I'm not American so seeing this from outside, maybe thats a good thing, not hoodwinked by the trump propaganda machine
Under Obama America was beginning to earn some respect lost by Bush. There are several most hated country sites on the www, as an average of these sites Bush managed to drive the usa down too second most hated after israel. Obama's administration had the effect of lifting it from the floor to between 7th and 10th from the worst (i even say one that placed it way up at 40 something from bottom). Tump has dropped it right back, and more, it is now, in the majority of those sites number 1 on the most hated country lists.
When he pulled out of the paris accord he lost what little respect he had politically so now, some international decisions are made without American input.
From the general, guy in the street, point of view america is seen as trump and trump is seen ad a laughing stock.
I believe trump has reduced the standing of America considerably
That said, I'm british and following the recent election fiasco i guess thec world is laughing at us too.
Ditto most as that, sadly here in the world outside USA influence your new Trumped up president is seen as a clown blowing his own trumpet .