mystic, clown and philosopher
Happy to be here! On a journey to somewhere, but where! Still as CONfused as I have always been!
INterested in words and their meanings, for example break the word planet down and we then have plan ET; are we in some wacky and weird ET directed out of focus virtual game?
Another word - devil, broken down = lived, well its been reversed! So have the Christian literalists been duped!
A final word which caused me to smile - funeral = real fun! Here in the West we overdose ourselves with a cocktail of grief, and some even turn this into their life's work! To some it is a badge of honor!
I am reading about NDE's and reincarnation currently, always been fascinated by things which keep us debating about whether there is an Afterlife or not. For goofball there is an Aftelife, always had this inner knowing from an early age.
So, their you have my introduction
much better than liposuction
less painful and easier on the eye
goofball now says goodbye
INterested in words and their meanings, for example break the word planet down and we then have plan ET; are we in some wacky and weird ET directed out of focus virtual game?
Another word - devil, broken down = lived, well its been reversed! So have the Christian literalists been duped!
A final word which caused me to smile - funeral = real fun! Here in the West we overdose ourselves with a cocktail of grief, and some even turn this into their life's work! To some it is a badge of honor!
I am reading about NDE's and reincarnation currently, always been fascinated by things which keep us debating about whether there is an Afterlife or not. For goofball there is an Aftelife, always had this inner knowing from an early age.
So, their you have my introduction
much better than liposuction
less painful and easier on the eye
goofball now says goodbye