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Matenal grandmother of fourth caliph


Active Member
Can a Shia please confirm identity of the fourth caliph's mother's mother? What do we know about her, who was her father and what are the authentic shia sources? In other words what do we know about the mother of Lady Fatima Bint e Asad? Thanks.
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Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
Can a Shia please confirm identity of the fourth caliph's mother's mother? What do we know about her, who was her father and what are the authentic shia sources? In other words what do we know about the mother of Lady Fatima Bint e Asad? Thanks.

Fatema Bint Assad is a great lady who has raised both the prophet SAAW and Imam Ali a.s.

She was married to Abu Talib r.a., who was the Chief of the Hashemites and was a Hujja (a man chosen by Allah...).

Her mother was Fatema bint Haram Bin Rawaha, a noble lady.

فاطمة بنت هرم بن رواحة بن حجر بن عبد بن معيص ابن عامر بن لؤي

You will fond this in Sharj of Nahjul Balagha...

I think that both shiites and sunnis are in agreement about this.

So, why did you ask THIS question?
and why did you ask for a shia source?


Active Member
I had heard that her father was not from the tribe of Quraysh. Can you tell from these names if they were from the family of Quraysh or not?


Active Member
Is it possible this was a family from Baghdad or Kufa (in the Persian Sassanid empire) which is why the Caliph established his caliphate there?

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Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
Is it possible this was a family from Baghdad or Kufa (in the Persian Sassanid empire) which is why the Caliph established his caliphate there?


The question of why Imam Ali a.s. has moved the capital to Iraq has been contemplated by Muslims since the Early days.

The answer can be anticipated based on a saying by Imam Ali a.s. himself.

In Al-Imamah Was-Siyasah (Immamate and Politics) by the early Sunni Scholar, Ibn Qutaiba. The following is mentioned.

وقال عليه السلام حينما نصحه ابن عباس بأن يولي طلحة والزبير الكوفة والبصرة: "ويحك، إن العراقين بهما الرجال والأموال، ومتى تملكا رقاب الناس يستميلا السفيه بالطمع، ويضربا الضعيف بالبلاء، ويقويا على القوي بالسلطان
Here is my quick translation:

When Ibn Abbas asked Imam Ali to appoint Talha and Zubair as governors of ‘Kufa and Basra’ (Iraq) he ( the imam a.s.) said: “Wow to you, the ‘two’ Iraq(s) contain the men and the wealth….”

So Imam Ali sees the demographic and the economical side of the decision…Surely he also sees the religious and the political sides, where After 25 years of being ruled by the other Caliphs, Medina has been influenced in way that is not in favour of Imam Ali a.s.

Also, Iraq is geographically close to Sham, where Moa’awiyah declared his opposition to Ali a.s….

Finally, we have to remember that it was a time turmoil and wars…

We also need to consider who imam ali a.s. is…