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Many new agers on this forum?


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
They've been here on and off, as I recall. I'm not sure how popular it is to identify as New Age as such compared to that "spiritual but not religious" category.

In any case, some years ago I floated with one of those communities even though I didn't identify as such. I did so mainly because there was no organized Pagan community to draw from so if I wanted more mystical and occult oriented workshops and spaces, I had to go with what was available. I was always an odd one out in those workshops, but everyone was always super nice and appreciated that I brought a somewhat different perspective. The "love and light" stereotype is well earned.


Soul Pioneer

Some might put me into the 'New Age' catagory, since being a mystic, theosophist, meta-theist at heart, who sees 'truth' as universal; - we can nuance 'new age' even further towards a 'futurist' view, who sees life evolving towards a 'new age' of enlightenment, awakening to new dimensions of consciousness, since that is the natural path of evolution anyways.....its both individual (soulic) and universal (cosmic); 'as above, so below', the microcosm is a reflection of the macrocosm; the visible world of form reflects the immaterial realm of thought, substance, aether. The invisible and visible both co-exist, so the very life energy and spirit of universal Soul pervades all creation,....'God' is ever omnipresent within his/her universe as the infinite One and All of all......no-thing and every-thing subsists in the omnipresence of Spirit and Mind of the Infinite Creatior/Creation,....this is All there IS, including all that arises as potentials and possibilties in space, time, eternity.

So, I'm pretty 'meta', and find a theosophical path as best synthesizing all religious traditions and esoteric truths of nature/Spirit.....while I'm fine with 'christian' terms more within a New Thought, Unity, Divine Science perspective...as far as biblical ideas and symbols for 'God' go. A Course in Miracles also redefines christian terms in a broader more universal sense.

The Bible is new age! - big time,....both old and new testaments look forward to the 'world to come', 'new millennium', 'new heavens/new earth',....Golden Age, Messianic kingdom, call it what you like :) - 'God' who is Spirit is the only absolute and ultimate reality upholding all realities, the One Original Be-ing and Be-coming pervading all infinity. 'God' and the expasion of 'God' is All There is, was and ever will be.....slice and dice your language as you please :) - One Spirit, Mind and Substance IS, - all forms, images and appearances in space and time are just this One Presence enfolding/unfolding Itself infinitely, so that IT also evolves with the expansion of its CREATION and its offsprings creations. The 'Christ' (Son-Logos-Informing Principle) of Spirit ever says "Behold, I make all things new!" - this 'Christ' is the anointing of life in Man and upon him that ushers him into his divine inheritance and its glories. This is the morning star that navigates our journey home to the heart-land.

New Jerusalem glory of the cross.jpg

No matter what 'age' the soul finds itself in, it ever abides in the Eternal One, in all space and time,...there is no outside of 'God'. Furthermore in the omnipresence of Spirit, MAN is still the temple of the Most High! - individual expressions and personalities created out from the ORIGIN of all things and beings...the Univesal Father and Mother of all creations, all beginnings and ultimations.


sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
What is it you guys believe as a new ager?
That's a great question. My answer is that we're living at the very end of the greatest dark age (kali yuga) and about to enter what people in various religions have longed for. People's lower natures which are so apparent today (greed, anger, lust for power, separation into warring political tribes and all the rest) will disappear as a new maturity takes hold.

Of course the old patterns don't disappear overnight and people fight with all their might to hold onto them, but gradually it will happen.

The singer/songwriter Denean wrote this (which I've edited a bit to make it more of a poem rather than a song). Ilahinoor means "divine light"

Year of the circle, beginning again
Spiraling, spinning, old ways now must end

Cocooned in deep slumber, threads of our own light
Weaving Ilahinoor, we're Gaia's dream tonight

Awake from your slumber, butterflies of light
Stretch your new wings now, it's time to take your flight

Homo luminous, it's what you've now become
Homo luminous, awake Divine Human

Our new world now is born


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
What is it you guys believe as a new ager?
- New age belief is that God is universal og beyond religion
- New age belief is that God's presense is everywere, that God's presense is also in the soul.
- New age belief is that both the souls to human and souls to animals is divine because we are God's children.
- New age belief is that God are love.
- New age belief is reincarnation. Reincarnation is both just and loving .
- New age belief is that omnism is true, the belief that no religion is the only truth, but that truth is found within them all.


Well-Known Member
- New age belief is that God is universal og beyond religion
- New age belief is that God's presense is everywere, that God's presense is also in the soul.
- New age belief is that both the souls to human and souls to animals is divine because we are God's children.
- New age belief is that God are love.
- New age belief is reincarnation. Reincarnation is both just and loving .
- New age belief is that omnism is true, the belief that no religion is the only truth, but that truth is found within them all.
Probably most New Agers would believe in most, perhaps all of the above. However I find this a little misleading. The New Age beliefs were not highly structured and easy to define.

In my experience, and in my travels I have met and spent time with many New Age people, their main interests tended to include astrology, crystals, tarot cards, alternative medicine, dream interpretation and angels. Certainly these were more likely to be the subject of discussion.


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
Probably most New Agers would believe in most, perhaps all of the above. However I find this a little misleading. The New Age beliefs were not highly structured and easy to define.

In my experience, and in my travels I have met and spent time with many New Age people, their main interests tended to include astrology, crystals, tarot cards, alternative medicine, dream interpretation and angels. Certainly these were more likely to be the subject of discussion.
Yes you are correct. crystals, angels, tarotcards, atrology is big part of the new age


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I am new ager, it is more people here who also identify as new ager?
I was somewhat of this for five years just without reincarnation, tarot, and crystals but the rest seemed like the case (Angels, spirits, God, all religions have/had partially truth).

I referred to myself as a Deist back then, but realized later, since I believed prayers are answered, Angels, spiritual kingdom within, and other stuff, I wasn't really a Deist.

I did believe in energy in stones though but didn't know who had all the correct information for that.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I was also more interested in what Native Americans said for a reason I don't know why. I read book at the book store about earth shield. And still have in my room a book "animals speak" from a Native that is somewhat close to druid type spirituality I guess. I don't recall when I bought the latter book, if it was before I came to Islam or after.

The Hammer

Premium Member
I was also more interested in what Native Americans said for a reason I don't know why. I read book at the book store about earth shield. And still have in my room a book "animals speak" from a Native that is somewhat close to druid type spirituality I guess. I don't recall when I bought the latter book, if it was before I came to Islam or after.

Those both sound like wonderful books.


Well-Known Member
@Link @The Hammer I don't know the book "Animals Speak" but it sounds very interesting. I once went on an animal communication course, I was very dubious about it but a reliable friend assured me that it was good. One day we had to do an outdoors exercise in the woods. It was similar to a form of meditation, trying to send out to animals from your heart. Out of nowhere a large dog ran towards me and sat down pressing its body against me. Its owner arrived and only with a lot of difficulty could he get the dog to leave my side. That got me a lot of points with the rest of the class,
One lesson was to watch this film. It really is worth watching, I hope you both enjoy it.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
@Link @The Hammer I don't know the book "Animals Speak" but it sounds very interesting. I once went on an animal communication course, I was very dubious about it but a reliable friend assured me that it was good. One day we had to do an outdoors exercise in the woods. It was similar to a form of meditation, trying to send out to animals from your heart. Out of nowhere a large dog ran towards me and sat down pressing its body against me. Its owner arrived and only with a lot of difficulty could he get the dog to leave my side. That got me a lot of points with the rest of the class,
One lesson was to watch this film. It really is worth watching, I hope you both enjoy it.

It does advocate animals communicate and are spiritual beings like us, but the heart of it is to learn from them the natural features and behaviors, and making your own map onto animals or animals on to you map, plus there is a bit of astrology to it too and personality traits and so the inward totem reasoning is showed.

I think some Sufi saints advocated learning from animals, but I never seen a book with this much detail.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Yes you are correct. crystals, angels, tarotcards, atrology is big part of the new age
That's one and a common element. Others have a deeper view. The "Mother" of the Sri Aurobindo ashram:

We are in a very special situation, extremely special, without precedent. We are now witnessing the birth of a new world; it is very young, very weak - not in its essence but in its outer manifestation - not yet recognized, not even felt, denied by the majority. But it is here. It is here, making an effort to grow, absolutely sure of the result. But the road to it is a completely new road which has never before been traced out - nobody has gone there, nobody has done that! It is a beginning, a universal beginning. So it is an absolutely unexpected and unpredictable adventure.

There are people who love adventure. It is these I call, and I tell them this: "I invite you to the great adventure."

It is not a question of repeating spiritually what others have done before us, for our adventure begins beyond that. It is a question of a new creation, entirely new, with all the unforeseen events, the risks, the hazards it entails - a real adventure , whose goal is certain victory, but the road to which is unknown and must be traced out step by step in the unexplored. Something that has never been in this present universe and that will never be again in the same way. If that interests you... well, let us embark. What will happen to you tomorrow - I have no idea.

One must put aside all that has been foreseen, all that has been devised, all that has been constructed, and then.. set off walking into the unknown. And - come what may! There.