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Lovely Approach of Promised Messiah to Praise Allah and to Invoke Salutation on Holy Prophet.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you….Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) presented the passages by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace).

“Elahi! (O my God)! Thousands upon thousands thanks to You that Yourself taught us the way to recognize You.

And saved us from the wrongs and mistakes of thoughts and wisdom by sending Your holy books.

And Durud (salutation) and Salam on Hazrat Leader of Messengers Muhammad, The Chosen One (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and upon his Family / True Followers and Companions, through whom God made a lost-path-world to walk on right path.

That spiritual-nourisher, and benefactor, who brought the truth-forgotten- creation back to true-path.

That beneficent and man of benevolence, who liberated people from the distress of shirk (making associates of God) and idols.

That light and light-spreader who spread light of Unity of God in the world.

That wise, curer and curer of the era, who cemented the steps of deformed hearts on truth.

That generous, noble and miraculous-sign who gave water of life to deads.

That who was repeatedly-merciful and amicable who was grieved for ummah and suffered pain.

That brave and wrestler who pulled us from the mouth of death.

That placid and selfless human who bowed his head in obedience and brought his ego to dust.

That perfect believer of One God and sea of knowledge who liked only grandeur of God and who lost respect of other than Him.

He, the miracle of Capability of Rahman, who, despite being unlettered, dominated over everyone in True-Knowledge and incriminate every single country and nation of blunders and mistakes.”


One’s high morals becomes known when either he passes through troubles or gets abundance and power. It highest manifestation is through Prophets of Allah the Exalted and His close / dear ones. We see the manifestation of its highest station is in the person of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) . What were his (s.a.w.) morals in the days of troubles and in the time of victories. In this regard Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said:

“The presence of beings of Prophets and Aulia (Friends of Allah) is so that people should follow them in all morals.

And all seekers of truth should tread steps at that path of steadfastness, which is about the matters for which God has granted them steadfastness.

And it is very clear that high moral of any human are proven when they are shown at right time, and only then they affect hearts.

For example, Afu [hearty forgiveness] it is respectable and praiseworthy if it is practiced when one is capable of taking revenge, but that avoidance is trustworthy which stays even if one is capable to feed his ego.

In short, the desire of God the Exalted about Prophets and Aulia is that each type of their morals is manifested and reaches to the degree of being proved. To fulfill this desire, God the Exalted divides their luminous lives in two parts; one part is spent in hardship and troubles, they are given pain through every angle, and they are persecuted so that those high morals of theirs appear and proved which cannot be manifested except in severe troubles.

If those severe troubles do not descend on them then how it will be proved that they are such people who do not become disloyal to their Lord when troubles befall at them.

Instead they take step forward.

And they pay thanks to God, The Benefactor, that He chose them for grant despite others were present and considered them worthy to be persecuted in His path.

God the Exalted sends troubles to them to show to (common) people their patience, their sincerity in step-taking, their courage, their steadfastness, their loyalty and their bravery, so that He proves their truth as ‘al-istiqamat foqula karamat’ [steadfastness is higher than miracle] because the perfect patience cannot appear without bearing the perfect troubles, and high-grade steadfastness cannot be known without high-grade quake.

And these troubles are in fact spiritual bounty for Prophets and Aulia, by which their high morals – in which they are unprecedented and matchless -- appear in the world and their stations increase in the Hereafter.

If God had not sent these troubles for them, neither they would have received these bounties, nor their good characters would have appeared to public, according to right. Otherwise, they might have been like other people and equal to them.

And if they had lived life of few days in enjoyment and rest but eventually they would have left this mortal world.

And in that scenario neither their enjoyment and rest had stayed, nor they would have gotten lofty station in Hereafter, nor their courage, loyalty and bravery would have been famous everywhere in world, which would have made them such venerable with none like them, they became such unique that there is none of their sort, they became such special person who has no second, they became so fully hidden that no one else could reach them, they became such perfect and brave as if thousands of lions are present in one body and thousands of cheetahs in one body, whose power and energy became higher than all sights and reached to the high order of closeness.

And the second part of the life of Prophets and Aulia resides in victory, it is of perfect station in prestige and in wealth, so that their those morals should appear for whose manifestation, it is essential to be victorious, man of prestige, man of wealth, man of authority, man of government, man of energy.

Because to forgive sins of those who inflict pain on one’s self, and to overlook the persecutor, and to love one’s self’s enemy, and to wish well for those who wish bad for one’s self, not put heart in wealth, not to become arrogant with wealth, not to hold and be miser while having wealth, to open door of benevolence generosity and grant, and not to make wealth a mean to nourish ego, and not to make government an instrument of oppression and violence.

These all morals are such that, for their proof, it is essential to be man of wealth and power.

They are proved only when wealth and government are available for human.

These two type of morals can not appear except in time of trouble, respect, wealth and government.

That is why the perfect Divine wisdom required that it should give benefit to Prophets and Aulia from these both types of condition which include thousands of bounties.

But the times of happening of these two conditions does not have same sequence for everyone.

For some, Divine wisdom provides time of peace and comfort in the first part and time of troubles in latter part.

And for others troubles come in early times and latter Divine Help accompanies.

And in some, both these states are hidden.

And in some, these states are perfectly manifested and appear.

In this regard, the most first step is of Hazrat Khatam ur Rusel Muhammad Mustafa (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) because both these states came on him (s.a.w.) with perfect clarity.

They came in such order that with which all high morals of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) illumined like the sun.

And the subject “innaka la-ala kholiq azeem” [surely you are at grand moral] reached to its proof.

And the morals of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) getting proved perfectly in both ways, proves the morals of all Prophets.

Because His Holiness verified their Prophethood and their books and showed their nearness to Allah.

Thus, by this analysis this objection is fully removed too that what can come to hearts about morals of Messiah cannot be fully proved according to above mentioned both types of morals – even they are not proven according to any single type – because the patience Messiah showed in the time of troubles, it would have been fully proved if Messiah would have gotten rule and dominance over his foes and would have forgiven sins of his persecutors with sincere heart.

As Hazrat Khatamul Anbiyya (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) got full victory over people of Mecca and others, and saw them under his sword, then forgave their sin and gave punishment to those few people, about whom sure order had come from Hazrat e Ahadiyyat (Allah the Exalted ), and except those eternal cursed ones, forgave the sin of every foe, and after getting victory said “la tasriba alikomul yaum [no blame on you this day], and due to that forgiveness of fault – which used to be impossible in the eyes of enemies, and they would consider themselves dead when they would find themselves in the hands of opponenst.

Thousands of humans accepted Din Islam simultaneously (for this reason).

And True [Divinely taught] patience of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) which his holiness showed against their severe persecutions, illumined like the sun before them.

And because by nature it is present in human habit that the grandeur and greatness of patience of that person is fully manifested at human, who after the time of suffering, when gets power of revenge over the persecutor, forgives that human’s sins.

For this reason, the morals of Messiah, which were about patience, forbearance and gentleness, were not well proven and it did not become well manifested that gentleness of Messiah was a forced one or by choice since Messiah did not get the time of rule and power so that it could be seen whether he would have forgiven the sin of his persecutors or have taken revenge.

It was contrary to morals of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) which were manifested very well at hundreds of occasions, they were tested, and their truth illumined like the sun.

And the morals which were about kindness generosity charity selflessness chivalry bravery asceticism contentment no allure for earthly life, they became so illumined glittering and bright in the being of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) that not only Messiah but there had been no such Prophet passed before Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) whose morals illumined with so much clarity because God the Exalted opened the doors of countless treasures on Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and his holiness spent all of these in the way of God the Exalted and even a grain was not spent on selfishness; no building was made, no court was made, he spent all life in mud-house which was no better than poor people’s houses.

He showed practice of goodness to those who did evil, and those who hurt heart, he sent them happiness with his wealth in the time of their troubles.

He often used beddings on earth for sleeping. He lived in a small hut, ate barley bread or opted fasting.

Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) He was granted worldly wealths in abundance but he did not soiled his hands even a bit with world, and always chose poverty over richness and meekness over prosperity.

From the day of appearance to the day when he met High-Friend [Allah], He was not impressed from anyone except his Kind Lord [Allah].

Against thousands of foes, in the battle field, where it was sure matter to get killed, he stood purely for God, he showed his bravery, loyalty and steadfastness.

In short whatever morals are about generosity charity zohad (asceticism) qana’at (contentment) mardi (chivalry) bravery and Elahi-love, Kind God manifested them in Hazrat Khatam ul Anbiya (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) in such way that their example had never appeared in the world and will never appear in future too.

In these meaning, God finished the revelation and Messenger-ship at this holy being that all excellences ended at this finest being. And this is the blessing of Allah, He grants it to whom He wishes.”

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Peace be upon you.

To a question of a Christian, whether light and Nur is Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)

Question was this: Messiah said these words about himself, “Come to me, you the tired and heavy-laden, I shall give you rest….. I am the light….. I am the way, I am life and the truth.” …………… Whether the founder of Islam attributed such words to himself?

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said:

“It is clearly said in Holy Quran ‘qul inkuntum tohibbun allah fattabe-ooni yohbib komullaho wa yaghfirlakum zonubakum ’ i.e. if you have love for God then come and follow me so that God too will love you and forgive your sins. The promise that human becomes beloved of God by following him, is superior to previous words of Messiah because there is no higher station than it that human become beloved of God. Thus who has more right to call himself light, by following whose path, human becomes beloved of God. That is why Allah (Exalted, is, His the grandeur), in Quran Karim, has given the name Nur [light] to Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) as said, “qad jaa-akum min allahe nur” i.e To you, Nur of Allah has come.”

Love for Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) makes a human beloved of God the Exalted

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said:

“Allah the Exalted has made it conditional that, His loving someone, requires that such person should follow Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). It is my personal experience that to follow Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) with true heart, and keep love for him, eventually make human beloved of God such that it develops a burning of love of God in his own heart.

Then such a person bows towards God by getting dishearten from everything and his love and interest remains only with God the Exalted, and then a special manifestation of love of God falls on him, and by giving him a full colour of fondness and love pulls him towards itself with powerful passion.

Then he overcomes egoistic passions.

And, in his support and help, extra ordinary actions of God the Exalted appear as signs.”

The perfect human and perfect Prophet is Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said:

“That human, who with his being, through his attributes, through his works, through his deeds, through the powerful river of his spiritual and pure powers -- showed the model of perfect perfection in terms of knowledge, practice, truth and stability – and was called the perfect human.

That human who was perfect of all, and was the perfect human, and was the perfect Prophet, and came with perfect blessings, through him spiritual raising and first spiritual qaiyamah (resurrection) appeared and a dead whole world become alive by his coming.

That blessed Prophet Hazrat Khatamul Anbiya, Imam of pures, khatmul mursaleen, proud of prophets, holiness Muhammad Mustafa (peace and blessings of Allah be on him).

O dear God, send that mercy and durud (greetings) on that dear Prophet which You have not sent for anyone since the beginning of the world.

If this Prophet of great exaltation had not come to the world, then all those smaller Prophets who came to the world, like Younas, Ayub, Messiah son of Marry, Malachi, Yahya and Zakariyya etc, we would not have any proof of their truth. Even though all were near, respectable and beloved of God the Exalted, it is the benevolence of that Prophet that these people too were considered truthful in the world.

Allahuma salley wa sallam wa barik aliahey wa aalehi wa ashabehi ajma-een. [O our Allah prosper and send peace and blessing on him and all his companions] ”

To mention certain benevolences of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said

“He [Allah] sent such a Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) for us who is Karim [gracious, kind], he is the man of perfection in all matters of goodness, he has gone ahead in every respect in all types of excellences, he is Khatam of all Messengers and Prophets, the promised Prophet who appeared in ummul qora [mother of towns, Mecca] is truly Muhammad [the praised one] (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) because the tongues of those who received his benefits remain moist with his praise all the times.

And he owes perfect praise by this angle also, that he did extreme labour and hard work for this Ummah and raised the construction of Din,

and also because he brought an illumined and splendid Book for us,

and also because he was to become target of various persecutions in order to convey of the messages his God, the Lord of all worlds, for us,

and moreover also because that whatever remained incomplete and deficient in previous Books, it was perfected by him (peace and blessings of Allah be on him),

and granted us the shariah which is pure from excess and less and other defects and deficiencies,

and took the morals to perfection,

and whatever was deficient, made it perfect,

and rendered all nations of the world grateful to his benevolence,

and told the ways of guidance with top quality elegant and eloquent addresses and with extremely lighted revelation,

and saved the creation from loss of right path,

and made them withdraw [from earthliness etc] by his model,

and made beasts and animal speeking [i.e. people who lived like animals, who were illiterate, gave them tongues and made their speech polite, raised their morals],

and breathed soul of guidance in them,

and made them heir of all Messengers,

and made them such pure and clean that they were lost in the pleasure of Allah the Exalted and they let their bloods flow like water for Allah the Exalted and handed over themselves fully to Allah the Exalted with perfect obedience.

And on the other hand, he sent us – we the eater of leftover from his dining-spread -- to station of true superiority by giving the teaching of unique, hidden upon hidden, subtleties, knowledge and rare points. [i.e. raised us in morals, knowledge]

And through the agency of his guidance, we saw the paths of reaching to The Truth, the Exalted [Allah] by our eyes. [i.e. raised us in spirituality].

And we reached to high heavens, after we were penetrated in earth.

Thus O Allah, send durud [greetings] and salam on him (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) till the day of reward and forever, and his pure family – the pures and goods, and on Sahabah of him (s.a.w.) who became his helper and aided him; they are selected exalted Jama'at of Allah the Exalted who gave precedent to Allah the Exalted over their honours esteems wealth and progeny. Radhiallaho anhum ajma-een. [may Allah be pleased with them all]”

Mention of blessings of status of Khatmey nabuwat of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)

“We believe that our lord Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) is Prophet and Messenger of Allah the Exalted and his religion is better than all religions. And we believe that Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) is Khatamul Anbiyya. After him, only that Prophet can come, whose training has been done by his blessing and has come under his prophesy, no other Prophet can come. And Khatmey nabuwat means the conclusion of excellences of Prophthood at our Prophet, the best of Messengers and Prophets. And we believe that only that Prophet can come after him who should be from his Ummah and from his perfect followers who has received all of the blessing from only his spirituality and is lighted by his light only and no other Prophet can come. And only this matter is truth which is witness to blessings of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and show to people his beauty -- in the dress of his true followers who are lost in him with perfect love and sincerity. And to dispute against it is ignorance. Instead it is the proof by Allah the Exalted that Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) is not abtar (cut off) and there is no need to mention its explanation for people of understanding because Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was not physical father of any male, but due to his blessing of Prophethood he is father for perfection-achieved person in terms of spirituality. And he is Khatam of all Prophets and leader of all accepted ones, and no one can ever reach to court of God the Exalted except the one who has impression of his seal and he follows his sunnah. And no action and no worship can be accepted without acceptance of his Messenger-ship and without being strongly established at his religion and his Jama'at. And whoever left you, and did not follow his all ways according to his power and capacity, he is perished. And after him, no new Shariah can come, and there cannot be anything which can cancel his Book and his commandments or change his pure sayings. There cannot be any rain like his rain. And the person who stepped out of following Quran even as iota, he went out of circle of believe. And no one can be successful and cannot get salvation until he follow all these matters which are proved through our exalted Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). And the person who left an iota from his commandments, he falls in ditch of destruction. And the person who is called to be from this ummah but does not believe that his training takes place through the blessing of best of creature Muhammad Mustafa (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and he has no reality without his model and that Quran Sharif is Khatam ush Sharait, such person is perished and truly disbeliever and wicked. And the one who claim to be Prophet and does not have the creed that he is from his (s.a.w.) ummah, whatever he have received he has received through his (s.a.w.) blessings, and that he is a fruit of his (s.a.w.) garden, he is a drop of his (s.a.w.) rain, and a glimpse of his (s.a.w.) lights – such a person is cursed. And curse of God is on such person, his helpers, followers and companions – on all.

Now, under the heavens, except our Prophet Mujtaba (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), anyone who is not from him, is not Prophet, and we have no Book other than Quran Kareem, and anyone who opposes it, he makes himself enter the hell.”

Now the only intercessor is Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said

“For human-kind now, there is no Book on face of earth but Quran, and now there is no Messenger and Intercessor for children of Adam but Muhammad Mustafa (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). Thus you make effort to keep true love with this Prophet of dignity and glory, and do not give any kind of superiority to one who is other than him so that you are written salvation-received in heavens. And remember salvation is not that thing which will be manifested after death, but the true salvation is the one that it shows its light in this very world. Who gets salvation? The one who is certain that God is true and Muhammad the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) is the intermediate intercessor between Him and all creature and there is no Messenger of same status as of his, under the heavens, there is no Book of same status of that of Quran. God did not want for anyone that he should live for always, but, his exalted Prophet is alive for always [spiritually], Musa received the provisions which the earlier times had lost, and Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) received that provision which movement of Musa had lost. Now movement of Muhammad is in place of movement of Musa but thousands time more in grandeur. Like of Musa is more than Musa, and like of son of Maryam is more than son of Maryam.”

Reference: Based on parts of Friday sermon (May 15 , 2015, UK) by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help) – alislam.org, mta.tv
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Peace be upon you.


1- First section
... @ Islamic Books | Online Islamic Library - Al Islam Online

2- Books on the right side
... @ The Promised Messiah

3- Majestic Writings of the Promised Messiah as in View of Some Renowned Muslim Scholars,
...Revolutionary Impact of the Effect of Eloquent Writings,
...The Real Source of Promised Messiah’sas Eloquence and Magnificent Literature.
...@ https://www.alislam.org/library/books/Majestic-Writings-of-Promised-Messiah.pdf

4- Introducing the Books of the Promised Messiah (as)
... @ Introducing the Books of the Promised Messiah (as)

5- An introduction to the hidden treasures of Islam
... @ https://www.alislam.org/library/books/Hidden-Treasures-of-Islam.pdf

6- So said The Promised Messiah
... @ https://www.alislam.org/library/books/So-Said-the-Promised-Messiah.pdf

7- Tadhkirah: English rendering of the divine revelations, dreams and visions vouchsafed to
.....Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, The Promised Messiah and Mahdi, on whom be peace.
... @ https://www.alislam.org/library/books/Tadhkirah.pdf

8- Commentary on The Holy Quran Volume 1 ( SURAH FATIHA ),
....Compiled from the Writings and Pronouncements of The Promised Messiah and Mahdi Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (a.s.)
... @ https://www.alislam.org/quran/Commentary-on-Surah-Fatiha.pdf
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