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The belief that at any one time, you only have 1 minute left to
live. Whether now, 5 minutes ago, or in an hour or so, there is
only 1 minute left until you die. Living in this state is called


At one second in our lives, this will actually be true. But without
commiting suicide, it is very hard to tell when. Minuters (Minute
Ministers) call this second 'The Eye of God'. They believe that
God reveals Herself in this second. This is why Minuters spend
their life believing they only have 1 minute left, in the hope that
they can continuously trick God to be with them right then and
there. God cannot be tricked, but it is said that the people who
have truly tricked themselves into living in 'Minuternity' are
rewarded, as God offers Her presence out of grace.


Some people rebelled and formed a separate sect called 4minuternity.

Minuters believe in a Goddess with 86400 eyes, one for every
second of the day. She used to keep them all open, but because
She is eternal, She got very tired and now only keeps one open
at a time. This means that She doesn't foresee all the bad stuff
that will happen in the future. The more devout Minuters there
are singing Her praises, the more we can wake Her up to foresee
and dispense of future evils.

A Temple of Minuternity always contains 1440 clocks - one
stopped at each minute in 24 hours. This is a visual reminder of
the swathes of time that God gives each of us to spend in Her
loving company. If a time of death of someone is known,
Minuters write the name of the deceased by the clock
displaying the minute before they passed away. A temple with
a verified name next to every single clock is considered very
holy, because it means that in that community, God has been
seen in every minute. This is very encouraging to Minuters and
pilgrims might flock from all over to visit such a temple.


No pilgrims will be flocking to this temple any time soon.

A Minuter is somebody who truly knows the value of time on
Earth and doesn't waste a minute of it. On the other hand,
Minuters are big procrastinators who always leave things to
the last minute. If you hear a Minuter say he hasn't got a
minute to spare, you know he is lying. You can always count
on a true Minuter to be with you in a minute.

You've only got one minute left to try Minuternity today! :super:



Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Why the emphasis on one minute? What makes this unit of time more significant than, say, five minutes? What about being continuously mindful of the "right now" and focused on the present moment?

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Why the emphasis on one minute? What makes this unit of time more significant than, say, five minutes? What about being continuously mindful of the "right now" and focused on the present moment?

Yes, the saying is. every SECOND counts, not every minute :)


Why the emphasis on one minute? What makes this unit of time more significant than, say, five minutes? What about being continuously mindful of the "right now" and focused on the present moment?

Thanks for your questions! There are thousands of sects that have branched off from Minuternity including 4minuternity, 5minuternity, 2minuternity, 49minuternity, Hourminuternity, 12hours21secondsminuternity, 4days8hours30minuternity, 1year6months19days11hours46minuternity, 3centuries55years1month8minuternity (these Minuters believe in life-extending research and cryopreservation), 8minuternityago (these people believe they died 8 minutes ago) etc. etc. Just pick your favourite amount of time and there is probably a sect for it.

There are many people that talk about be always mindful of present moment, if that doesn't work for someone Minuternity is there to cover all the other moments!
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I can't find it on google. Is there a link or did you start this yourself? I never heard of it before.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
No offence in light this is a dir but with this statement.........

There are thousands of sects that have branched off from Minuternity.....

Im inclined to agree with Ymir if this proves to be a falsification.

No shame if this was just an invention and an attempt to start something new, so "seeding the pot" to establish some kind of legitimacy is probably not the best venue to establish a new movement.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
This could have some philosophical value being we are essentially "stuck" in the past due to the time signals reach the brain. In essence death when it occurs, gives an illusion of being alive until the signal hits the brain and the light goes out. Not quite a minute though.

Incidentally a temple if one ever was built full of clocks might be quite a sight. *grin*


Well-Known Member
This could have some philosophical value being we are essentially "stuck" in the past due to the time signals reach the brain. In essence death when it occurs, gives an illusion of being alive until the signal hits the brain and the light goes out. Not quite a minute though.

Incidentally a temple if one ever was built full of clocks might be quite a sight. *grin*

And quite a sound too, if they were pre-electronic - with mechanical actions and alarms.

Oh, hang on ... Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon, Time.

Here you go ... (any excuse will do :D )

Pink Floyd - Time on Vimeo


Well-Known Member
To clarify that, a legomonism - the morphogenesis of cells which develop into an embryo is real, but no-one is doing it. :D