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Mary is God Dogma - Will other denominations accept this?


i've learned from another thread here of this movement of catholics who are treating Mary as God. The group's site is at maryisgod.org The group is being led by a self-styled marian visionary and he claims the fatima secret was hidden because of this.
i'm just really wondering if, granting this would prosper in the catholic world, if it would be accepted by other christian denominations. would this not affect the ecumenism policy of benedict XVI?

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
IMHO Catholicism has always treated Mary as an object of worship, i.e. a goddess of sorts.
I have heard many other arguements about graven images, stained glass, and converted pagans being comfortable with Mary being real close to the Goddess.

Honestly, attacking Catholics is just as offensive to me as attacking any faith, particularly the Mormons. They are always taking fire here on RF.

If we must go there. My question is why any Christian would go to hell because they did not receive their last rights?

Why can't they talk directly to God and atone for their sins themselves? Is not penance a form of sacrifice and did we not abandon this with the new covenant?


New Member
It is really simple. First, this movement which pushes the belief that Mary is divine is erroneous and any informed Catholic would immediately reject such a movement. Catholics give Mary special honor (hyperdulia) because she is the Mother of God. Why is she the Mother of God? If one believes that Christ's Divine and Human nature cannot be separated then it quite naturally follows that Mary is the Mother of the person of Christ who IS Divine. Nestorius could not accept this doctrine in the 5th century and was rightly condemned at the Council of Ephesus (431 A.D). He wanted to call Mary "Christotokos" instead of "Theotokos" which means God-bearing one. Catholics just follow what the Church has always taught in this regard.

This particular movement may have started off with a real and true devotion to Mary but now grossly exaggerates her status and as a consequence has fallen into heresy.


Fellowship of Reason
IMHO Catholicism has always treated Mary as an object of worship, i.e. a goddess of sorts.

I'm an ex-Catholic, and I have to say that this is absolutely false.

Mary (and the saints) are venerated, not worshipped. There is a difference.




Well-Known Member
I'm an ex-Catholic, and I have to say that this is absolutely false.

Mary (and the saints) are venerated, not worshipped. There is a difference.



Actually venerate and worship are pretty much synonyms:

From the dictionary:

ven·er·ate Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ven-uh-reyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used with object), -at·ed, -at·ing. to regard or treat with reverence; revere.
[Origin: 1615–25; < L vener&#257;tus, ptp. of vener&#257;r&#299; to solicit the goodwill of (a god), worship, revere, v. deriv. of vener-

wor·ship Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[wur-ship] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -shiped, -ship·ing or (especially British
) -shipped, -ship·ping.
–noun 1.reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred
2.to feel an adoring reverence or regard for (any person or thing). –verb (used without object)

Synonyms 3. honor, homage, adoration, idolatry. 7. honor, VENERATE, revere, adore, glorify, idolize, adulate.


i guess regardless of whether we agree with this visionary or not, the concern should be that his movement is gaining some foothold... now the other point to consider is the fact that although catholicism prohibits such honor for Mary, catholics nevertheless have officially put Her just one step short of the Honor due to God.


Well-Known Member
She was a woman...God used her to perform a great deed but did God use Esther or Rehab any less in his plans. No! If God willed it Jesus coudl have been born of the Earth the vessel he chose is of little importance. Christ himself tries to remove this notion in Matt 12:46-50 (46While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. 47Someone told him, "Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you."[g]
48He replied to him, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" 49Pointing to his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers. 50For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.")


catholics don't accept that The Lord has biological siblings from Mary. Some though do have inclinations to accept that Christ has siblings from St. Joseph's first wife.


Well-Known Member
catholics don't accept that The Lord has biological siblings from Mary. Some though do have inclinations to accept that Christ has siblings from St. Joseph's first wife.

Well let's go see what the Father of the Reformation, Martin Luther, had to say on the matter.

"Christ...was the only Son of Mary, and the Virgin Mary bore no children besides Him...I am inclined to agree with those who declare that 'brothers' really mean 'cousins' here, for Holy Writ and the Jews always call cousins brothers."


Well-Known Member
lol crzy people glad I am not part of the orthodoxy or the reformation and we hold the view quite clearly that Christ's brothers most assuredly did come from the womb of Mary but not by Joseph!