In other words, just believing something really really hard until you are convinced it's true.
No, that is not what I said. I said that if we make an effort to believe in God, God will guide us.
““Whoso maketh efforts for Us,” he shall enjoy the blessings conferred by the words: “In Our Ways shall We assuredly guide him.”” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 266-267
I never said that it did.
So you retract your claim that understanding how the prophecy was fulfilled entails going outside the prophecy.
I never made such a claim. If course you have to go outside of it to SEE how it was fulfilled and by whom.
Ah, so you are using your own subjective interpretation.
No, I am using my reason.
You may believe it, but it's still an assumption.
No, it is a belief I know is true.
Please show me one FACT - not belief - that I have disputed.
I never said you disputed any facts. If I showed you facts about Baha’u’llah would you dispute them?
Okay, you go tell them their ancient religions no longer apply. Let's see how many you are able to convince.
I am not trying to convince anyone, but that was not my point. I think I already told you they are not going to relinquish their ancient religions, no matter what. They do not even CARE if the Baha’i Faith is true, all they care about is their ancient religions.
I hereby make a prophecy that there will be a sunrise at your location within 24 hours.
Getting cute will not help your case. Nothing that happened when Baha'u'llah appeared was likely to happen ANYWAY so His Revelation passes point #1.
Let's see if it really happens. If it does, I expect you to refer to me as Prophet Tiberius.
Nope, not unless you fulfill all the Old Testament prophecies
and pass points 1-5.
All you have is someone who fulfills your interpretation of the prophecy.
All anyone ever has is THEIR interpretation of the prophecy but I am willing to look at other people’s interpretations if they have a claimant they believe fulfilled the prophecy.
For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are
what make a man `
unclean'; but eating with unwashed hands does not
make him `
unclean. '" Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon.
Bible Gateway Matthew 15 :: NIV - MIT
Yeah, it's HIGHLY unlikely that anyone would build a temple in a location that has been an important site for several religions for many centuries. What are the chances of that really? *Rolls eyes*
If you think they would spend millions of dollars building temples and buildings to feign fulfilling a few Bible prophecies you are so illogical there is no more I can say. ROLL EYES If there was no true religion to go with the buildings they would not be there.
Not only that, but you do not KNOW anything about how the Baha’i World Centre came to be built on Mount Carmel. All you care about are your criteria but you do not even know how to apply your own criteria. The Baha’i World Centre is on Mount Carmel because that is where Baha’u’llah came to and pitched His tent and wrote His tablets, thus fulfilling the Bible prophecies… You cannot win this one so I suggest you quit trying, because you only make yourself look foolish.
Apparently, you do not give a rip about knowing the truth, all you care about is “winning” an argument.
1. Were not something that was probably going to happen anyway
I think it's quite likely that a religious temple would be built in a location that had long been important for many different religions.
If you think it's UNLIKELY, please tell me why.
Maybe it was likely because it is in the Holy Land, ever thought of that? Where else would they build it, in Hawaii or the middle of Africa? Get real.
You just stuck your foot in your mouth, because the FACT that it was
likely to be built in the Holy Land means it is
likely to be a true religion that built it. Did the People’s Temple get built in the Holy Land?
Where was the peoples temple located?
San Francisco
Peoples Temple, the new religious movement which came to be known for the mass killings at Jonestown, was headquartered in San Francisco, California, United States from the early to mid-1970s until the Temple's move to Guyana in 1977.
Peoples Temple in San Francisco - Wikipedia
I rest my case and thanks for helping me make a case for the Baha’i Faith being a true religion. I owe you one.
2. Could not have been added to an older text after the alleged fulfilling event
3. Were not based on a fulfilling event which either did not happen the way the prophecy described it as happening, or even at all
I'm dubious, but I'll accept this for the moment.
Thank God for small favors.
4. Were not fulfilled because someone read the prophecy and then decided to go and fulfill it just to make the prophecy appear legitimate
I'm not buying this. It's perfectly plausible that whoever decided to builf the temple there had said, "You know, there's a prophecy that says there will be a temple there, and that's actually a pretty good spot, so I think we should do it."
1. The Baha’i World Centre came to be built on Mount Carmel. All you care about are your criteria but you do not even know how to apply your own criteria. The Baha’i World Centre is on Mount Carmel because that is where Baha’u’llah came to and pitched His tent and wrote His tablets, thus fulfilling the Bible prophecies…
2. The Baha’i World Centre was
likely to be built in the Holy Land means it is
likely to be a true religion that built it. Did the People’s Temple get built in the Holy Land?
3. You speak from ignorance of WHY it was built there so you are committing
the Fallacy of Jumping to conclusions.
5. Could not mean anything because the language it is written in is so vague
Not buying it. The prophecies don't actually give much in the way of detail, so it's not that hard to fit them into other things.
Some of the prophecies are very detailed and there are enough of them that are detailed in order to know that they could FIT only one person, and that person was Baha’u’llah.
And given that there are plenty of people out there who claim your interpretation of the prophecy is wrong, there's no way your going to convince me that it's unambiguous.
When you said “there are plenty of people out there who claim…” you just committed another fallacy, called
the fallacy of argumentum ad populum
argumentation theory, an
argumentum ad populum (
Latin for "
appeal to the people") is a
fallacious argument that concludes that a
proposition is true because many or most people believe it: "If many believe so, it is so."
Argumentum ad populum - Wikipedia
The converse of this is that
if many or most people do not believe it, it cannot be so, and that is fallacious. So even if only the Baha’is know the correct interpretations of the prophecies, that does not mean they are wrong.
Matthew 7:13-14 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
The one million dollar question is if they can prove their interpretations are right. They can’t do that because they don’t have the other side of the coin, because they do not have anything
outside the prophecy to prove they are right, because they do not have a MAN who fulfilled the prophecy. All the Jews and Christians have is a false hope that their Messiah will come someday and that he will be as they imagined Him to be. Lol.
Of course, that argument only applies if you already believe the Bible.
Your argument is nothing more than, "If the source is correct, then the source is correct."
If you do not believe the Bible, then there is no point even discussing this at all, because the entire discussion is predicated upon the Bible prophecies being correct.
NO, "If the source is correct, then the source is correct."
is not my argument. My argument is
if the source is correct and
if Baha’u’llah did what the source says (or it happened as the result of His actions)
then the prophecies in the source (Bible) were fulfilled by Him.