That distance is described by our orbit. What do you think that distance is? Do you not even know what an orbit is?
Somewhere in this thread I asked about the Sun stopping in the sky. How silly of ;you to think there is not a God. How else could the Sun stop and the Earth keep turning and the day get extended long enough for God's people to kill more of the enemy.
And even if you claim, falsely, that it was really the Earth that stood still, that is even a greater miracle. Only God could have kept everything in place as the Earth suddenly stopped. Did anyone feel it happen? No, because God made it unnoticeable. The only thing people knew was that the daylight lasted longer that day.... about a full day.
Then everything went back to normal. So, from a midday position it set for a short time, and then rose again at the usual time. Causing his people to get a full nights sleep in a few minutes.
Or actually, maybe he let the Earth keep turning and made the Sun move at the same speed.... making it appear that it had stopped. But again... who but God could have done that? You guys have to start using your brains logically. Without a God... This could not have happened. Therefore, there is a God.
So, let's add all this up... The stopped equals one thing. Plus maybe the Earth stopped. Then maybe the Sun just started moving at a speed that matched the speed the Earth was turning. Yeah, add that up. Add it's like seven things God did, right? One plus one plus one? Yeah, seven things.
I'd like to stay and chat more, but I'm late to my Christian snake-handling service. You know, because in the gospel of Mark is says we shall be able to handle snakes and not be harmed. Now one of our congregation did get bit and died last week. But that's because he took his eyes off the Lord for a minute.
That's all the time the devil needed. Satan put the seed of doubt in his heart and told him, "You know that chapter 16 of Mark isn't in the oldest manuscripts." But we know that's a lie.
And we know that's a lie, because then how would we be able to handle snakes without being bitten if it wasn't written in the genuine Word of God? That's like 5 things we know are true. God stopped the Sun and God's Word is genuine. Oh, and don't let the devil try and trick you into doubting. So, that makes 9 things.
Anyway brother, I'll be praying for you tonight so that you'll someday see the truth just like me. And you'll quit trusting those no good scientists.