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lord buddha's will


when Buddha was a prince and living in his palace he had everything, he even had an enormous harem of beautiful woman.

Before he even came close to reaching enlightenment he just got up and left all this after witnessing suffering outside the palace.

Very compassionate and very very strong willed, I could never do that.


Seeing as he named his son essentially "ball and chain", I don't think it took that much to get him out the door.

It's nice to be welcomed to a website with the very first post being a not so subtle attack on Buddha, That's ok because the comment show's it's an attack born of ignorance.

Buddha called his Son Rahula(ball and chain) because at the time the boy was born he new it would be very difficult to leave him due to his love for him, the ball and chain represents his attachment to him and the intense difficulty he had leaving.

He left to do what he had to do, the boy was in good hands as he lived in a palace, Buddha was not seeking for himself alone he was looking to guide people to once he discovered the way.

7 years later he reunited with the son who became Buddha's student and was known as the lucky one, at 18 he to became enlightened.

That's why Buddha left, to receive valuable knowledge for himself and others, sacrifices must be made however sometimes you must be cruel now to be kind later because when they reunited he gave his son more then any father could dream of, enlightenment.

It was not a case being tied down by a ball and chain, the reason for it was not even remotely related to that, it represents the difficulty in breaking free of his sons hold on him through love to go off and find his way to help himself and others later, son included.

That is not my interpretation by the way, just the way it's written when read properly, unless you read the name only and make wild assumptions of coarse.


Outstanding Member
when Buddha was a prince and living in his palace he had everything, he even had an enormous harem of beautiful woman.

Before he even came close to reaching enlightenment he just got up and left all this after witnessing suffering outside the palace.

Very compassionate and very very strong willed, I could never do that.

Compassionate? I don't think so.
Very very strong willed? If you are talking about the ascetic period, I agree.
It's nice to be welcomed to a website with the very first post being a not so subtle attack on Buddha, That's ok because the comment show's it's an attack born of ignorance.

To be fair, you did post this in the debate forum.

In all seriousness though, welcome to the site. I think you'll like it here. It's been a very eye opening and incredible experience for me. :)


To be fair, you did post this in the debate forum.

In all seriousness though, welcome to the site. I think you'll like it here. It's been a very eye opening and incredible experience for me. :)

Thankyou, Is that you in your Avatar, you look like a Korean gentlemen I know.


when Buddha was a prince and living in his palace he had everything, he even had an enormous harem of beautiful woman.

Before he even came close to reaching enlightenment he just got up and left all this after witnessing suffering outside the palace.

Very compassionate and very very strong willed, I could never do that.

Thanks for sharing that... It may be "palace life" didn't agree with Him and that's why He wanted to see the world beyond the walls where He saw suffering at first hand....
when Buddha was a prince and living in his palace he had everything, he even had an enormous harem of beautiful woman.

Before he even came close to reaching enlightenment he just got up and left all this after witnessing suffering outside the palace.

Very compassionate and very very strong willed, I could never do that.
I don't think Buddha did the right thing by leaving his wife and two children so he could find Nibbana. That was a very selfish thing to do and yet he preached against selfishness! What say you?


Istha gosthi
I don't think Buddha did the right thing by leaving his wife and two children so he could find Nibbana. That was a very selfish thing to do and yet he preached against selfishness! What say you?
namaskaram ,

Lord Buddha did not seek Nibbana for his own benifit his aim was to attain Enlightenment for the benifit of all ,...had he only been interested in his own enlightenment he would not have stayed and taught the Eight fold path , this he did to eleviate the suffering of all .
namaskaram ,

Lord Buddha did not seek Nibbana for his own benifit his aim was to attain Enlightenment for the benifit of all ,...had he only been interested in his own enlightenment he would not have stayed and taught the Eight fold path , this he did to eleviate the suffering of all .
Did Buddha not commit a great wrong by abandoning his wife and two children?
When asked by a disciple how to attain Nibbana, why did he say that he doesn't know how but each person has to find it in his/her own way to do it like he did it?


Active Member
Did Buddha not commit a great wrong by abandoning his wife and two children?
When asked by a disciple how to attain Nibbana, why did he say that he doesn't know how but each person has to find it in his/her own way to do it like he did it?
Buddhism was founded 500BC. Buddha had nothing to compare it with. But had he known of the 3 big religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam, he would have said those 3 religions were not the path to Nirvana.


Istha gosthi

Did Buddha not commit a great wrong by abandoning his wife and two children?
When asked by a disciple how to attain Nibbana, why did he say that he doesn't know how but each person has to find it in his/her own way to do it like he did it?
are you are refering th Ananda's last question ? ....if so then prehaps you have read a some what loose translation ?

if it is the answer Be lamp unto your selves , ....
that is not saying that he does not know it is saying that each must , through their own investigation persue the path , ..
please also bear in mind that this path had allready been laid out and that the Buddha had given instruction upon that path for fourty years , ...
we must all take the teachings of our own religion and put them into practice , ........this is the meaning that the Buddha intended , ...take the teachings that have been given as the path to your own liberation , thus it is also reported that the Buddha had said ''work out your own salvation'' .....


Active Member
Nirvana is a state of perfect happiness. This state can be attained by following a path of discipline and living a pure life through meditation and pure thoughts, shutting out distractions and worldly attractions which are only illusive goals that leave one disillusioned because human desire can never be satisfied.
Buddhism was founded 500BC. Buddha had nothing to compare it with. But had he known of the 3 big religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam, he would have said those 3 religions were not the path to Nirvana.

Nirvana is nothing but the arrival at the time when the soul stops "living." It means the annihilation of the soul. Why do Buddhists pray for the annihilation of the soul? Because the soul keeps being born over and over again at death the death of the person/animal or any other thing. Each rebirth in Buddhism means suffering. Suffering pays for sins. So, if the person is able to annihilate (destroy) the soul, then there is no more suffering. The problem with this concept is that the soul can never be destroyed. Living beings are made of body, soul and spirit. Of the three only the material part, the body, can be destroyed. The other two being non material can never be destroyed. It's like trying to destroy an evil spirit (demon) or a holy spirit (angel). No can do!


Active Member
Nirvana is nothing but the arrival at the time when the soul stops "living." It means the annihilation of the soul. Why do Buddhists pray for the annihilation of the soul? Because the soul keeps being born over and over again at death the death of the person/animal or any other thing. Each rebirth in Buddhism means suffering. Suffering pays for sins. So, if the person is able to annihilate (destroy) the soul, then there is no more suffering. The problem with this concept is that the soul can never be destroyed. Living beings are made of body, soul and spirit. Of the three only the material part, the body, can be destroyed. The other two being non material can never be destroyed. It's like trying to destroy an evil spirit (demon) or a holy spirit (angel). No can do!
The goal is to free oneself from the cycle of rebirths (samsara) and attain Moksha or nirvana. Reincarnation is not the destruction of the soul. It is the role karma plays in the rebirth of the soul in a higher form where there is less suffering and finally to the highest form where one is free from all suffering.

Gnostic Seeker

I don't think Buddha did the right thing by leaving his wife and two children so he could find Nibbana. That was a very selfish thing to do and yet he preached against selfishness! What say you?

I think its no less selfish than Jesus brushing off his family when told they were outside by saying: 'those who do the will of my Father are my brother, sister, and mother'. What say you?