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Logical Proof for Love. God is Love in Person.


הרב יונה בן זכריה
``I will protect him, for he acknowledges My name. He will call on Me, and I will answer him.''
Psalm 91:14-15.
What is the name referenced in the psalm? (I’ll give you a hint. In English it does not start with “G”.)


Well-Known Member
What is the name referenced in the psalm? (I’ll give you a hint. In English it does not start with “G”.)
Driver knows better driving than non-driver.
Pilot knows better to fly than non-pilot.
The ruler knows better to rule a country than the non-ruler.
Christians know better own Christianity than non-Christians.
Hence, Christian God must exist.

Bathos Logos

Active Member
The Omnipotence Paradox ``can God create a stone that He can not lift'' is the mental bullet in the spiritual war of satan. It is the mental loop that makes you stupid. Why nearly everybody around is a secret enemy? Nobody loves you but your mom. God loves you too but is willing to harm you to help others. But God is Love itself, and the mother cannot love more than God. Therefore, a mother who does not allow idiots to offense her child is not perfect in love. The first priority, for her, should be love for Humanity in general.

If the world's leaders came to me and told me that, in order to save the world, I would have to sacrifice my son, I would glance at my son, nod, look back at the world leaders and tell them to get the hell back where their sorry butts came from. My son is literally the ONLY person who is allowed to make that choice of his own accord, in my opinion. From me they would get a staunch "get thee gone, morons", and if my son wasn't keen on being sacrificed, then I would do everything in my power to protect him and his choice - against the entire rest of the world, if necessary. Perhaps you wouldn't do the same for your son. This just shows that we have different moral standards. I don't agree with yours if you would easily sacrifice your son for the rest of humanity. I wouldn't do so, and I stand by that choice. I don't care what you have to say against it, or whether you think I should "love all of humanity" first and foremost. I literally do not care.

If God disagrees with me, then He can come tell me so Himself. And if He actually did, then we would find ourselves hearing another round of "get thee gone, moron" from me.


No religious beliefs
Are you going to boast about your high-school gold medal again? :D

An actual genius would be smart enough to realize how being right about one thing (assuming you are, it mattes not to the point) means jack sh!t about other things.

An actual genius would have some humility.

An actual genius wouldn't create BS thread after BS thread.

That's assuming he is really one of the authors of that article. If that's been established previously, my apologies.


Veteran Member
The Omnipotence Paradox ``can God create a stone that He can not lift'' is the mental bullet in the spiritual war of satan. It is the mental loop that makes you stupid.

What I said has nothing to do with that.

For a "genius", you seem to have suspect difficulty in following a simple point.


הרב יונה בן זכריה
Driver knows better driving than non-driver.
Pilot knows better to fly than non-pilot.
The ruler knows better to rule a country than the non-ruler.
Christians know better own Christianity than non-Christians.
Hence, Christian God must exist.
Putting aside for the moment that the conclusion in your fifth sentence has absolutely no connection to what you set forth in your first four sentences, the entirety of your response to my post is nonresponsive to what I wrote.

If you think that your responses to me, and to others, are clever or funny I would strongly suggest that you either get new writers or you do not quit you day job.

On the other hand, if you actually think that you are providing serious responses to others’ comments, perhaps now might be a good time to seriously consider consulting with a counseling professional.


Well-Known Member
On the other hand, if you actually think that you are providing serious responses to others’ comments, perhaps now might be a good time to seriously consider consulting with a counseling professional.
I will make those who are of the synagogue of satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. Revelation 3:9