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Manhatan Project


Only_Gay_Christian_Midget said:
What is your take on this?

Hi Only_Gay_Christian_Midget, thanks for the thread.

What do you mean? Are you asking if we thought that undertaking the Manhattan Project to develop the first Atomic Bomb was justified or not?

My short answer is yes, it was justified. Another question that might be more controversial is "was the United Stated justified in using the Atomic Bomb against Japan?" Again, my short answer is yes, it was justified.

Kowalski said:
My take on this is you spelt in wrong lol :biglaugh:


haha, that ws my first impression too! is anybody interested in discussing this still? my knowledge is a bit limited, but I think the project itself was justified. as for the use of the bomb itself, i pray that we no longer see the need for this type of mass violence/devastation again. the stakes are too high for our planet, in my opinion.

that may sound drastic, but i feel like were one nation to use the bomb now, the other would just retaliate.


Same thing as UFOs, bunch of unsubstantiated hooey.:areyoucra
Keeps some looneys working at conspiracy thoeries(like we need any more of those).:rolleyes:


Majikthise said:
Same thing as UFOs, bunch of unsubstantiated hooey.:areyoucra
Keeps some looneys working at conspiracy thoeries(like we need any more of those).:rolleyes:
Strike all that, mind was elsewhere,:eek:

The Black Whirlwind

Well-Known Member
one of my relatives worked on the manhattan project. I think its good that we have the bomb, but i hope that we never have to use it again.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I'm not so worried about countries using the bomb as I am about terrorists getting hold of one and using it.


Well-Known Member
Fat Kat Matt said:
one of my relatives worked on the manhattan project. I think its good that we have the bomb, but i hope that we never have to use it again.
My grandfather worked on it as well. He was financial administrator, worked in Manhattan, but travelled to the Sandia experimental headquarters several times a year.

He rated an FBI escort to and from home and a surveillance team outside most of the war.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I often wonder if some of the scientist involved got involved because of government threats. Einstien was a pacifist, his type of science was branded as "jew science" by the Germans (That was mentioned on one of the hundreds of WWII documentaries on the History Channel), and yet Einstien supposedly came to the American government, and said America needed to build the bomb before Germany did. And the bomb would probably not have worked the same had the exact same scientist, who were all highly knowledgable in quantum physics and nuclear reation, worked on it. And even thought most of those scientist were pacifist, they all came to America and said the bomb needed to be built. This is just something that I thought of after I noticed alot of the scientist were pacifist.
If my idea is not making much since, it's because it's late were I am. If anyone wants it to be clarified abit more, just ask and I will.


Politically Incorrect
Only_Gay_Christian_Midget said:
What is your take on this?
Well, aside from not bothering to spell it right, you also failed to give us any idea of what you think about it and why you brought it up. I am hoping you are not looking with moralistic 20/20 hindsight and maybe can realize what things were like back then. We were fighting a world war and our enemies were brutal and wanted to destroy us. Coming up with such a fierce weapon was the only way to end it quickly and save lives. If Hitler's scientists hadn't come up with the wrong formula for critical mass, and maybe this was on purpose, then he would have had it first and we would all be speaking German.:cool: