked out that they would be coming back at night. The problem was, there were so many clouds in the sky that all the stars were covered, and it was too dark to see the way back home. They couldn't wait until morning because Rama had made a vow that he would return at that exact time at that exact day.

His brother, Bharat, having ruled Ayodhya in his brother's place for 14 years and who saw the dilemma from his position at the palace, had messengers sent all over the city to tell everyone to light deepa lamps. One by one thousands of people, eager to see their ruler's return, lit humble deepa lamps. Soon the whole city was aglow and Rama and his family found their way back by the light of the lamps.

This can be literally interpreted as lighting a lamp to help someone see, but also lighting lamp for someone in spiritual/emotional/intellectual darkness, to illuminate the way back "home" or to the source/Brahma


Be your own guru
So here a re a couple of thoughts for discussion ... What are some of your favorite expressions using it? and secondly, do you see it metaphorically, or literally? Or maybe both.
I will associate 'light' with my tea. I like it strong. On a serious note, rather than enlightenment (I am one enlightened, there are others as well in this forum. I am not the only one of the age), I prefer 'jnana' and 'jnani', more literally than metaphorically.


Premium Member
Light is a theme in SD. It's the root word in 'enlightenment' for example. We also here it in common idioms like 'lighten up', and 'see the light', 'light the way', and more.

So here a re a couple of thoughts for discussion ... What are some of your favorite expressions using it? and secondly, do you see it metaphorically, or literally? Or maybe both.

I'm curious.

I think 'light' is more a Christian metaphor. I think we have 'Agni', Agni is all -- the heat, light, will, life, consciousness, and the priest that remembers and conveys our prayers to the highest realms.

Agni is all deities too.

Light is known only when there is dark. I think Satyamavejayati has spoken about it. The unborn light of Agni is known only when reflected in Mind, otherwise it is deep sleep ... Tamasa, apparently lightless-lifeless-timeless. Only with a reflecting medium like moon, Soma, Mind, do we come to know of the universes of dream and waking.

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Sw. Vandana Jyothi

Truth is One, many are the Names
Premium Member
Light is a theme in SD. It's the root word in 'enlightenment' for example. We also here it in common idioms like 'lighten up', and 'see the light', 'light the way', and more.

So here a re a couple of thoughts for discussion ... What are some of your favorite expressions using it? and secondly, do you see it metaphorically, or literally? Or maybe both.

I'm curious.

SD? So sorry, I do not know, what does SD mean, Vinayakaji?? Tried to figure out, got nowhere. Need a flash of light :D, can you help?

EDIT: Oh! Somebody just thought it and I caught it! Thanks! Sanatana Dharma?!


Premium Member
I think 'light' is more a Christian metaphor. I think we have 'Agni', Agni is all -- the heat, light, will, life, consciousness, and the priest that remembers and conveys our prayers to the highest realms.

Agni is all deities too.

Light is known only when there is dark. I think Satyamavejayati has spoken about it. The unborn light of Agni is known only when reflected in Mind, otherwise it is deep sleep ... Tamasa, apparently lightless-lifeless-timeless. Only with a reflecting medium like moon, Soma, Mind, do we come to know of the universes of dream and waking.


In Rig Veda, Ushas (Dawn) is deity of light. The best praise of dawn in Ushas Suktam given below (Ushas is Us.as below as per the particular convention followed by Saraswati project from which the translation is taken). Ushas is daughter of Heaven and bride of Surya (sun).

3.061.01 Affluent Us.as, giver of sustenance, possessed of intelligence, be propitiated by the praise of him who lauds you, (and worships) with (sacrificial) food; divine Us.as, adored by all, who (though) ancient are (still) young, the object of manifold worship, you are present at the recurring (morning) rite. [RV. 1.48.16; 1.123.11].
3.061.02 Us.as, who are divine and immortal, mounted in a golden chariot, do you shine radiant causing to be head the sounds of truth; may your vigorous and well-trained horses bring you, who are golden-haired, (hither). [Causing up to be heard the sound of truth: sunr.ta irayanti (also used in RV. 1.113.12: sunr.ta irayanti rendered as awakener of pleasant voices, the dawn exciting or awakening the true or agreeable cries of beasts and birds)].
3.061.03 Us.as, who spread over all the regions, you abide on high, the ensign of the immortal (sun), purposing to travel the same road, repeatedly turn back over new, (revolving) like a wheel.
3.061.04 The opulent Us.as, the bride of the far-darting (sun), throwing off (darkness) like a garment, proceeds; diffusing her own (lustre), auspicious, promoting sacred acts, she is renowned to the ends, she is renowned to the ends of the heaven and of the earth.
3.061.05 Offer, with your prostrations, due praise to the divine Us.as, shining upon you; the repository of sweetness manifests her brightness aloft in the sky, and radiant and lovely lights the regions. [The repository of sweetness: madhudha_: madhu may mean sweet words of praise, madhura_n.i stuti laks.an.a_ni va_kya_ni, or simply praise, stoma; or, it may be the name of Us.as; dha_ is that which has or holds; lights the regions: cf. RV. 1.49.4].
3.061.06 The possessor of truth is recognized in the sky by her rays; the possessor of wealth has taken a marvellous station in earth and heaven; Agni, soliciting alms of the radiant advancing Us.as, you obtain your desired treasure (of oblations). [Your desired treasures: that is, the sacrificial fire is kindled at dawn].
3.061.07 The showerer (of rain, the sun), urging on the dawn, at the root of the truthful (day) has pervaded the vast heaven and earth; the mighty Us.as, the golden light, as it were, of Mitra and Varun.a, diffuses her lustre in different directions. [The truthful day: r.tasya satyabhu_tasya: it is identified with truth as the season in the performance of religious rites].


Be your own guru
Or the mother or the herald. The relationship is variously described.

3.061.03 Ushas, who spread over all the regions, you abide on high, the ensign of the immortal (sun), purposing to travel the same road, repeatedly turn back over new, (revolving) like a wheel.

समानमर्थं चरणीयमाना चक्रमिव नव्यस्या वव्र्त्स्व ll
samānamarthaṃ caraṇīyamānā cakramiva navyasyā vavṛtsva ll

Griffith: To one same goal ever and ever wending now, like a wheel, O newly-born, roll hither.

Polar regions. In the morning the glow will be in east, in the evening the glow will be in west, and the sun will still not be visible, that is why repeatedly. It took 30 days for the sun to appear.
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Premium Member
Of course the highest prayer and adoration is Gaytri or Savitri

Om bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó naḥ prachodayāt

– Rigveda 3.62.10

"We meditate on the glory of that Being who has produced this universe; may He enlighten our minds."

Tr. Swami Vivekananda
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Istha gosthi
Namaskaram , .....

tesam evanukampartham
aham ajnana-jam tamah
nasayamy atma-bhava-stho
jnana-dipena bhasvata

Out of compassion for them, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance. ......Bhagavad Gita Ch ..10 V ..11

yanam aham visnur
jyotisam ravir amsuman
maricir marutam asmi
naksatranam aham sasi

Of the Ādityas I am Viṣṇu, of lights I am the radiant sun, I am Marīci of the Maruts, and among the stars I am the moon.
Bhagavad Gita Ch ..10 V ..21​

Sw. Vandana Jyothi

Truth is One, many are the Names
Premium Member
Light and dark cannot co-exist in any ratio. By definition, the former is instantaneous extinction of the latter.


Premium Member
Go in, and in, and in some more. In the darkest of rooms, where there is absence of the energy form known as light, slightly ahead and above where the closed eyes seem to focus, there is light, occasional flashes, a steady moon glow at first, only increasing in intensity over time, and the dharma of the yogi performed correctly, as the dross of the anava-infused mind, the gridded intellect, the notion of separateness, fades, so too the light envelops. This is yoga, this is mysticism, this is the path.
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Be your own guru
Of course the highest prayer and adoration is Gaytri or Savitri

Om bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó naḥ prachodayāt

– Rigveda 3.62.10

"We meditate on the glory of that Being who has produced this universe; may He enlighten our minds."

Tr. Swami Vivekananda
".. who has produced this universe; ..". That will be an incorrect translation.
aham ajnana-jam tamah
nasayamy atma-bhava-stho​
Ratiben, do not be angry. Allow me try an alternate translation:

aham ajñāna-jaḿ tamaḥ, nāśayāmy ātma-bhāva-stho

aham — I; ajñāna-jam — due to ignorance; tamaḥ — darkness; nāśayāmi — dispel; ātma-bhāva — within their hearts; sthaḥ — situated;

"I dispel the darkness due to ignorance which exists as ātma-bhāva (ahamkāra)."
Don't know whether I am correct or wrong.
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