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Message of Love: Address to Guests by Ahmadiyya Khalifah. 14 June 2014, 39 th Germany Jalsa Salana.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you. Thank you for coming.
There is a feeling to get more knowledge about Islam. The true teachings of Islam, in short, is being presented………Sometimes, reservations are expressed about Islam in the Western countries, objections are raised, wrong commentaries and picture is presented to show that Islam teaches terrorism and barbarism. It is falsely claimed that Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) adopted cruel ways. Some people feel fear about raising of mosque.

When people see the situation in majority of Islamic world and character of so-called Muslims, it is felt sometimes that claim for peace is not correct; people say that Islam should be banned. Sometimes disrespectful language is used against our beloved Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).

Islam is considered second greatest religion after Christianity. In fact, which the Church acknowledges, now majority of Christians in the West do not take interest in their religion. Many people do not believe in God. There are others who believe in God but they say that religion is not from God thus there is no need to believe.

On the other hand, majority of Muslims associate themselves with religion and does not like to hear insulting words against their religion and Messenger. When their religious emotions are agitated, they react wrongly and unrest starts. It is wrong to excite their sentiments and then take advantage of their negative reaction and then associating religion with terrorism is further mistake.

At this situation, some people speak against Islam without hesitation. They should check whether reaction from Muslims is according to real Islamic teaching or not.

It is good to see that some non-Muslim commentators and analysts in Western media have begun to note that reactions from Christians are not associated with Christian religion but reactions from Muslims is un justly connected with religion Islam.

In fact, Islam gathers people and is the mean to generate atmosphere of love. According to teaching of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and Islam, unjust should never be done to anyone; pay rights of others; liberate people from all kind of slavery. All human are equal. Colour and race are only for introduction, not for superiority. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) taught that an Arab has no superiority over a non Arab and vice versa. Islam likes Taqwa. The faithful who does appropriate deed will find love and nearness of God. Importance is due to high character and Taqwa.

Allah teaches about Taqwa i.e., i- Pay rights of Allah. ii- Pay rights of his creation; serve them. Islam teaches Muslims to spread love. Islam especially teaches to pay rights of the weakest ones e.g. orphans.

Furthermore, Islam teaches not to start a war. If war is waged against Muslims, and there is no other choice then only defend and create peace. If Muslims overpower someone, immediately end the war and do not create economic problems for defeated people. Islam has made very strict rules for war……………Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) taught that if Muslims are forced into war, then they are not allowed to hurt women and children; they should not attack religious leader, Church or any other place of worship…………………These days, there is much talk about environment. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has directed that during the imposed war, crops should not be destroyed………………Also competition is allowed with armed people only.

It is sad to note that in current wars, the innocent unarmed people suffer most of the losses. In world war II, majority of the people died were innocents. These days, civilians are the greatest victims of the war. Islam’s teaching is contrary to it.

Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) became very angry with a Muslim who killed a non-Muslim woman and child. He (s.a.w.) said it was a great sin.

The question arises that if Islam teaches such peaceful teaching then why some Muslim groups are doing brutalities.

The answer to it has been given in the prophecy of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him). He (s.a.w.) prophesied that a time would come when majority of Muslims would drift away from the basic and true teachings.

He (s.a.w.) gave glad tidings that, in this dark age, the mercy of Allah would surge and He would send a Promised Messiah, the Mahdi (a.s.) who would re-illumine the true teaching of Islam. Ahmadiyya Muslims believe that he has come and established a Jama'at. He, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (a.s.), explained the true Islamic teaching to the world. He made it clear that Islam has two complete sections; to love God and to love His creature such that one consider their problems are own problems and do prayer for them……….The most difficult part of the religion is to pay rights of creation because one keep facing this part always……..Do not consider anyone as personal foe. Remove hatred against them………..I tell you that it is compulsory for you that you should demonstrate your love for all creation of God; be they Hindus or Muslims……..I do not like when people restrict love for their own people. Do not confine the horizon of your love.

By the grace of Allah, with this teaching of love, worldwide Ahmadiyya Jama'at is spreading to the ends of the world. Our message to the world is not of sharp words and compulsion, it is message of love.

We are taught to answer unjust with prayer and cruelty with love and peace. This is our religion. Today, Ahmadiyya Khilafat, which is a spiritual system, is guiding worldwide Ahmadiyya Jama'at and keeping true teaching of Islam alive. Therefore, Ahmadiyya Jama'at cannot go astray from paying rights of Allah and creation. Today, Ahmadiyya Jama'at is trying to spread peace in the corners of the globe.

It is sad to know that some people in Germany say that they do not want Khilafat to put steps in Germany. In fact, Khilafat is the way to spread real love. Why such some people want to stop peaceful people living peaceful lives. Majority of Germans do not pay attention to these people. Here thousands of faith people are living who are connected with Khilafat and they seek how to spread this message of love in the world. German people are accepting Ahmadiyya Islam and they express that they found it the way to pay rights of Allah and His creation.

Ahmadiyya Khilafat and Ahmadiyya Jama'at are not interested in government. True Khilafat has no worldy and political ambitions. Khilafat has concern only that the creation should recognize its Maker and there should be the air of love among people. Today Worldwide Ahmadiyya Jama'at in 204 countries is witness to it.

Your presence here, among 30,000 Muslims-adherent-to-Khilafat, with peace proves that Jama'at do not want to capture government with unjust.

Hopefully, true Islamic teaching is illumined before you. You have to see the true picture of Khilafat. Please do not have fear from Khilafat. Hopefully you will convey these words to your circle of loved ones. If an Ahmadiyya Muslim takes a wrong step, we take due action. Thanks for joining. May Allah enable you to understand this message. Instead of finger pointing and flaming the emotions, let’s be united for progress of nations of the world and for establishment of peace. May Allah enable us to do so. [Amen]

Reference: Based on the Address (14 June 2014) by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) to guests, 39 Jalsa Salana Germany, mta.tv
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