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Love, Obedience & Association: Allah, Holy Prophet, His Promised Devotee, Ahmadiyya Khilafat


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.....In Holland, majority of Ahmadis are those who are born Ahmadis or Ahmadiyya Islam came to their homes in their early childhood. They grew in Ahmadiyya environment. Their large part consists of Pakistanis. They were allowed to live here because they mentioned that in their homeland they were not permitted to express and practice according to their faith. Some might have had faced direct court cases. Permission to live here and kindness of this government is due to the fact that they call themselves Ahmadis. This announcement of being called Ahmadi put some responsibility over them……Those Ahmadis are not excluded from this responsibility who came here due to their educational or any other expertise and they polished their excellences, and they attribute themselves to Jama’at Ahmadiyya too.

Likewise is the matter of no-mubayeyeen [those who do Bai’at newly], they join the Jama’at because they believe in the truth of claim of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). After doing Bai'at, responsibility to pay right of Bai'at is upon them too. God the Exalted will not excuse them from these responsibilities if they shall say they saw born or earlier Ahmadis doing so and so.

In this age, our training is necessary. It is essential we read and understand the writings and commentaries by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). They are available to us.

There is no excuse for any one. But it is true too that if someone does mistake and stumble by seeing bad model of any earlier (existing) Ahmadi, the earlier Ahmadi will have part of sin. Thus the earlier Ahmadis who were blessed by God the Exalted that their forefathers became Ahmadis or they received Ahmadiyyat in their childhood and they found better environment after coming here, they should not forget that they are indebted to benevolence of Jama'at.

To be grateful for this, they should try to bring extraordinary pure change in their conditions. And they should continue to tell their children about this benevolence of Allah the Exalted that they are in Jama'at. Children should be educated about their responsibilities. Children should also be told how we should keep in view to fulfill the Pledge which was made by their forefathers when they joined the Jama'at.

By becoming grateful to Allah the Exalted for the economic betterment, we have to continue this teaching in our progenies. We have to tell the children they should be grateful to God the Exalted they got chances to polish their educational abilities, they should always keep strong ties with system of Jama'at, they should always have connection of loyalty and obedience with Ahmadiyya Khilafat.

Likewise it is the responsibility of each Ahmadi that as he attributes himself to Ahmadiyyat, it is incumbent on him to always keep strong link with system of Jama'at and to have ties of loyalty and obedience with Ahmadiyya Khilafat. As it is promise made at the time of doing Bai'at.

It is grace of Allah the Exalted, those who joined newly, especially those who accepted the claim of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) by understanding, with full surety and with insight – they keep pondering on their Pledge of Bai'at and its conditions. Many write letter about it to Huzur (a.t.).

But many of those who are born Ahmadis, or they were little when their parents accepted it, and those who have indulged in worldly matters more, after coming here, they usually neither ponder over conditions of Bai'at, nor they understand promise of Bai'at, nor they remember Ahmadiyyat related benevolences of Allah the Exalted

Despite, now proceedings of Bai'at are seen and heard every where through MTA, they do not make effort to know the reality of Bai'at and practice it. Similarly they do not try to get connected with Khilafat according to its right…….[In these countries, all Ahmadi people are not on asylum, there are all kinds of people. Huzur (a.t.) said he mentioned only people on asylum because most of people sitting in front him were those who came through asylum and today their better condition is due to their attribution to Jama'at]………..Such people are present in every class and everywhere.

Everyone can self check, he will know by himself where does he stand.

Huzur (a.t.) said: Now I present one condition of Bai'at for overview. Do not see it lightly but ponder and then check yourself. If the answer to it is a yes, then such people are fortunate, they gather blessings of Allah the Exalted. If there is weakness they should try to make correction.

In the 10 the condition of Bai'at, Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said:

That, (the Bai'at-doer) will remain firm at brotherhood bond with this humble -- just for the sake of Allah, with confession of obedience in ma’roof*. And (the Bai'at-doer) will be of such high level in this brotherhood bond that its example will not be present in worldly relations and connections and all devoted dutiful states.

*Ma’roof=All those things for which God the Exalted has appointed him, all those thing which he will guide us in the light of teaching of Islam.

These are the words which are placing responsibility on us to have selfless and unlimited love and connection with him (on whom be peace).

What is the pledge, he is asking about? He is asking to establish high levels of affection and brotherhood with him for the sake of Allah the Exalted…..He is taking our promise that we shall obey his every ma’roof decision……..i.e. all those things for which God the Exalted has appointed him, all those thing which he will guide us in the light of teaching of Islam; we shall be fully obedient, make effort to remain firm till last breath, and shall practice.

The established connection of love will be of such high quality that its example will not be available in earthly connections, relations, any connection of loyalty with anyone, and in such states when human gives himself in the hand of someone after coming indebted to their benevolence…..The pledge that if, after Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), love of high standard can be kept to anyone, it should be to his (s.a.w.)’s ardent devotee.

Thus these are the standards which we should try to achieve.

After coming into the Bai'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) what should be the relation with him. Every one can make self assessment in the light of above explanations. Do we have these standard? Or we forget these things when worldly matters and worldly benefits come before our eyes. Worldly relations and aims dominate the this connection of love.

A person does anything due to his benefit, or many times due to fear, or due to compulsion that he will be questioned and maybe punished. Or one does anything due to the passion of love and sincerity. If one has right understanding, one does religious works with zeal of love, sincerity and loyalty……. Thus Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has expected from us that we should increase this zeal after coming into his Bai'at. Unless this passion of obedience, sincerity, loyalty and connection is developed, the given advices will not be effective, there will be no effort done to act on these.

To practice advice, to obey his words, to obey Pledge of Bai'at, it is essential to increase standards of obedience, sincerity and loyalty…….Can an Ahmadi ever think Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has ever said anything against Quran and Sunnah? Surely not. If not, then each Ahmadi should understand that ma’roof-obedience means to do perfect obedience by taking love and sincerity to maximum. The perfect obedience can only be done when one does search and seek every directive of the one who is being obeyed, and tries to practice them, otherwise there will be mere claim that we obey everything. If we do not know teachings, how shall we obey? Thus it is obligation of an Ahmadi that they should increase their knowledge, the connection made for the sake of Allah the Exalted should be increased to seek His pleasure, and we should mold our life by being pure according to it.

The advices by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) to Jama'at and his expectations are present in his various books and sayings. Some are being presented now:

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said:

Our Jama'at should be such that they should not be limited to wordiness only but should fulfil the true objective of Bai'at. Inner change should be brought about. You cannot please God the Exalted with mere tenets. If there is no inner change then there is no difference between you and the others.

He also said: Each person should bear his burden and fulfil his promise.

[Thus to correct the self at creed level, to do Bai'at, to accept the truth of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and to defeat others in tenets and debate has no value if there is no practical change and no betterment in practical states.]

He (a.s.) said: To make change of self, do struggle, pray in Salaat. By offering alms and by all other means, be among ‘wallazina jahadu fina……’

[i.e. Andas for those who strive in Our path…'(29:70) …. And this results in '…We will surely guide them in Our ways…' (29:70)]

He (a.s.) further explained it: How can it be possible that the person who is being negligent with extreme carelessness may get benefit from blessing of God like the person who searches Him with all wisdom, all effort and all sincerity.

[Thus when he (a.s.) tells us to obey him and follow him and have relation of obedience with him, it means he want to shows us the ways to find Allah the Exalted and wants us to get share from blessing of Allah the Exalted, and we should offer Salaat-s at right time properly, we should pay attention to alms and kheyraat to absorb love of Allah the Exalted……….That is to say that connection with Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) and relation of obedience increases us in connection with Allah the Exalted.]

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) advised: Be mindful of two things. Firstly, be models of true Muslims and secondly, spread the qualities and excellences of this [Islam] in the world.

[If our own knowledge is weak and our states of practice are worrisome, how we shall be good models of Muslims, what we shall tell the world about message of Islam and its excellences and its spread?]

He (on whom be peace) said: Our Jama'at should take this grief to its heart more than griefs of all world that do they possess Taqwa or not?

No lengthy explanation is required, everyone can make self overview whether he has more grief (concern) for world or grief for goodness of deen (religion, Islam) for himself and his children or not? Does he have fear of God the Exalted and attention for Him? Or when there are worldly matters, pleasure of God the Exalted is pushed back.

He (a.s.) said: Avoiding unwarrantable fury and anger is also a branch of Taqwa (righteousness).

[The people who get angry on pity things they should ponder over their conditions by themselves since they are drifting away from Taqwa.]

These were few advices by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) for us. These are things, when we ponder, increase us in connection and affection with him. How and with what pain, he is worried about our worldly life and Hereafter. He is worried about us more than a father. He is unrestful for us more than a mother. He advises us repeatedly so that by some method, he pull us out of wrong ways and place us at ways of pleasure of God the Exalted. After the mention of his this concern and love, there is no reason that one who calls him(her)self Ahmadi does not make high standards of connection and affection with him to get success in the world and in Hereafter.

It is favour of Allah the Exalted on us that after Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) He has established system of Khilafat among us and system of Khilafat is for advancing the same task, which Allah the Exalted gave to Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.).

In this reference, by making connection of sincerity and loyalty with Khilafat we can continue journey to our destinations which are to become model of true Muslim and to spread the message of Islam in the world.

Each Ahmadi makes pledge of Bai'at at the hand of Khalifah of the time. It is essential to fulfill this promise too. It can be fulfilled by following the instructions, advices and programs given by Khilafat. At the time of Bai'at each Ahmadi pledges that he will abide by conditions of Bai'at and he will abide by the ma’roof decision made by the Khalifah of time.

It is the duty of Khalifah of the time to further advance the work and advices of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and to spread the message of Islam to each corner of the world. When each Ahmadi will mold himself according to this thought, only then standards of true obedience will be established, only then unity of Jama'at will be established, only then fields of conveying the message will be opened. If everyone says he has connection of brotherhood and reverence with Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and obeys him, but everyone appoints their individual paths, then progress can never be achieved.

The beauty of Jama'at Ahmadiyya is in the fact that system of Khilafat is established in it. The connection of each Ahmadi with Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) is because he is true servant of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), it is essential to extend this connection with Khilafat too.

Few days ago “during the reception following foundation laying ceremony of a mosque Hazrat Khalifatul Masih gave a brief address with reference to teachings of Islam, significance of mosques and responsibilities of Ahmadis. A lady guest at the reception commented that the words of the Khalifatul Masih were great, what remains to be seen is to what extent will the local Ahmadis practice them to create an atmosphere of love and peace. Indeed, Ahmadis living in the area are under scrutiny. They need to self-reflect as the scrutiny will be that much more intense with reference to Khilafat. Therefore, it is not sufficient to simply make a pledge of Bai'at. Good practice is needed for self-reformation and also for tabligh. In order to have unity and oneness in every place and on every level it is needed that we move at the gesture of one hand; that we obey Khilafat.”

In this age Ahmadis are fortunate as Allah the Exalted created modern services and inventions and granted these to Ahmadis these too. For the publication of deen, Jama'at is granted such facilities. Kalam (written works) of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) is available at TV, internet and websites etc, we can reach it at our will. We can see and hear it in various major languages, we can hear and read advices and sermons of Khalifah of time too which consists of Quran, Hadith and Kalam of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) and is based on it and is reaching everywhere in world today through MTA, it has given a new way to Jama'at to become unity. Each of us should keep it in view, everyone needs it to make connection with MTA [Muslim Television Ahmadiyya], so that they can become part of this unity. Pay special attention to hear Friday sermon at least. Each house should check whether every person in house has heard it or not? If wife hears and husband does not, then it has no benefit. If father is hearing but mother and children are not hearing then too there is no benefit. This arrangement is made by Allah the Exalted so that we become a unity. Through it voice of Khalifah of time reaches to each corner of the world at one time. Each Ahmadi need to be part of it. Thus pay attention to it. If it is not known what is being said, how obedience will be done? After hearing advices, people shall be able to obey. Find the matters which are to be obeyed otherwise it will remain mere claim and apparent announcement at the time of Ijtema or Bai'at ‘whatever ma’roof decision you will make I shall deem it essential to follow’ or ‘we shall continue to make effort to strength Khilafat e Ahmadiyya’. May Allah the Exalted enable each house to pay attention to this, and may we get full benefit of ease provided by Allah the Exalted for our training. It is playing a big role in spreading teaching of Islam. If live (sermon) cannot be heard for any reason, recording may be heard, it is present at internet. There are many progarmes present there, especially sermons and other programs. May Allah enable everyone that as you make a special connetion with Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), may you have strong connection with the ongoing system of Khilafat after him (a.s.). May you show models of obedience. According to Hadith of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), these connections and obedience make obedience to Allah the Exalted and recepient of His pleasure by crossing through obedience of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). May Allah the Exalted enable everyone for that. (Aameen)

Based on: Friday Sermon (9 th October 2015), Holland , by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), alislam.org and mta.tv
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Peace be upon you.
After the sermon, Huzur (a.t.) mentioned a Janazah Salaat in absentia:

Remembering a Murabbi Hafiz Muhammad Iqbal Waraich sahib: He passed away in an accident. The father of his grandfather was companion of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.)….[His brother, an official of Jama'at’s press is in jail since many month because of faith related restrictions.. Earlier the Judge granted bail then cancelled it due to fear of mullahs. May Allah make means for soon release of all detained Ahmadis Aameen.]….In 2003, Hafiz sahib was appointed at a place where opposition to Jama'at was severe. He not only calmed them but a leader of opponents said sorry for his opposition. Many people in Pakistan know by heart that anti Ahmadiyya propaganda is wrong but they are afraid …..Till his last moment, he remained in contact with people of places wherever he was posted….He would convey message with zeal. One of his friend Murabbi (who knows Russian language) reported that once Hafiz sahib was stationed at place where a Russian company was working. Hafiz sahib did not know their language, he learned few words of that language from his friend and wrote sentences of Russian in Urdu so that he could convey the Divine message to them. Such was his passion….May Allah grant all Murabbi-s this zeal and they convey the message according to situation….May Allah grant mughferat to Hafiz sahib, elevate his stations, grant patience to family and may they emulate his virtues. Aameen.
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