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Live Blessings of Live God..Passionate New Comers…Current Sad State in Muslim World..The Solution


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…Once Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) went for walk outside with his companions. At the mention of supports and blessings of Allah the Exalted, Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said: Allah the Exalted is stressing so much to make the Truth shine and to support our this Movement yet eyes of these people do not get opened…..Once an opponent wrote me a letter that people have not spared anything in your opposition, but we have no answer to one thing that despite this opposition, you continue to get success in everything.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) said that these were promises of Allah the Exalted with Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), result of which appeared at that time; not only at that time but till today opponents continue to do their best but the Movement keep on increasing till date by the grace of Allah the Exalted. Where ever in any part of the world, the opponents try to suppress or finish the Ahmadis, Allah the Exalted not only increased the qualities of sacrifice of Ahmadis in those countries but He Himself also opened such path of progress in other countries of the world which we could not have opened by our own efforts. Thus there is no doubt in it that Ahmadiyyat [the real Islam] is the plant rooted by the very Hand of Allah the Exalted which has to give fruits and grow according to promises of Allah the Exalted. InshaAllah.

NARRATIVES: How Allah the Exalted is blessing in this era; How He opens hearts of people; How the message of Ahmadiyya-Islam reaches to them.


The Muballigh (missionary) writes that during the message-conveying tour they chose a soiled path and moved ahead. After three days, they were returning through same route, people at a village Gidainti stopped them and said they were waiting for them and they should immediately go to Imam sahib (of area). They did so, Imam asked for immediate supply of Bai'at-forms
Conditions of Initiation (Bai'at)]
as all of them wanted to do Bai'at. Missionary advised them not to haste to do Bai'at. Imam sahib said: Allah the Exalted has granted us satisfaction therefore now we do not have any doubt about the truth of Jama'at left. How this satisfaction was granted? They narrated: When you passed from here previously, the big Imam sahib of Wahabis of Marabi city came here with his convoy and continued to say Ahmadis are Kafir [denier, disbeliever] and you people let Kafirs enter your mosque and allowed them to convey message, why did you do so?..Upon it, the Imam sahib of the village said them: This is the difference between you and Ahmadis. Since the time you have been here you have said nothing except ‘kafir’, and as long as Ahmadis remained here, they did not say anything except Holy Quran and Hadith. If this thing in Ahmadis is Kufr we like their this Kufr and we want be such Kafirs….At this the big clergy left the area without success….The villagers asked for Bai'at forms
from Ahmadiyya Muballigh (Murabbi)…They joined and a large Jama'at was established there by the grace of Allah the Exalted.


Muballigh of Tabora writes that A large Jama'at has been established 35 km from Tabora city by the efforts of an Ahmadiyya Muslim Suleman Juma sahib. He would go there for conveying message and distribute pamphlet, some people did Bai'at. Next to it the Muallam (religious teacher) of Movement repeatedly and continuously visit the area for further conveying then few more people did Bai'at. Now, by the grace of Allah number of people of Jama'at are increasing. They are poor but full of fervor of faith and they have made a makeshift mosque with passions of self help, and they are all included in the system of chanda (financial offerings).


Ameer sahib writes that a big Imam of Tajania sect Adam Tunkara sahib did Bai'at. He told that he was listening cassettes and radio of Jama'at from a long time . [In Mali, Jama'at has many FM radio stations with range 70-80 miles, they are very effective for intensive reach out by the grace of Allah. ] His late father was great Imam of Tajania sect. He converted 93 villages, who were making associates of God, to Islam….One night Adam sahib saw his father in dream saying, ‘Ahmadiyyat is the true path and he (i.e the son) should do a lot of effort to spread the message of Ahmadiyyat’. Afterwards he met Ahmadiyya-Muallam and went to a village for conveying message. The people of the village had become Muslims (from Mushriks) through his father. Imam of village is 87 years old, and a great friend of his father. Imam said he has heard message of Jama'at on radio, surely Ahmadiyyat is true path. Imam advised Adam sahib that he should do a lot of effort to spread this message…Imam’s words were same as words of Adam sahib’s father. Thus the same words were conveyed to him through friend of father……On that night Adam sahib conveyed message of Ahmadiyya-Islam and 3400 people did Bai'at and joined the Jama'at by the grace of Allah the Exalted….Then he went to another village Sagrala Daka for Tabligh, people gathered, they were conveyed the message, after some time some of the people stood and left and brought photographs of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) and Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) and some pamphlets. They said when Adam sahib began to deliver message they had realized it is the same Jama'at , their late brother used to mention about. Their brother Gaoso Fufana went to Ghana and joined Ahmadiyyat. He settled in the Burkina Faso. He came to visit us in 2010, he brought these photos and books….. Here he became ill and passed away. Today Allah the Exalted has brought to us the Jama'at, whose message our brother used to convey. We, people of all village, do Bai'at…..On that day, about 1000 people joined the Jama'at by the grace of Allah the Exalted.


From region Giva, Muallam sahib writes that an Ahmadi Abdus Salam sahib went to a nearby village. Villagers said there had been no rain since long time. If your Jama'at is a true Jama'at, pray for rain. If rain come, we shall believe your Jama'at is right Jama'at and help of God is with you…..At this Abdus Salam sahib offered Nawafil and prayed with meekness that O Allah pour rain here today for the truth of Your Mahdi…This Muallam is a local person…..After the prayer, clouds began to gather and such heavy rain fell that water pooled everywhere…..Soon people came to Abdus Salam sahib and said they know now that Jama'at Ahmadiyya is truthful and from God. The whole village joined the Jama'at.

Huzur (a.t.) said, that is how Allah the Exalted shows signs. It is not essential that signs are shown in all cases but due to those people’s good nature Allah the Exalted wanted to grant them guidance thus sign was shown.


Local late missionary wrote: During a message-conveying session local people at Lambua asked our Daee ellallah (inviter to Allah, a zealous preacher) to pray for rain. He announced that since he was conveying message of Imam Mahdi thus his prayer would be answered and there will rain at night. By the grace of Allah the Exalted that night at 1 o’clock heavy rain poured in area. By observing this sign of acceptance of prayer, a large number of people from that area were enabled to accept Ahmadiyyat (the true Islam).


Ameer sahib writes: A nau-mubaya (female who did Bai'at recently) Fatima sahiba mentions: After joining Ahmadiyyat she has gained real contentment and bliss. Ahmadiyyat has introduced her real Islam. To practice Islam has become very easy, all Bid’aat (added-to-Islam things) are left because teaching of Ahmadiyyat is real Islamic teaching which is free of all kind of Bid’aat, difficulties and complications. She said she promise to remain firm with Ahmadiyyat till death.

Huzur (a.t.) said it is the reality of Bai'at that one should adopt real Islamic teaching (just saying Bai'at with mouth and calling the self Ahmadi is nothing), avoid Bid’aat of all kind and apply true Islamic teaching on self. These new comer Ahmadis are accepting Ahmadiyyat with extraordinary spirit, sometimes existing Ahmadis show weakness, they should develop such spirit in them and continue it lest the new comers may not become your teacher!

A nau-Mubaey (male, newly Bai'at doer) from Ivory Coast Toray Alwali sahib writes: After doing Bai'at his Ruhaniyyat (spirituality) progressed, delight and interest appeared in Salaat, practical condition improved, and it became easy to practice Ahmadiyyat-The True Islam, and in addition to that knowledge and understanding is increasing by Ahmadiyya literature.

Huzur (a.t.) said: When these people at far distances accept Ahmadiyyat, practical changes and relation with Allah the Exalted take place in them. Each Ahmadi should develop it in himself.


Muballigh Incharge writes: A friend Sila sahib came to mission house to get help to raise mosque in their village. I told him about Jama'at and advent of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). After a long sitting he was very happy and said that you have opened my eyes. He desired that I should go to his village to impart the message to everyone. We made program and went there. By the grace of Allah their village and nearby 5 more villages did Bai'at and joined the Jama'at.

Sila sahib says: Since Bai'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) I feel a spiritual change in me which I never had felt before. By the grace of Allah the Exalted he has devoted his two sons; one will attend Jaamia Ahmadiyya [Religious Institution] Sierra Leon this year, and other at next year…He says, he received such spiritual bliss which he was looking for years.


The Muballigh of Teningo region says: Long time ago when mosque was being made here, a Christian pastor passed by, he praised the beautiful mosque in making and asked: whose mosque is it?...The Muallam Ishaq sahib was present he said: it is mosque of Ahmadis and we are all Ahmadis. The Christian Pastor said he lived in Savalo city for long time and heard Tabligh of Ahmadis, these are truthful people. He said: You have chosen the right religion and follow it in the best way…Muallam asked him if Ahmadis are right why do not you join them? The Pastor said: Ahmadiyyat is surely a true religion, you stay in it. Where I am in, it is due to certain compulsions. But the reality is that you people are right.

Huzur (a.t.) said: But there are some who have no worldly fear and compulsions. God the Exalted opens their hearts.


A Christian Pastor accepted Ahmadiyyat. A pointed change took place in him. He said: I worked for years as Pastor and gave religious teaching to people but the satisfaction of heart and feeling of nearness of God the Exalted, which I found in Ahmadiyyat, never took place before. Now Ahmadiyyat is my every thing.


A friend writes about his family’s coming in Ahmadiyyat. His mother saw a dream that a Sheikh came to her house and giving righteous teaching of Islam to her children which made a very good effect on them. A reverence of that person was developed in house…… The mother writes: One day her daughter was watching Television and changing various channels. Suddenly she stopped at MTA. At that time photo of Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) was on screen. She reacted with joy and said: It is the person whom she saw in dream……. Then the mother began to watch MTA (mta.tv) regularly and learned that Imam Mahdi, the era is waiting for whom, has come. They did Bai'at in November 2013 and joined the Jama'at. After the Bai'at all sorrows and troubles, she had, turned into joy due to joining Ahmadiyyat. Due to wrong society, there was concern about children, but it is finished due to environment and training of Jama'at.

Huzur (a.t.) said: Thus it is essential to bring children in environment of Jama'at. New comers are getting its benefits. We, the existing ones should remember if we shall keep children in environment of Jama'at and our good examples, their training will be right. The lady said her sorrows changed into joys. It is because they practically tried to change themselves.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) mentioned more narratives from places and said Allah the Exalted is guiding people through dreams, oppositions are leading good natured people towards Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), Christian Pastors are testifying to the truth of Islam, people are progressing in knowledge and understanding after believing Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), people are paying attention to improve their practices. Are all these things by human effort? No, surely these things tells support by Allah the Exalted for Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). These are proofs of truth of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.). These matters prove the excellence of religion brought by Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) as the Imam came in latter days according to the prophesies of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). These matters guide the seekers of true faith and produce understanding of existence of Being of God the Exalted. People say where is God, whether He is present or not. Pure natured people show God is present. It is sorry state that there are people who claim to be Muslims but do not believe in the prophecy of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) they are denying truth due to getting trapped in the talks of so-called clergies. A Christian, an atheist, a Hindu get understanding that these signs are proofs of truth of Islam and of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) being Last Prophet (with Shariah) but many Muslims seeks guidance from clergies not from God; for these clergies Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that these are the root of discord of this era.

Thus by listening to narratives of new comers, we should pray for progress in faith of them and ours, we should pray for Muslim Ummah too that may Allah grant them wisdom and they accept the Imam of era and get success in their worldly life and life in Hereafter.

Currently state of Muslim world need mercy. Leaders are oppressing citizens, citizens are fighting against leaders due to not having and getting justice and guidance. Each with vested interest has its own group, various sects are busy cutting each others’ throats.

In previous time, when there were Shia Sunni problems, governments would control, now governments are involved in sectarian fights. Conditions in Iraq, Syria, Libya are worsening in past years, now conditions about Saudi Arab and Yemen are having problems. On the name of help, Saudi Arab has joined the war. Situation is worsening, who knows where it will lead to. There is danger for expanded war. Powers of Taghut are being successful in making Muslims weak by making them fight with each other as compared to direct attacks in past and Muslim world is not understanding. They do not think reasons and results. They do not think why there is so much discord within believers of Allah’s Last Prophet (of Shariah); why almost all Muslim countries have fallen to lowest after having reached heights.

There is only one way to avoid decline and regain progress, and it is the one told by Allah the Exalted i.e. to believe the Promised Messiah who connects earlier with latter ones; instead of divisions get united as one ummah at the hand of Promised Messiah; may Allah enable them to do so; we need to do a lot of prayers for this; may Allah the Exalted enable us to do prayers and accept them. [Aameen]

Reference: Based on portions of Friday sermon (April 3, 2015, UK) by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help) – alislam.org, mta.tv
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