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Lost in the dark, Need light at end of tunnel........praying it isn't a train.


not as lost as before
Yes I am new here, so I hope this is the right forum since I am trying to compare all kinds of religions to see if I fit into one or at least if I can find one that I am comfortable with. Warning, this is a long post so you may want to go get a drink and come back. I would appreciate it if you would take the time to read it and help me if you can because I really am lost.

I was raised in the military so my religion was whatever the base chaplin/preacher/pastor was. I went to services for lutheran, protestant, baptist, presbyterian, and probably a few more that I can't remember. Maybe this is part of the cause of my dilemma. After seeing that these religions had the same base of beliefs I started noticing that several other religions did as well. This has led me to some of my confusion and lack of a label.....as well as other things that I will get to later. I am 30 and have not been to church since I was about 12 so forgive me if I am foggy on my details. I may also jump around with my trains of thought and given the thoughts trying to congeal in my head I hope you can bear with me. I hope someone on here can point me in a few good directions so that I may find a path away from my isolation.

To start, yes, I believe in god, a supreme being, a one and only creator of all life, regardless of the name given to him, so this isn't a matter of needing to be saved but rather finding my way. I am also very scientific, in that I need to either see proof or using scientific "fact" to explain something else logically. My belief in god being an exception to my scientific side. I was taught the stories of the bible....sampson and delilah (sp), moses, the red sea, burning bush, jesus nailed to the cross, david and goliath, water into wine, etc. My faith side says that these things happened. My science side says that the bible was written by man and history is written by the victors, so there may be logical explanations to these miracles. The red sea maybe wasn't "parted" but rather low tide on a sandbar.....or water into wine was watered down merlot. My science side also questions these "miracles" because we don't see evidence of this type of thing today.....that's when my faith says that maybe back then when this type of faith was new to the world of men, they might have need stronger miracles to show the first generation of believers that god did exist. See how I can play devils advocate within my own head?

I believe god created adam and eve, but given the scientific evidence I can't say for sure that adam and eve were fully upright modern day people. God created the universe, god made everything....including "The big bang" and he created all the creatures that occupied the planet before he created man. Adam and eve were likely grunting, hairy, knuckle dragging, cavemen that eventually evolved into modern man.

Any time anyone has invited me to their church, or there is a family event (on my wifes side) and it is at a Christian school I don't feel right being there. Almost as if something is watching me and telling me I don't belong. From what I know of organized religion it sucks, pardon my words, but there is no other way for me to describe how I feel about it. Let me explain though. I realize that some organization is needed, like what day to meet, what time, where, what is the general topic, etc. Those are administrative things that are organizational, but not what I am talking about. What I am talking about is the parts where you have to wear a button up shirt and slacks, women in dresses, the preacher in robes, altar boys lighting candles, don't say this or talk about that. I remember from my teachings that god says, come as you are....I will accept you with all your flaws. Or I am all around you, worship me where ever you go. I have yet to see or hear of a church that is ok with shorts and sandals, at least not any church for the religions I am familiar with. Or a church that isn't filled with torturous wooden benches. I have been around my wife's side of the family and they are what I call "Modern Christians". In church they are all about help thy neighbor and love thy brother and turn the other cheek.......but then when they get out of church it's help thy neighbor :unless you have a good enough excuse to not have to do any work: Or love thy brother : unless he's a homosexual (insert racial term here) : Do you get my point? I am not trying to point out that christian religions are horrible or start a debate on the subject, I am just trying to state my observations so that you can understand why I have not chosen to go in that direction and so that you can help me find the right direction for me.

It is these inconsistencies that have kept me away from the traditional "christian" churches....so much so that if my job dispatches me to a church (any place of worship) I refuse to go because I may have to step inside and I don't feel as if I should have to go inside a place of judgement. I understand that there are fanatics that border on cultist in any religion and I don't agree with using the influence of god/supreme being/whatever name your religion calls him/her to coerce people into a lunatic motivated tirade.

I don't feel right with the idea of worshiping idols, or different gods....I.E. the god of wind or the god of water. Not saying there is anything wrong with it but it doesn't sit right with my personal feelings. I also am a little unsettled calling god anything but "GOD" since I was raised with that name....however I realize that other religions may give their name to him, like allah or jehovah, and in time I am sure I could come to terms with the fact that the worship/belief/following of the supreme being is still being met and that it is the same being just called something else....."A rose by any other name...." type of thing.

I think that I shouldn't be considered sub standard because I don't follow the strict edicts of man using the name of god. If I don't show up every week, or if I get mad at someone and call them foul names I shouldn't be made to feel like I am less of a person than the "Ned Flanders" of the religion. I should be able to show up in my jean shorts with fresh oil stains from working on the car.....hey I had things that had to get done and I did them up until the last minute possible before taking a break to gather with my fellow believers. I should not have to worry about saying the wrong thing, or bringing up the wrong topic because it's taboo. I need open minded people that understand that not everything will corrupt our children and turn out society into a helpless post apocalyptic warzone.......IT'S JUST A VIDEO GAME, RAISE YOUR KIDS AND LET ME PLAY IT.

I am not a tree hugging hippie, although I do love some aspects of nature and untouched areas are a sight to behold. I am also not an ultra conservative nazi-istic control freak that believes that we should give up our rights and freedoms in the name of national security.....although a national firearms license would make it easier for me to travel.

I hope this wasn't too long, it is rather hard to sum up ones beliefs through a keyboard but hopefully I hit the big points. I know I don't fit into any group that I have knowledge of because I do tend to go from one end of the spectrum to the other in my beliefs.

If you can help me identify which religious type group may best fit me please let me know. I will admit that after looking on here I didn't have a clue there were this many different belief systems. I knew of some, like Buddhism, Wicca, Judaism but not enough about them to know where to start. It took me 30 years to figure out this much about christianity, I don't want to take another 30 to find another religion that doesn't fit.

i advise you to study isalm . You will get answered any question in your mind and your mind will be in peace.

Islam is a Semitic religion, which has over one billion adherents all over the world. Islam means "submission to the will of God". Muslims accept the Qur’an, as the word of God revealed to His last and final prophet, Mohammed (peace be upon him). Islam states that Allah sent messengers and prophets throughout the ages with the message of Unity of God, and accountability in the Hereafter. Islam thus makes it an article of faith to believe in all the earlier prophets, starting with Adam, and continuing with Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, John and Jesus amongst many others (may peace be on them all).
We belive in all prophets , all holy books, we also belive that the injeel (christan called it bibble) was the holy book of almighty allah revelaed on Prophet Eisa may allah be please with him. but the current bibble is not that injeel which was reveale on prophet Eisa may allah be please with him.it has many alteranaion in it and secondly it was sent for those people and for that time.

as you are a christian i am advising you a site to suty ( as i am unable to post link so i am wirting it it is irf dot net)
irf dot net , then click the link books on the lower corner of left, then click the link comparitive relaign at top , then click the link christanity at right and then islam and christanity.
Here in that site you can also find many article regarding islam.

if you have any question regarding islam i will be happy to answer you as per my knowlege.

The translation[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] of Surah Ikhlas (Holy Qur'an 112:1-4) is:
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only! Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.


New Member
Kender, why do you believe in god at all? And especially Adam and Eve etc - if you're scientifically minded, why don't you just do the obvious thing and treat the Christian myth in the same way as Greek myth? You sound a bit like someone who is rightly confused by Christianity but can't bring himself to admit doubt.

Lets say you find a congregation that 'feels right' to you. What would that mean? Does it make their beliefs true? No. Would it help you keep an open mind? Probably not, since religious people tend to have made up their minds and just use church as a way of rebrainwashing themselves and making themselves feel 'righteous' by showing off their commitment to the social norm to their neighbours.

If you're worried about your relationship with some god that might exist, remember that you live among people, and are therefore morally obligated to keep an open mind and treat others as you want them to treat you, regardless of the 'ultimate truth'. A good god would only care about the way you treat yourself and others, and wouldn't ask to be worshipped at all. And of course, that fact that noone can prove their faith is the 'truth', or even claim their faith is the most reasonable worldview to hold (hence 'faith', which is irrational belief) means that any honestly-held worldview is both worthy of respect and liable for criticism, so that a god that punished humanity for not worshipping him even though we had no reason to believe in him would be evil and therefore an enemy of humanity, and anyone who followed him would be traitors.

Basically: keep religion at arm's length ;)


Treasure Hunter
Well... I'm not going to tell you what to believe. My lack of religion is horribly depressing. I think that is the reason more people don't believe what I believe, because it is sad... Like at a funeral, what do you tell someone who is an atheist?? Not that their dad is in a better place, or that they'll see him again someday, or that they are praying for you, because it doesn't matter. That sucked.

Maybe you should just believe whatever you think is true, and not care what the religion's title is. :D


Mr Invisible
I know how you feel, man. When I was a Christian I didn't like going to church. In fact I only went a few times. I felt almost... unclean, in the presence of the people there. My mind was thinking, "These guys vision of the world and their happy nature, are so fragile, and if I even give them a hint as to what I've seen/done in my life, then they'll become tainted somehow... and will be hurt by it". I also didn't like the singing and dancing... and even praying with other people was weird. It'd always been a private thing for me.

I too am spiritual at times, yet very rational at other times. If I'm honest, I think there is a God... but sometimes I think the opposite. I mean sometimes I even believe in Jesus... then I think it's too weird to be true.

There are no easy answers, my friend, the likelyhood of someone being able to find you a religion that fits is slim to none. However, it may help you to view relgion as a flexible concept. We humans have a way of seeing only 1 point of view... usually our own. Basically religion is likely (and probably should be to be honest) different for each adherent. Religion is about a personal relationship with God, so the way you live, the way you interact with God, determines how you feel, act, live with God. Even participating on this forum could be you're way of trying to get to know God and God's probably trying to get a message to you... maybe through one of us, maybe simply through the action of you merely posting here and opening a dialog or opening to the possibility of a relationship with God.

Try to just take a step back when looking at religion. Just let it speak to you, think about certain parts of it. You don't need to join a group of people for worship each week. It's between God and you...

Stick around the site, it'll help. Keep an open mind and try to get under the surface of religion.


not as lost as before
Thanks for every one's help, I am still in need of it so if you have more insight please let me know.

Now that a few people have posted some things that I can reply to maybe I can shed some light into areas that I didn't hit in my original novel.

Phasmid: It sounds as if you have read my mind. I am not looking for a weekly get together, but more of a grouping of like minded people that can validate my train of thought without making me feel as if I am some psychotic degenerate that is the cause of the decay of society.....which is what I get if I use the F-bomb within earshot of the traditional "Christians", of course I would probably get the same treatment from any fanatical religious group. Maybe this site is what I need to put my thoughts into a coherent path. Time will tell.

Feridan: I know it's an exercise in conflict when I try to rationalize my 2 sides. I am very much a cause and effect type, that basis the physics of that cause/effect in my next theory of how another situation should occur........but when it comes to religion it's one of those things that even I have a hard time explaining to myself, a lot like time travel causality loops :) Why do I believe in god at all? I don't really know, it's a feeling. Like when you get dejavu, you can't put it in words but it's still there. My scientific side says that for the universe to be this big with the life that we have on this planet....and the life on other planets.....and all of that happened because the exact right amount of cosmic gasses interacted at the exact right time without some divine intervention just seems like effect with no cause. you bring up some good points and I will certainly have them bouncing in my head for a while.

Islam means peace: Wow, I don't really know where to start.......you have baffled me, intrigued me, made one of my points, and pointed out my lack of religious knowledge.

The baffle; The names of the prophets you listed are all names that I know from christianity. I remember watching the flying house and reading the picture bible and these names were in there.......but when I hear Islam I think muslim and the prejudicial image that pops in my head shows my redneck "Jim Crow" roots. Forgive me my stupidity, but with the events of recent years anything that deals with the mid east gets my redneck chromosomes worked up (at least as my initial reaction). Luckily I am smart enough to realize that my prejudices are standing in the way of wisdom so I can tear through that redneck inbredness :) that attempts to close my mind. I hear Allah, or any other arabic-ish names, and I think mid eastern ( I am at a loss for how to say it so I will just say it, but I am not trying to use it in a derogitory sense here) Camel jockey. However once that initial burst of idiocy is out I realize the truth is that jesus was from that part of the world, he was 99.9% more likely to have been a "camel jockey" than to have been like me, a white anglo male. The arabic sounding names (like calling GOD, Allah) puts me on edge as if I were putting my faith in to a false god. However when I think of it, God is the name I call him and I am fairly certain that the people from isreal, palistine, Etc. did not use the word "god" but rather a version in their language.

The intrigue; because of my background in christianity I have closed myself off to other beliefs as being false......without realizing that the other beliefs may just be linguistical interpretations of what I had as a faith. The realization that the "White christian" religions actually come from the mid eastern world of darker skin and languages far different from english is extreemly enlightening. The names of prophets that I recognize being in your religion has piqued my interest into a realm that I would previously shunned as a false faith. I mean if my faith has those people in it and my faith is the right one because......well because english speaking people say it is......then those prophets must have existed. But if that's true then how can your religion be false if it has the same elements?

Making my point; I don't say this to offend but just to point out. In your post you pause several time to say "peace be upon him" or other phrases that hint at the rigid fanatical followings of organized religion, like singing gospels, and sayiing halleluyah 80 times in one sunday morning. To some it's fine but to me it gets too close to doing something for the sake of following a ritual and not for a real reason.

When I first started to read your post I thought " ok here is some muslim nut job trying to push some freaky cult on me". Then I started to recognize the names of the prophets and I was at a loss. There it was, one of the very few prejudices I have/had being torn down by evidence presented using elements from my own beliefs. I was, and still am, humbled by this revelation. I will look into that site you gave, as well as research some more into this.

Dumb question, you mentioned Islam being a semitic religion. The definitions that I find for semitic relate to jewish. Am I wrong is thinking that islam comes from or shares it's roots with the jewish faith?

I don't know yet if I should thank you for your help or scold you for turning me from the right path.........it will take alot of internal reflection to come to terms with some of this but I have a feeling I may end up thanking you.

Keep coming with the help.


Veteran Member
hi :) welcome to the forum. my advice is to relax, take it easy and love yourself. i am sure in time you'd reach where you belong following your heart. that's the leader.



not as lost as before
Try the Beliefnet belief-o-matic test - it will give you an idea of where your tendencies and likes/dislikes fall.

Just took the test and got 100% on Reform judaism and 89% on islam......looks like I have some research to do.


Its only a Label
Friend kender,
You are not alone to be confused.
Many are, many were, many are still to be.
Best thing atleast you have realised it.
Well begun is half done.
So you are already on the WAY / PATH.
The begining is the end of the goal.
Keep walking and everything will be revealed to you of its own accord.
Don't push yourself too much.
Best wishes.
Love & rgds


Its only a Label
Friend kender,
You are not alone to be confused.
Many are, many were, many are still to be.
Best thing atleast you have realised it.
Well begun is half done.
So you are already on the WAY / PATH.
The begining is the end of the goal.
Keep walking and everything will be revealed to you of its own accord.
Don't push yourself too much.
Best wishes.
Love & rgds
kender , one thing, i am not very good in english language and there fore i may be not 100% understand your answer but understand a little bit. so even what ever i had undestand i want to give answer to you ,please if you answer or reply for me try to use easy language as possible and if i do mistake in writing please forgive me.

Well , Kender i first say that you first visit the site which i gave you and just take a look and read specially the topic similarites between christanity and islam.(may be just increase for your knowledge but by reading it clear your many conufiosns about islam).i am also looking for some vidoes regarding this topic , when i found suitable vidoes i will mail you to clear you better.

I think there are lot of misconifusion regarding islam.people just heard any thing and realate it to islam and not want to verify it from reliable sources.anyway

i want to give a little bit knowledge to you about islam.which also covers your reply.and then i will try to cover your other answer with a little knowledge i have and with the best english i know.
i will apreicate your thoughts as you say "To start, yes, I believe in god, a supreme being, a one and only creator of all life" this is what the islam says, There is no God but Allah, means there is only one God. Well, according to my knowledge most christans does not believe this.

as you said "islam comes from or shares it's roots with the jewish faith", i want to clarify this.
from begienning, from prophet Adam to prohet mohammad (peace me upon him) the message of all the prophets is the same that is to follow the commandmend of all mightly Allah (god).

so , why the differerenee ,it is becasue by the passage of time people made changes to the books which was revealed to prophets and just for their own interest they change the words of Holy Books , now a days you will not have the orignal Taureet, Zabbor Or Injeel (Bibble).and only the Holy Quran is there which is now in its orignal form becasue All Mighty Allah takes responsibility byhimself for the holy Quran.All mighty Allah has send several Prophets to land to different nations and Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) was the last prophet of Allah ,send for whole of the mankind.
As prophet Mohammad (Peace be Upon him) was the last messenger of Allah so now only book which we have to follow is Holy Quran.

Thus by following the teachings of Mohammad (peace me upon him) is same as you followed the teaching of Prophit Eisa (peace me upon him) (JESUS), is same following the teaching of Prophet Ibrahim (peace me upon him),is same following the teaching of Prophet Moosa (peace me upon him) and thus following every Prophet and ultimately follwing the commands of Almighty Allah (GOD).

one of the islamic schollar Dr zakir naik said
“If Christian is a person who follows the teachings of Christ (pbuh) and not one who worships Christ (pbuh). (We are more Christian than the Christians themselves).”

Now let me Answer some of your other questions.

Why muslim preffer anme Allah and Not God?
a brief summary we can say is, in english from word GOD, You can make plural of the word GOD , you can also have mascunan and feminan gender of this Word.As we belive in only one GOD so the name must be which we can not play with,it must also be unique (that give the idea of only one), so in the word Allah is stand alone , it has no plural no genders, so we muslim prefer word Allah rather GOD.
Also , the name Allah is not the only name we give to GOD,as the holy quran said

The Noble Qur'an Ta-Ha 20:8

Allâh! Lâ ilâhla illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He)! To Him belong the Best Names.
We can call Allah by
AL-'ALIM The All-Knowing
AL-'AZIM The Great One
AL-BARR The Source of All Goodness
AL-HAQQ The Truth
AL-HADI The Guide
AL-KABIR The Most Great

we can give any name to Allah which is unique and fullfil certain conditions. (its endless list), the above list give you some idea.

Now, about using word (peace me upon him) with names of Prophet?
I can simply say when you write a letter to your boss you may use dear MR. xyz, or resperctive mr. xyz, just becuaseu you respect them.
Or lets take an example of speech of a student student , he can start with Respective Guest Mr abc, Respective Teacher and Dear Students etc here a student speeching add some words to the name to show respect to other.
Being a muslim we respect all propehets,we love prophets, so we take their names with love and with respect, and it has nothing link with the what you said like singing gospels, and sayiing halleluyah 80 times in one sunday morning. its love and respect for prophet by muslims so we call their name with love and respect.

Finally , i would like to say that i never want to turn you from right path rather want to show you the right path, i pray to all mighty Allah that to guide you, me and all the other peoples to the right path.

The translation[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] of Surah Ikhlas (Holy Qur'an 112:1-4) :
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only! Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.


Well-Known Member
Yes I am new here, so I hope this is the right forum since I am trying to compare all kinds of religions to see if I fit into one or at least if I can find one that I am comfortable with. Warning, this is a long post so you may want to go get a drink and come back. I would appreciate it if you would take the time to read it and help me if you can because I really am lost.

I was raised in the military so my religion was whatever the base chaplin/preacher/pastor was. I went to services for lutheran, protestant, baptist, presbyterian, and probably a few more that I can't remember. Maybe this is part of the cause of my dilemma. After seeing that these religions had the same base of beliefs I started noticing that several other religions did as well. This has led me to some of my confusion and lack of a label.....as well as other things that I will get to later. I am 30 and have not been to church since I was about 12 so forgive me if I am foggy on my details. I may also jump around with my trains of thought and given the thoughts trying to congeal in my head I hope you can bear with me. I hope someone on here can point me in a few good directions so that I may find a path away from my isolation.

To start, yes, I believe in god, a supreme being, a one and only creator of all life, regardless of the name given to him, so this isn't a matter of needing to be saved but rather finding my way. I am also very scientific, in that I need to either see proof or using scientific "fact" to explain something else logically. My belief in god being an exception to my scientific side. I was taught the stories of the bible....sampson and delilah (sp), moses, the red sea, burning bush, jesus nailed to the cross, david and goliath, water into wine, etc. My faith side says that these things happened. My science side says that the bible was written by man and history is written by the victors, so there may be logical explanations to these miracles. The red sea maybe wasn't "parted" but rather low tide on a sandbar.....or water into wine was watered down merlot. My science side also questions these "miracles" because we don't see evidence of this type of thing today.....that's when my faith says that maybe back then when this type of faith was new to the world of men, they might have need stronger miracles to show the first generation of believers that god did exist. See how I can play devils advocate within my own head?

I believe god created adam and eve, but given the scientific evidence I can't say for sure that adam and eve were fully upright modern day people. God created the universe, god made everything....including "The big bang" and he created all the creatures that occupied the planet before he created man. Adam and eve were likely grunting, hairy, knuckle dragging, cavemen that eventually evolved into modern man.

Any time anyone has invited me to their church, or there is a family event (on my wifes side) and it is at a Christian school I don't feel right being there. Almost as if something is watching me and telling me I don't belong. From what I know of organized religion it sucks, pardon my words, but there is no other way for me to describe how I feel about it. Let me explain though. I realize that some organization is needed, like what day to meet, what time, where, what is the general topic, etc. Those are administrative things that are organizational, but not what I am talking about. What I am talking about is the parts where you have to wear a button up shirt and slacks, women in dresses, the preacher in robes, altar boys lighting candles, don't say this or talk about that. I remember from my teachings that god says, come as you are....I will accept you with all your flaws. Or I am all around you, worship me where ever you go. I have yet to see or hear of a church that is ok with shorts and sandals, at least not any church for the religions I am familiar with. Or a church that isn't filled with torturous wooden benches. I have been around my wife's side of the family and they are what I call "Modern Christians". In church they are all about help thy neighbor and love thy brother and turn the other cheek.......but then when they get out of church it's help thy neighbor :unless you have a good enough excuse to not have to do any work: Or love thy brother : unless he's a homosexual (insert racial term here) : Do you get my point? I am not trying to point out that christian religions are horrible or start a debate on the subject, I am just trying to state my observations so that you can understand why I have not chosen to go in that direction and so that you can help me find the right direction for me.

It is these inconsistencies that have kept me away from the traditional "christian" churches....so much so that if my job dispatches me to a church (any place of worship) I refuse to go because I may have to step inside and I don't feel as if I should have to go inside a place of judgement. I understand that there are fanatics that border on cultist in any religion and I don't agree with using the influence of god/supreme being/whatever name your religion calls him/her to coerce people into a lunatic motivated tirade.

I don't feel right with the idea of worshiping idols, or different gods....I.E. the god of wind or the god of water. Not saying there is anything wrong with it but it doesn't sit right with my personal feelings. I also am a little unsettled calling god anything but "GOD" since I was raised with that name....however I realize that other religions may give their name to him, like allah or jehovah, and in time I am sure I could come to terms with the fact that the worship/belief/following of the supreme being is still being met and that it is the same being just called something else....."A rose by any other name...." type of thing.

I think that I shouldn't be considered sub standard because I don't follow the strict edicts of man using the name of god. If I don't show up every week, or if I get mad at someone and call them foul names I shouldn't be made to feel like I am less of a person than the "Ned Flanders" of the religion. I should be able to show up in my jean shorts with fresh oil stains from working on the car.....hey I had things that had to get done and I did them up until the last minute possible before taking a break to gather with my fellow believers. I should not have to worry about saying the wrong thing, or bringing up the wrong topic because it's taboo. I need open minded people that understand that not everything will corrupt our children and turn out society into a helpless post apocalyptic warzone.......IT'S JUST A VIDEO GAME, RAISE YOUR KIDS AND LET ME PLAY IT.

I am not a tree hugging hippie, although I do love some aspects of nature and untouched areas are a sight to behold. I am also not an ultra conservative nazi-istic control freak that believes that we should give up our rights and freedoms in the name of national security.....although a national firearms license would make it easier for me to travel.

I hope this wasn't too long, it is rather hard to sum up ones beliefs through a keyboard but hopefully I hit the big points. I know I don't fit into any group that I have knowledge of because I do tend to go from one end of the spectrum to the other in my beliefs.

If you can help me identify which religious type group may best fit me please let me know. I will admit that after looking on here I didn't have a clue there were this many different belief systems. I knew of some, like Buddhism, Wicca, Judaism but not enough about them to know where to start. It took me 30 years to figure out this much about christianity, I don't want to take another 30 to find another religion that doesn't fit.

Hey there, Kender.

I actually know of something that would fit your general belief system, as you've more or less described it.

You believe in God, even if you aren't sure about the miracles and whatnot. That is fine.

There is a belief system which is tied to Judaism, but isn't. It Noachidism.

The general idea is that all people who are not specifically Jews ALSO have a connection to God. God gave non-Jews Seven laws. A lot of them would come natural to you, I might think.

A general outline is the seven basic laws. They are:
1) Don't worship idols. (You are already good with that, it seems.)
2) Don't curse God or pretty much say bad things about Him.
3) Don't unlawfully murder people.
4) Don't steal or kidnap people.
5) Don't commit adultery, incest, rape, homosexuality, or other sexual perversion.
6) Don't tear limbs from living animals. (If you like meat, well and good. Just make sure the animal is dead before you eat from it, first.)
7) Live life according to a legal system that supports you following the first six. (That works out to most countries, so I wouldn't worry about it.)

For more detail, I would suggest B'nai Noach - Rachav and/or JAHG-USA Official Web Site. If you explore the sites, they explain all kinds of things, and you might find them useful to your way of thinking.

And if not, they are still interesting to read.

Good luck to you in your search!


not as lost as before
Hi! :)

You may want to look into the Baha'i Faith, too, (I don't have 15 posts so this has to be edited out) as it will give you rather a newer take on these!

Regardless, good hunting! :)


Thanks, that was one of the religions on the list but it was a few down. I have my work cut out for me but hopefully through the links you and others have provided I can get the information I need without going to religious services for each of these for several years to figure out what's going on.


Question Everything
Yes I am new here, so I hope this is the right forum since I am trying to compare all kinds of religions to see if I fit into one or at least if I can find one that I am comfortable with. Warning, this is a long post so you may want to go get a drink and come back. I would appreciate it if you would take the time to read it and help me if you can because I really am lost.

Welcome to RF! of course we have time for ya!

I was raised in the military so my religion was whatever the base chaplin/preacher/pastor was. I went to services for lutheran, protestant, baptist, presbyterian, and probably a few more that I can't remember.

you sound well rounded :)

Maybe this is part of the cause of my dilemma. After seeing that these religions had the same base of beliefs I started noticing that several other religions did as well. This has led me to some of my confusion and lack of a label.....as well as other things that I will get to later. I am 30 and have not been to church since I was about 12 so forgive me if I am foggy on my details. I may also jump around with my trains of thought and given the thoughts trying to congeal in my head I hope you can bear with me. I hope someone on here can point me in a few good directions so that I may find a path away from my isolation.

To start, yes, I believe in god, a supreme being,

good - you are on the right track.

a one and only creator of all life, regardless of the name given to him, so this isn't a matter of needing to be saved but rather finding my way. I am also very scientific, in that I need to either see proof or using scientific "fact" to explain something else logically. My belief in god being an exception to my scientific side. I was taught the stories of the bible....sampson and delilah (sp), moses, the red sea, burning bush, jesus nailed to the cross, david and goliath, water into wine, etc. My faith side says that these things happened. My science side says that the bible was written by man and history is written by the victors, so there may be logical explanations to these miracles. The red sea maybe wasn't "parted" but rather low tide on a sandbar.....or water into wine was watered down merlot. My science side also questions these "miracles" because we don't see evidence of this type of thing today.....that's when my faith says that maybe back then when this type of faith was new to the world of men, they might have need stronger miracles to show the first generation of believers that god did exist. See how I can play devils advocate within my own head?

1 Cor 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the cSpirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

spiritual things by spiritual means, natural things by natural means my friend.

link if you have time for a read...

I believe god created adam and eve, but given the scientific evidence I can't say for sure that adam and eve were fully upright modern day people. God created the universe, god made everything....including "The big bang" and he created all the creatures that occupied the planet before he created man. Adam and eve were likely grunting, hairy, knuckle dragging, cavemen that eventually evolved into modern man.

link JMO

Any time anyone has invited me to their church, or there is a family event (on my wifes side) and it is at a Christian school I don't feel right being there....

people are not perfect we are all trying to do the best we can. In any event, my church is all volunteer - no paid ministers etc... we take turns getting up giving talks - sharing experiences and understanding of things - no fancy clergy degrees, instead everyone studying it out for themselves and using the wisdom of life's lessons... we dress up a little to show respect for G-d, not to impress anyone.

It is these inconsistencies that have kept me away from the traditional "christian" churches....so much so that if my job dispatches me to a church (any place of worship) I refuse to go because I may have to step inside and I don't feel as if I should have to go inside a place of judgement. I understand that there are fanatics that border on cultist in any religion and I don't agree with using the influence of god/supreme being/whatever name your religion calls him/her to coerce people into a lunatic motivated tirade.

I agree.

I don't feel right with the idea of worshiping idols, or different gods....I.E. the god of wind or the god of water. Not saying there is anything wrong with it but it doesn't sit right with my personal feelings. I also am a little unsettled calling god anything but "GOD" since I was raised with that name....however I realize that other religions may give their name to him, like allah or jehovah, and in time I am sure I could come to terms with the fact that the worship/belief/following of the supreme being is still being met and that it is the same being just called something else....."A rose by any other name...." type of thing.

I agree.

I think that I shouldn't be considered sub standard because I don't follow the strict edicts of man using the name of god. If I don't show up every week, or if I get mad at someone and call them foul names I shouldn't be made to feel like I am less of a person than the "Ned Flanders" of the religion. I should be able to show up in my jean shorts with fresh oil stains from working on the car.....hey I had things that had to get done and I did them up until the last minute possible before taking a break to gather with my fellow believers. I should not have to worry about saying the wrong thing, or bringing up the wrong topic because it's taboo. I need open minded people that understand that not everything will corrupt our children and turn out society into a helpless post apocalyptic warzone.......IT'S JUST A VIDEO GAME, RAISE YOUR KIDS AND LET ME PLAY IT.


I am not a tree hugging hippie, although I do love some aspects of nature and untouched areas are a sight to behold. I am also not an ultra conservative nazi-istic control freak that believes that we should give up our rights and freedoms in the name of national security.....although a national firearms license would make it easier for me to travel.

I hope this wasn't too long, it is rather hard to sum up ones beliefs through a keyboard but hopefully I hit the big points. I know I don't fit into any group that I have knowledge of because I do tend to go from one end of the spectrum to the other in my beliefs.

If you can help me identify which religious type group may best fit me please let me know. I will admit that after looking on here I didn't have a clue there were this many different belief systems. I knew of some, like Buddhism, Wicca, Judaism but not enough about them to know where to start. It took me 30 years to figure out this much about christianity, I don't want to take another 30 to find another religion that doesn't fit.


I like you, you sound honest and down to Earth. Of course, I will always point people in the LDS direction. I am a convert, I have looked around at all the different denoms....

I once saw a cartoon - a couple discussing what church they should go to. One said something about the doctrines taught at one church, the other said "I don't know hunny, the other church had a racquet-ball court".

There are a lot of community centers, bars, clubs, etc. where you can hang out, wear what you want, say what you want etc… Relig is a little different though. The whole “love your neighbor” trying to be moral etc… that is really what relig is about. Not just a philosophy club, it is a club where you change your life, change who you are… talking about it vs. becoming it… just a thought.

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Well-Known Member
That was a very interesting first post, kender. I can identify with a lot of it.

Excuse me for being a bit terse, but I would suggest that you say to hell with all the organized religions. Go with what resonates. Here's a few sources that resonated with me:

The Impersonal Life
The Prophet (Kahlil Gibran)
The Urantia Book
Works by Evelyn Underhill
Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Richard Bach)
Illusions (Richard Bach)
Bhagavad Gita
The Tao of Physics (Fritjof Capra)
Turning Point (Fritjof Capra)
The Dancing Wu Li Masters (Gary Zukav)
The Self-Aware Universe (Amit Goswami)
No Boundaries (Ken Wilber)
The Conscious Univese (Kafatos and Nadeau)
Synchronicity (F. David Peat)
A Guide for the Perplexed (E.F Schmacher)
Oneness (Rasha)
The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes (edited by Ken Wilber)
Nag Hammadi Scriptures
Tao Te Ching
The Cloud of Unknowing
The Mechanism Demands a Mysticism (Thomas Brophy)
Behold the Spirit (Alan Watts)
The Book (Alan Watts)
Quantum Reality (Nick Herbert)
That Which Is (Alfred Aiken)
and, of course, the Bible.

These are just a few of the books that have ideas that resonate with me. Just go with what resonates. You know that uncomfortable feeling when you go into a church? It's just the opposite.