Let me try another way
I would say something is real if it is mind independent. So, if suddenly all of us lose our memories and learning and concepts the things that continue to exist and happen, are real. If we all lose our memories, chess board and chess pieces become meaningless. So chess is a created fiction.
But the conservation of mass energy at the core of the Sun will still continue to follow E = mc2 relation and the Sun will continue to release photons and lose rest mass in accordance to this...whether we have forgotten about it or not. So that relationship is real. The relationship has the physical variables (mass, Energy, Velocity) and the mathematical operations relating them. One cannot say that the physical variables only is real and the math relational operation itself is a fiction....can one. Both have to be mind independent if the physics has to hold irrespective of whether minds can recall it.
However for the mathematical relations built into this energy equation to be mind independent the corresponding mathematical system on which their truth values rest have to be mind independent. It cannot be the only specific math cases are mind independent and the rest which are not instantiated in a science equation are not. The ontology of the entire structure or game has to be one and the same.
This, to me, suggests that the mathematical systems are mind independent systems. The only other alternative is that these physical relationships and physical entities present in the scientific theories are all themselves mind dependent fictions and energy, mass etc become meaningless as soon as minds forget about them.
The relationships in nature are independent of our mind. They do not need humans to exist. The system we use to represent the relationships of nature and realty, which in this case is math, is more like a bridge between mind and matter. This bridge analogy makes math very similar to a type of language based on numbers, letters and symbols.
The bee flying from flower to flower is a real thing. If I wished to explain what I just saw to you, I may use verbal language and say. "I saw a bee fly from flower to flower." This audio output will create a mental picture so you can sort of see, without being there.
We use the math language to express this same physical reality, but in far more detail; "the bee is flying from flower to flower." The math language allows an even more accurate experience of reality, by drawing a curve of the flight path. Even if you are not present to see it, a mental image appears from the equation, that has a similar effect on your consciousness. Spoken language would have a hard time, explaining with words, the meandering flight of the bee, since even the word meandering may not induce the same visualization in all; zig zag, loop to loop, etc. But the math equation, can be plotted, to see the exact curve. Math extends spoken language.
Math is very similar to spoken language, but digs even deeper, into how natural and manmade things relate. Whereas the verbal language can be spoken, written and read, the math language is more or less restricted, to reading and writing. It is not used very much for verbal use. Few people talk in math equations, except math nerds and math majors. Math uses a different language bridge; read/write, which is more visual than verbal. This visual connection; read/write, explains why math was historically more male orientated; males are more visual; math, while females are more verbal; novels and words.
Verbal languages are subjective, as inferred by there being 6-7K human languages on the current earth. Any sound or any symbol can be used for anything. The sounds do not have to have a natural sound-thing-action-modifier connection. I never heard a cat say the sound "cat", so why that sound? It is subjective and arbitrary. If we all agree, it can still be useful.
Math by being more visual, is connected to the more natural universal language of vision. Our eyes can pick up a wide range of photons, at the visible spectrum wavelengths, in various geometries, texture, patterns, tones, gradients, etc. This natural language; that comes with the eyes, is used by math, thereby making math more universal; data plots. Math is universal in the sense of using a natural bridge to reality; natural visual language bridge, untainted by the subjectivity of the arbitrary sounds of the verbal languages. However, our understanding of the math language bridge is still based on our conceptual foundations of thought.
If you made a new equation, never seen before, you will need to set the stage, as to what others are seeing, before it makes any sense and it can then be applied. The driver needs a goal, before the math horse will start to walk.
The analogy would be a large wall sized mural that symbolizes all of science. The new equation is about a small piece on that wall. I can use spoken language to narrow your search to a given area. After that, spoken words may get in the way. However, I will need to shift gears and explain my premises for approaching that area of the mural and my data, that way. After that you can come to a focus with the stage is set. You can now explore more deeply, where words alone, cannot go.
A good example of the driver leading the horse of math; equations, is comparing Newtonian Gravity with Einstein's Gravity; General Relativity. Both math models describe the same phenomena on the mural of science; gravity. Yet the two sets of equations are different. This has to do with two different sets of foundation premises. Both correlate fine at the conditions common to humans and the human senses. General Relativity is more accurate, when we have extra tools so see extreme conditions not normal to earth and our five senses. With the two stages set, we can jump off Newtonian and enter the strange world of Relativity and see that you normally cannot see. Or we can jump back.
I often complain, "all the time", about statistical math and the life sciences. This is mostly due to too many people thinking math is natural reality and less a useful bridge, between mind and matter, that uses the universal visual language, between mind and matter. However, it is still dependent on our foundation premises. The psychological problem, I see is that if you assume "math is reality" and not just the language bridge between reality and mind, you will base life and consciousness, on the math premises of dice and cards. You will lose touch with natural reality. Life is about order. Life cannot coordinate trillions of cells, in the land of jackpots and casino play. Why approach life with based on the premises of known exceptions? That is illogical to the preponderance of the observational data.
What appears to have happened is the foundation premises, for the collective mental stage, is set by the premises of a randomizer math bridge. This is math is assumed natural and real. This puts the mind in an irrational place of exceptions, meaning that the exceptions will weigh more than the rules; sounds very ego centric. DNA is about 99.99% perfection in terms template connections, yet we fixate on 0.01% mutations to define reality. This may have some value for evolution and sickness, but not the preponderance of life.
This narrowing down to outside the preponderance of the data, is justified since math is assumed the foundation of reality. It is not seen as a language bridge used to help us see reality beyond our five senses. Scientists know the difference, but this same math foundation is also used by marketeers, politicians, bureaucrats, insurance companies, casinos, etc., that all benefit by faith in chaos being the rule. This saturate the social media worlds for reinforcement of the wrong mental bridge to life. It is bridge to death (used to model sickness, disease, extinction, etc.).
I hope to restore the sanity, since this deep neural firmware flaw, is behind so much of the world's problems; inertia of change and complexity based on exceptions instead of integration into simplicity. Complexity is why the US national debt is so high, and why the bogeymen rule fake news; scary exception to the rule become the foundation premise. It is an easy fix, but we need to see math as a language bridge, to peace or chaos, based on who drives; our foundation premises It can be the words of fake news and ambulance chaser lawyers, or common sense and the preponderance of all natural reality data. Your foundation premises will shape your world and our world; the driver.
Happy Easter.