It doesn't take knowing greek. it takes knowing bible facts--Jesus was in Hades for 3 days--- fact-- THE only place paradise will exist is the new earth--the earth will be transformed into paradise in Gods kingdom.
Trinity comma placement is error.
Another error=
I am that I am = error
Hebrew scholars say--I will be what I will be is correct.
another error by trinity translators to try and use I am by Jesus to say he was claiming to be God--- is not the truth--they came up with that from error.
The way Hebrew is translated, there is,technically, more than one wat that this Scripture can be translated. It is up to the translator to chose the correct way, and that would be to translate the Scripture so that it agrees with all the Bible.
At Exodus 3:14,where many Bibles say, I Am that I Am, can be correctly be translated, I Am Who I Am, which seems to make more sense to me. Then inverse 15 Moses writes God's Proper Name, or Personal Name, Jehovah, and that this is His memorial for all generations. Verse 14 is also translated, He Causes to Become. Some translations say that, He will become what He chooses to become. Since the Bible states clearly that God does not change, the translation; He Causes to become, makes more sense, because Jehovah, The Almighty, causes everything to become just as He wants it to become.
At Exodus 6:2,3 I you look in a concordance or a literal Bible, you will find that Jehovah is God's Proper name, and that He had been known by the title, The Almighty.
Most errors found in translations are not caused on purpose, but the translator translates the wrong words, because he does not really understand God's purpose for the earth and mankind.
Any error can easily be determined by a comparison of translations. I use about 50 different translations.
Remember, God promised that He would protect His word from all generations, so you can find the truth if you search for it, as for hidden treasure, Psalms 12:6,7, Proverbs 2:1-5.
Think about this; if God allowed His word to be adulterated, so that truth cannot be found, How could God judge the world of mankind??? Agape!!!