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Magnificent Sign – Prophecy of Musleh Mo-ood (Promised Reformer); Promised Son of Promised Messiah.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…February 20, is observed to remember the ‘Prophecy of Musleh Mo-ood’. [Musleh (reformer) Mo-ood (promised)]in Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at…..Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) supplicated to Allah in seclusion for a sign for the support of Islam and Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him).


Hazrat Promised Messiah Mahdi (a.s.)

He was given glad tiding by Allah that he would be granted a pious son with many qualities and he would reach long life. Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) explained that this signs is to show the truth of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) and challenged detractors to bring same sign, if they had doubts…. This sign was greater than the sign of making the deads alive temporarily by Hazrat Esa (a.s.) and other Prophets as said in Bible; although there were questions….In this sign of Musleh Mo-ood, a soul was brought by offering humble prayers to Allah; this soul was to bring great benefits to revival of Islam.

The prophecy was published on February 20, 1886 and the said promised son was born on 12 th January 1889…….First Bai’at was taken by Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) on March 23, 1889; he had received his first revelation of divine appointment in 1882.

The translation of the words of Allah about prophecy of Musleh Mo-ood:

Revelation, February 20 1886:
“[Urdu] I confer upon you a Sign of mercy according to what you begged of me. So I have heard your entreaties and have honoured your prayers with My acceptance through My mercy and made your journey blessed for you. Therefore, a Sign of power, mercy and nearness is bestowed on you; a Sign of grace and beneficence is awarded to you and the key of success and victory is granted to you. O victorious! Upon you be peace. God said that, so that those who desire life, may be rescued from the grip of death and those who are buried in the graves may come out and so that the superiority of Islam and the dignity of KalamUllah [words of Allah] may become manifest unto the people, and so that truth may arrive with all its blessings, and falsehood may flee with all its ills, and so that people may understand that I am the Powerful, whatever I wish, do, and so that they may believe that I am with you, and so that those who do not believe in the being of God and deny and reject religion of God and His Book and His Holy Messenger Muhammad, the Chosen One (s.a.w.) may be confronted with a clear Sign, and the way of the guilty ones may become manifest.
Thus, glad tidings be to you that a handsome and pure boy will be bestowed on you; an unblemished youth will be given to you; that boy will be of your seed, your progeny and lineage.
A handsome and pure boy is coming as your guest. His name is Emmanuel and also Bashir. He has been invested with a spirit of holiness, and he is free from impurity. He is the light of Allah. Blessed is he who comes from heaven.
He will be accompanied by Fazl [grace] which shall arrive with his arrival. He will be endowed with grandeur, greatness and wealth. He will come into the world and will heal many of their disorders through his Messianic Self and through the blessings of the Spirit of Truth. He is the Word of Allah because Allah’s mercy and honour have sent him with the Word of Majesty. He will be extremely intelligent and perceptive and will be meek of heart, and will be filled with secular and spiritual knowledges. He will convert three into four. It is Monday a blessed Monday.

Farzandey dilband garami arjumand [Farsi: Son, delight of the heart, high ranking, noble.]

Mazharul haqqey wal alaa-ey ka-annallaha nazala menassamaa-ey [Arabic: A manifestation of the First and the Last, a manifestation of the True and the High; as if Allah has descended from heaven.]

[Urdu] Whose advent will be greatly blessed and will be a source of manifestation of Divine Majesty. Light comes - the Light, who is anointed by God with the perfume of His pleasure. We shall pour Our Spirit into him and the shadow of God will be over his head. He will grow rapidly in stature, and will be the means of salvation of captives, and will get fame to the ends of the earth, and peoples will be blessed through him. Then, will be raised to his spiritual station in heaven.

Wa kaana amram maqdhia [Arabic: And this is a matter decreed.]”


Hazrat Musleh Mo-ood (r.a.)

He Proved His Mettle to the World:
The promised son, graced the office of Khilafat for 52 years, as second Khalifah of Promised Messiah (a.s.). He proved his mettle to the world. Many books would be needed for deep study of his life and achievement. Latter Khulafa [plural of Khalifah] and scholars has described this subject which has no end.

== 32 volumes consisting of his 850 lectures and speeches, will be presented by the Fazl e Umar Foundation which is devoted for his work…….[24 volumes with 633 lectures and books are already available, by the name ‘anwaar ul uloom’; volume 25 to 29 are ready for printing.]

== His 2076 sermons on Friday, Eid and Nikah are present…… [28 volumes consist of 1602 sermons have been published as ‘khutbaat e Mahmood’].

== The words of prophecy about Musleh Mo-ood included: “He ……..will be filled with secular and spiritual knowledges.”…One example of this, is his detailed commentary of 59 chapters of Holy Quran. [The Tafsir e Kabir]. A reader who reads part of it, arrives at conclusion that Hazrat Musleh Mo-ood was holy among the holiest people. He wrote from 10,000 to 12,000 pages about Holy Quran.

= Quote:
“ Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) wrote 10 books and journals on Kalam and 31 books and journals on spirituality, Islamic morals and Islamic creed. He wrote 13 books and journals on the life of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), 4 books and journals on history, 3 books and journals on jurisprudence (fiqh), 25 books and journals on the politics of pre-partition India and 9 books and journals on post-partition politics and establishment of Pakistan. He wrote 15 books and journals on the politics of Kashmir and 100 books and journals on the Ahmadiyya Movement and he has covered hundreds of other subjects.”

Each piece of his work is pearl of wisdom, knowledge and spiritual insight.

Allamah Niaz Fateh Puri Sahib,
Akhtar Sahib of Patna University,
Syed Jaffer Hussain Sahib,
An example of Western scholars opining about Five Volume Commentary is British academic A J Arberry who was a scholar of Arabic, Persian and Islamic studies,
Dr Anas from Syria,
Jamal Sahib from Morocco.

Comments on his lecture “status of Arabic among world languages” on 31 May 1934 at YMCA Hall on the Mall Road, Lahore. It was presided over by Dr Barkat Ali Qureshi, who was the principal of Islamia College, Lahore -- Comments about lecture by a former chief justice of Kashmir

Comments about his lecture ‘The Economic System of Islam and Communism’ – Comments by Lala Ram Chand


AT Friday sermon on 21 st February 2014, by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help Him with His Mighty Help), U.K.

More about Hazrat Musleh Mo-ood (may Allah be pleased with him)

Photo credit: alislam.org
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