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Mahmoud (antichrist) Meets With Anti-Zionists (September 24, 2007)


Veteran Member

President Ahmadinejad Meets Neturei Karta Rabbis - 9/24/2007

Looks like Mahmoud is definitely playing the part of the final antichrist.

We'll see what developes from here...

According to the Bible code, we are one year into the final 7 year tribulation period, which started August 2006...

The world will worship the beast (antichrist) who is Mahmoud no doubt, after listening to just 5 minutes of this speech.....

1 Mahmoud Ahmadinejd Columbia University

2 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Columbia University

3 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Columbia University



Res Ipsa Loquitur
President Ahmadinejad Meets Neturei Karta Rabbis - 9/24/2007

Looks like Mahmoud is definitely playing the part of the final antichrist.

We'll see what developes from here...

According to the Bible code, we are one year into the final 7 year tribulation period, which started August 2006...

The whole world will worship the beast....

Zionist Lieberman calls on Gen. Petraeus to Invade Iran

I auditioned for the part but they made me a mormon instead...

I guess the casting couch is still open for business. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
LOL FFH. Last week the anti-christ was Criss Angel, and this week it is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, huh? I see that you are buying all of the propaganda hook, line, and sinker. I don't believe him to be a good man, although I would think that passing judgment may be a good thing in this regard. Can we not look upon everyone with such an evil eye?

By the way, the anti-Zionists are NOT anti-Judaism. As a matter of fact, you will find that most of them are strong followers of Judaism. It is the Zionists that are heavilly influence by modern-day secularism. Look up the history of the formation of Israel. You will be shocked to learn that most of the founders were in fact not in-tune with Judaism, but were secularists to the core.

Have you ever heard of the group Jews United against Zionism? Probably not, seeing as though you are so easilly influenced by US media. Look outside of the box. Judaism and Zionism are not connected in ANY according to many God-fearing Jews...True Torah Jews Against Zionism


Veteran Member
Unity said:
LOL FFH. Last week the anti-christ was Criss Angel, and this week it is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, huh?
There are many antichrists, Mahmoud is most likely THE final antichrist whom the world will follow/worship in the last days...

His speech, which I've just posted (broken up into 9 parts) received a standing ovation. just listening to it now (90 minutes long)...

We are there folks, no need to look any further...


Veteran Member
There are many antichrists, Mahmoud is most likely THE final antichrist whom the world will follow/worship in the last days...

His speech, which I've just posted received a standing ovation.

We are there folks, no need to look any further...
It's been awhile since I've studied eschatology but, I was under the impression that the Anti-Christ was supposed to be of Roman decent?


Veteran Member
I auditioned for the part but they made me a mormon instead...

I guess the casting couch is still open for business. :rolleyes:
In my opinion there could be a difference between the beast and the antichrist...

Antichrist (Mahmoud)
Beast (a certain world religious leader (the next one), I can't say who or I'll receive an infraction, you figure it out, hint: purple and scarlet)

They will work together...

President Vladimir Putin of Russian is also involved for sure, as is China and it's various leaders...

Drunk Russian President Putin


Well-Known Member
FFH, haven't you also stated that, according to the Bible Code, the anti-christ is going to be the next pope? With all do respect, you are all over the map with this anti-christ prediction thingy.:rolleyes: You assert that Ahmadinejad hates the Jewish people, correct? If that was the pre-requesite to being the anti-christ, wouldn't Adolph Hitler have filled the slot slightly more accurately?


Veteran Member
It's been awhile since I've studied eschatology but, I was under the impression that the Anti-Christ was supposed to be of Roman decent?
Not gonna go there again, rules don't allow it.

Surely the next world religious leader from Rome (you figure it out) will play a role in the final end times...

Revelation suggests he (you figure it out) will be the beast, if I'm reading all the prophecies correct, I have a whole thread dealing with this.

Do a search using terms like beast and antichrist, you'll find it..

The antichrist (Mahmoud) may be a seperate being from the beast.


Veteran Member
Listen to the Columbia Univerity speeches I've just posted....download it overnight, whatever you have to do...


Veteran Member
FFH, haven't you also stated that, according to the Bible Code, the anti-christ is going to be the next pope? With all do respect, you are all over the map with this anti-christ prediction thingy.:rolleyes: You assert that Ahmadinejad hates the Jewish people, correct? If that was the pre-requesite to being the anti-christ, wouldn't Adolph Hitler have filled the slot slightly more accurately?
Christ has stated in scripture there will be many antichrists in the last days and throughout history starting with his (Christ's) day...

I John 2:18 Little children, it is the last time; and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

I John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, who denieth the Father and the Son.

I John 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God; and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now it is already in the world.

II John 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

Read my threads I deal with this...but can't touch upon the Pope anymore because it's against RF rules apparently...but the threads are still there....

Mahmoud seems to fit the final antichrist description quite well....

The beast may be a seperate being, that being the next (fill in the blank here) hint: world religious leader in/from Rome...the rules don't allow me to say anymore than this...


Veteran Member
Video 7, Mahmoud is asked, point blank, "Do you seek the destruction of Israel, YES or NO".

He evades answering this question twice, when twice asked.

Just finished video 9 and am speechless. For sure he is one of the major final end time antichrists, if not THE antichrist....


Well-Known Member
FFH, if those scriptures that you post are the pre-requesites for the anti-christ, than how can you claim Ahmadinejad to be an anti-christ? As far as I know, Ahmadinejad is a Muslim and believes Jesus to be a "Christ" or Anointed Messenger of God. He most certainly believes that Jesus came in the flesh. Am I missing something?

I do agree with you that Ahmadinejad is probably a liar on many occassions, but that is part of being a politician. Are all of our politicians devil incarnate as well? I am not following your logic completely. I was also bothered by his statements about how we should all live together in peace, even though many people would say that he has been persecuting many in Iran. But how can this make one an anti-christ. A slick and cunning politician? Maybe. But the anti-christ? It is very unlikely indeed.


Veteran Member
FFH, if those scriptures that you post are the pre-requesites for the anti-christ, than how can you claim Ahmadinejad to be an anti-christ? As far as I know, Ahmadinejad is a Muslim and believes Jesus to be a "Christ" or Anointed Messenger of God. He most certainly believes that Jesus came in the flesh. Am I missing something?
Mahmoud often refers to Jesus Christ, but Islam only teaches that Christ was a great prophet/teacher and never refers to Jesus as the Messiah/Christ who died for our sins. There is a big difference....

Those who do not profess Jesus as the Messiah/Christ have the spirit of antichrist.

I do agree with you that Ahmadinejad is probably a liar on many occassions, but that is part of being a politician. Are all of our politicians devil incarnate as well? I am not following your logic completely. I was also bothered by his statements about how we should all live together in peace, even though many people would say that he has been persecuting many in Iran. But how can this make one an anti-christ. A slick and cunning politician? Maybe. But the anti-christ? It is very unlikely indeed.
I toned down my last few posts, don't want too much backlash from this. It's obvious though that he is a key figure in these last days...

We'll see how things develope from here...

He seems to fit all the descriptions I've heard and read about concerning the final antichrist...


Well-Known Member
Muslims do not deny either the Father, God/Allah, or the Son, Jesus. Remember that MANY in the Bible are referred to as the Son of God, so it is not really a unique standing, biblically speaking. Muslims do believe in the virgin birth and that Jesus was without an earthly father. If you are going to use that argument FFH, then it would undeniably be a follower of Judaism that would be the anti-christ, correct? They completely deny Jesus altogether.