Most of those who complain about other members about supposedly unpopular ideas believe they are the "majority" but live in their own bubble, the complainers are almost always actually not the majority in the real world and often there are issues going on in their own bubble and then they project these onto others outside the bubble who do not share the same blame games.
One of the reasons this can become even more projected is due to expectations. For example, in America there is a holiday called "Thanksgiving" where the expectation is that friends and family gather for a meal together and give thanks for friends and family and food. But if instead it turns into a political forum around the dinner table and that old aunt starts loudly ragging on the Republicans because she is brainwashed that the Republicans want to steal her social security and then the Republican uncle starts reacting to the loud mouth about how the economy sucks because of taxes, and on and on, and instead of a gathering of friends and family to give thanks the Thanksgiving Dinner is now the Presidential Debates Live in At Your Dinner Table - well, next comes the complaining.
So politics is probably the most give and take, one side of ideas pitted against another, back and forth, and I would say emotional stage even more than, IMO, religion.
But as the saying goes, "don't discuss politics or religion around a dinner table (or sitting on the floor eating off banana leaves with others in the village)".
Complainers who complain about how dare someone not be them, really hate diversity. The biggest target is diversity of thought, look what's going on at the university campuses today where diversity of ideas and freedom of speech and universalism itself is totally under assault by complainers who live in a bubble and project their own problems on everyone else who are not into the complainer's blame game , and because they dare not parrot this blame game of the complainers then they are also now targetted for the gulags for also being the ones blamed for typically a problem that is totally the false narrative of the emotionally involved bubble-speak.
Expectations. I am a member of what I would argue is the most diverse religion in the world, Hinduism. In that Hindu world of the religious views and diverse paths, well when you have so much diversity you have the banter of "discussion" between one side or the other escalating into their own "war of words" all the time - but not by the typical masses of Hindus who just go from temple to temple and just like the devotion and the food and holiday celebrations and so on, Jai (fill in the blank, today it is Durga, tomorrow it is Ganesha, next day Rama, so everyone doesn't get into "debates" around the big bucket distributing porridge and sweet rice at the temple, or actually if they do sort of, how can I explain it? - "been there, done that"-"now where are the chapatis?" ...) ...
So I sort of live in a world of diversity of ideas and where a lot of banter goes on, war of words break out, I am very used to this type of world as nothing can get me to ever live in a bubble and narratives of "popular" and "unpopular" ideas from some who perhaps cannot handle diversity, sometimes I am right smack in the middle of a riot but believe me the riot isn't about popular verse unpopular. In my world, there is a saying that around the prashad (blessed food) being distributed at the temple while everyone is lined up sitting on the floor and eating with your right hand, "Never discuss cheese with rats, talk bread with birds or make moves with snakes". We are all Shaktas, Saivas, Vaishnavs, etc..
Yes, we see religious wars going on right now. And political wars. But in the saying "don't discuss politics or religion at the dinner table", it is about expectations and you will notice most of the time the word "politics" comes first in order of that old time maxim. And, it becomes totally an expected riot when you mix both in the expectation that it is supposed to be dinner time.
This forum is called "Religious Forums". The expectation is, I suppose - that was mine when I joined - the DIRS and discussions (hey! that rhymes - DIRS and discussions!), they are going to be about religion, various sections for one religion or another, maybe some room for fun stuff. But then you see these political DIRS and it sort of looks like they are getting all the action and all the complainers about someone else who doesn't blame the same way as another. I am a Hindu, I can handle diversity and riots as well, riot today - go to the sit down community meal tomorrow, no problem, there is no bubble here, it is front and center.
But some cannot. So I think, and have already advocated this, if politics is really the "situation", and this is supposed to be Religious Forums, maybe it would be better if it were only Religious Forums and get rid of the Political Forums entirely. Let us limit our normal night sticking to our venues of Title (capital T, viz RELIGIOUS forums) so we don't mess up someone's expectations. Sure, there will still be riots, but the expected ones. Some folks cannot handle BOTH religion and politics at one meal.