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Missing knives and forks - weird things


New Member
Hi there. Let me start by saying I'm so new to all this. I've never been to places like this before, simply because, although I'm a huge horror fun and I've seen the conjuring, Annabelle, insidious etc more than 5 times, I don't believe in the supernatural. Sure, sometimes there are things and connections between events that I can't explain... But despite calling myself an artist, I'm pretty rational. I blame my human brain for what I experience, not some higher power.
But something's been happening lately that I just can't explain. I'm gonna ignore the fact that today and in the previous years many devices like my phone, my computer and laptop have suddenly turned on a video I had paused hours ago... I blame technical glitches for that. But I remember years ago, one day, me and my family woke up and all our forks had disappeared. Everybody was saying it wasn't them, so we bought more forks. And a few days earlier all the knives disappeared. Everybody is suspecting me, because I have a rather dark history. I tried to commit suicide in the past and have self harmed myself with all shorts of sharp objects, including knives. But I didn't take the knives! And honestly, I don't think anybody else did. I doubt my dog took them and I'm living in this house with my parents that never lie to me about anything. My siblings come once in a while but why wouldn't they admit it if they took them, especially after I showed them how mad crazy this thing is driving me?
I know, it's sounds impossible. But seriously, I don't believe any of us took the knives, just like any of us took the forks all those years back.
On the other side, maybe something completely different is happening. If there was something, anything at all, the dog would sense it. Yes, sometimes he barks and stares at strange places, but this is what all dogs do. Most of the time he's happy and relaxed.
So if there isn't some kind of malevolent entity inside my house... What is it?
Writing all these make me remember stuff. When I was younger, before the dog came home, I was sleeping alone at my house and I was so sure I heard somebody breaking in. I covered myself with my bed sheets and I just slept. Next day I said it was just my idea. Some months ago I was sure there was a man out of my window. I still am, to this day. I asked my dad if it was him coming from work, but he came home hours later. Later I read on the internet that visual and sound hallucinations can occur when you're half slept half awake. I have heard things before going to sleep so many times. Mostly voices calling my name, but you know, science has an answer for everything.
How do they explain the missing knives, though?
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Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
but you know, science has an answer for everything.
How do they explain the missing knives, though?
There's many things science can't explain yet.

I have heard enough stories of disappearing things to believe this happens. My first thought would be an intelligent spirit as it seems to know the type of cutlery. Who/what/why I can't know, but someone who is sensitive and came to the house might have feelings.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Hello @Lyra8, and welcome to the forum. I'd like to respond to your OP since I have many years of experience with the paranormal, but first, I'd like to review your OP and further analyze what you've written before I reply. I will get back to you tomorrow. If you're interested in learning about my personal experiences, I recommend reading my previous posts on the subject, such as this one that I posted earlier today in another thread. I recommend that you read this particular post because I linked to a couple of other posts I wrote in the same thread. I gave specific details about my experiences in these posts.


Veteran Member
Hi there. Let me start by saying I'm so new to all this. I've never been to places like this before, simply because, although I'm a huge horror fun and I've seen the conjuring, Annabelle, insidious etc more than 5 times, I don't believe in the supernatural. Sure, sometimes there are things and connections between events that I can't explain... But despite calling myself an artist, I'm pretty rational. I blame my human brain for what I experience, not some higher power.
But something's been happening lately that I just can't explain. I'm gonna ignore the fact that today and in the previous years many devices like my phone, my computer and laptop have suddenly turned on a video I had paused hours ago... I blame technical glitches for that. But I remember years ago, one day, me and my family woke up and all our forks had disappeared. Everybody was saying it wasn't them, so we bought more forks. And a few days earlier all the knives disappeared. Everybody is suspecting me, because I have a rather dark history. I tried to commit suicide in the past and have self harmed myself with all shorts of sharp objects, including knives. But I didn't take the knives! And honestly, I don't think anybody else did. I doubt my dog took them and I'm living in this house with my parents that never lie to me about anything. My siblings come once in a while but why wouldn't they admit it if they took them, especially after I showed them how mad crazy this thing is driving me?
I know, it's sounds impossible. But seriously, I don't believe any of us took the knives, just like any of us took the forks all those years back.
On the other side, maybe something completely different is happening. If there was something, anything at all, the dog would sense it. Yes, sometimes he barks and stares at strange places, but this is what all dogs do. Most of the time he's happy and relaxed.
So if there isn't some kind of malevolent entity inside my house... What is it?
Writing all these make me remember stuff. When I was younger, before the dog came home, I was sleeping alone at my house and I was so sure I heard somebody breaking in. I covered myself with my bed sheets and I just slept. Next day I said it was just my idea. Some months ago I was sure there was a man out of my window. I still am, to this day. I asked my dad if it was him coming from work, but he came home hours later. Later I read on the internet that visual and sound hallucinations can occur when you're half slept half awake. I have heard things before going to sleep so many times. Mostly voices calling my name, but you know, science has an answer for everything.
How do they explain the missing knives, though?
@Sgt. Pepper is our resident expert on paranormal occurrences. She has 'seen it all' so to speak so I think so she can explain to you what she thinks is going on in your house.

I never experienced anything paranormal until my late husband passed on about a year ago, but since then I have had my TV in the bedroom turn on by itself at intervals of about two months with no explanation as to how that could happen. When the Comcast Cable technician came over and I explained what had been happening he said he had no explanation so it must be paranormal. This TV is in a wooden cabinet and the doors are always closed, and he could not get the TV to go on with the remote control unless he opened those doors. The last time this happened was on June 12.

I have also experienced other things such as the TV in the living room changing channels when I did not touch the remote control. I also experienced things gone missing, a wash rag I was using and a dust pan. There is no explanation and these items never turned up.

My late husband and I agreed that whoever was left behind on earth would communicate with the other one in the spiritual world and I think he is trying to get me to do that. My counselor agrees I should try to communicate with him because I really need closure, given the circumstances of his death are not fully known. After I communicate with him I will probably file a complaint with the health care system who was responsible for his care and I might also file a lawsuit, but I need to communicate with him before I do that.

I don't know if I will ever sleep in that bedroom again as there are too many sad memories associated with it. It is difficult to even go in there but I have to scoop the litter boxes and open and close the windows for cool air. I also decided I was not going to sleep in the bedroom with the TV going off and on because I like to watch TV before I go to sleep and I don't want to mess with that TV. I have eight cats and the cats like that bedroom so I leave it open for them.

I had been sleeping on the couch in the living room for the past year but finally purchased a Day Bed and a sleep number mattress for the living room and I just had it delivered this weekend. I do what I have to in order to survive this great loss and I decide what to do as I go along!

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Hello, @Lyra8. I apologize for the delay in my response.

In my opinion, if you've ruled out all natural explanations for what's happening in your house, then you should consider that what you're experiencing and have experienced in your home is paranormal. After analyzing your OP, I believe it is possible that what you're experiencing and have experienced in the past is classic poltergeist activity. I believe the activity could be the result of a human spirit making an attempt to communicate with the living or simply letting their presence be known, or it could be the result of you or another person residing in your home. While human spirits can cause a lot of physical and psychological disturbances that can directly affect the living, that isn't always the case in a poltergeist haunting. Poltergeist activity can also originate from a metaphysical energy associated with a living person who is experiencing a lot of uncontrollable stress in their life, or it could be an unexplained metaphysical energy that is connected to a specific location. If it is a human spirit that is causing the poltergeist activity, then it is possible that it is the result of an attachment, which means the spirit followed a living person home or the spirit already resides in the location. I'd like to conclude by saying that, as a medium and spiritualist, I believe that there are instances of paranormal activity that are impossible to document and authenticate using ghost-hunting equipment, can't be logically explained by conventional science, or can legitimately be explained away by religious texts (such as the Bible) or religious dogma, both of which reject any notion that the dead can interact with and communicate with the living. I firmly believe there are a multitude of supernatural occurrences in the physical world that defy scientific and religious explanation. Obviously, what I've told you is just my opinion, based on my experience and knowledge of the paranormal. As far as I'm concerned, you can either accept or reject what I've said. It's up to you whether you believe it.


New Member
Hello, @Lyra8. I apologize for the delay in my response.

In my opinion, if you've ruled out all natural explanations for what's happening in your house, then you should consider that what you're experiencing and have experienced in your home is paranormal. After analyzing your OP, I believe it is possible that what you're experiencing and have experienced in the past is classic poltergeist activity. I believe the activity could be the result of a human spirit making an attempt to communicate with the living or simply letting their presence be known, or it could be the result of you or another person residing in your home. While human spirits can cause a lot of physical and psychological disturbances that can directly affect the living, that isn't always the case in a poltergeist haunting. Poltergeist activity can also originate from a metaphysical energy associated with a living person who is experiencing a lot of uncontrollable stress in their life, or it could be an unexplained metaphysical energy that is connected to a specific location. If it is a human spirit that is causing the poltergeist activity, then it is possible that it is the result of an attachment, which means the spirit followed a living person home or the spirit already resides in the location. I'd like to conclude by saying that, as a medium and spiritualist, I believe that there are instances of paranormal activity that are impossible to document and authenticate using ghost-hunting equipment, can't be logically explained by conventional science, or can legitimately be explained away by religious texts (such as the Bible) or religious dogma, both of which reject any notion that the dead can interact with and communicate with the living. I firmly believe there are a multitude of supernatural occurrences in the physical world that defy scientific and religious explanation. Obviously, what I've told you is just my opinion, based on my experience and knowledge of the paranormal. As far as I'm concerned, you can either accept or reject what I've said. It's up to you whether you believe it.
Thank you for dedicating time to answer my problem. Yesterday we found a wooden knife on the kitchen table and everybody claims they didn't put it there. In order to eliminate any human being from the neighborhood messing with us I started locking our door, even in the morning. I didn't used to do this because we live in a small island where everyone knows everyone, but after this I am kind of disturbed. I just wanted to ask, if something else was inside my house wouldn't the dog realize it? Also, the thing with the forks happened years ago. In Horror movies we see ghosts that become violent in a short matter of time. Although in here, if there is something inside the house, it doesn't make it's presence noticable very often. I really don't know what to believe or not or what to do. For experiment, I moved on the kitchen table a small object from my room and I asked my parents to not move it. I just wanna see if it will go missing again. As far as I am concerned, the things that disappeared a few days before and in the past were always from the kitchen. The truth is somebody died in our family years ago, my grandpa. He didn't die inside the house though, he was staying in here before his death. I don't know if it's just my imagination or there is really something disturbing in here.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Hi there. Let me start by saying I'm so new to all this. I've never been to places like this before, simply because, although I'm a huge horror fun and I've seen the conjuring, Annabelle, insidious etc more than 5 times, I don't believe in the supernatural. Sure, sometimes there are things and connections between events that I can't explain... But despite calling myself an artist, I'm pretty rational. I blame my human brain for what I experience, not some higher power.
But something's been happening lately that I just can't explain. I'm gonna ignore the fact that today and in the previous years many devices like my phone, my computer and laptop have suddenly turned on a video I had paused hours ago... I blame technical glitches for that. But I remember years ago, one day, me and my family woke up and all our forks had disappeared. Everybody was saying it wasn't them, so we bought more forks. And a few days earlier all the knives disappeared. Everybody is suspecting me, because I have a rather dark history. I tried to commit suicide in the past and have self harmed myself with all shorts of sharp objects, including knives. But I didn't take the knives! And honestly, I don't think anybody else did. I doubt my dog took them and I'm living in this house with my parents that never lie to me about anything. My siblings come once in a while but why wouldn't they admit it if they took them, especially after I showed them how mad crazy this thing is driving me?
I know, it's sounds impossible. But seriously, I don't believe any of us took the knives, just like any of us took the forks all those years back.
On the other side, maybe something completely different is happening. If there was something, anything at all, the dog would sense it. Yes, sometimes he barks and stares at strange places, but this is what all dogs do. Most of the time he's happy and relaxed.
So if there isn't some kind of malevolent entity inside my house... What is it?
Writing all these make me remember stuff. When I was younger, before the dog came home, I was sleeping alone at my house and I was so sure I heard somebody breaking in. I covered myself with my bed sheets and I just slept. Next day I said it was just my idea. Some months ago I was sure there was a man out of my window. I still am, to this day. I asked my dad if it was him coming from work, but he came home hours later. Later I read on the internet that visual and sound hallucinations can occur when you're half slept half awake. I have heard things before going to sleep so many times. Mostly voices calling my name, but you know, science has an answer for everything.
How do they explain the missing knives, though?
Set up a sting and get some footage.


New Member
@Sgt. Pepper is our resident expert on paranormal occurrences. She has 'seen it all' so to speak so I think so she can explain to you what she thinks is going on in your house.

I never experienced anything paranormal until my late husband passed on about a year ago, but since then I have had my TV in the bedroom turn on by itself at intervals of about two months with no explanation as to how that could happen. When the Comcast Cable technician came over and I explained what had been happening he said he had no explanation so it must be paranormal. This TV is in a wooden cabinet and the doors are always closed, and he could not get the TV to go on with the remote control unless he opened those doors. The last time this happened was on June 12.

I have also experienced other things such as the TV in the living room changing channels when I did not touch the remote control. I also experienced things gone missing, a wash rag I was using and a dust pan. There is no explanation and these items never turned up.

My late husband and I agreed that whoever was left behind on earth would communicate with the other one in the spiritual world and I think he is trying to get me to do that. My counselor agrees I should try to communicate with him because I really need closure, given the circumstances of his death are not fully known. After I communicate with him I will probably file a complaint with the health care system who was responsible for his care and I might also file a lawsuit, but I need to communicate with him before I do that.

I don't know if I will ever sleep in that bedroom again as there are too many sad memories associated with it. It is difficult to even go in there but I have to scoop the litter boxes and open and close the windows for cool air. I also decided I was not going to sleep in the bedroom with the TV going off and on because I like to watch TV before I go to sleep and I don't want to mess with that TV. I have eight cats and the cats like that bedroom so I leave it open for them.

I had been sleeping on the couch in the living room for the past year but finally purchased a Day Bed and a sleep number mattress for the living room and I just had it delivered this weekend. I do what I have to in order to survive this great loss and I decide what to do as I go along!
Those circumstances are so odd that I would definitely lose my mind! You're very brave for deciding to fight this and I hope everything works out for you.


New Member
There's many things science can't explain yet.

I have heard enough stories of disappearing things to believe this happens. My first thought would be an intelligent spirit as it seems to know the type of cutlery. Who/what/why I can't know, but someone who is sensitive and came to the house might have feelings.
Thank you for your answer, I really hope it's something my mind made up or something else that just don't want to harm us.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I thought about this too and maybe if these events happening I will do it
The brain and the way it works can produce some really crazy phenomenon and experiences that can be thought of as paranormal.

Best way is using a scientific approach and the first step would be to use some tools to see what is actually happening or not.

If its physical, then clearly a carefully placed camara will pick it up for starters.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
There's many things science can't explain yet.

I have heard enough stories of disappearing things to believe this happens. My first thought would be an intelligent spirit as it seems to know the type of cutlery. Who/what/why I can't know, but someone who is sensitive and came to the house might have feelings.
That happens a lot with my keys that got sucked into the black hole of the universe only to be found years later.


Veteran Member
That happens a lot with my keys that got sucked into the black hole of the universe only to be found years later.
That happened with my wallet once many years ago, but it turned up the next day. I KNOW I had looked where it turned up and it was not there when I looked.


Veteran Member
Those circumstances are so odd that I would definitely lose my mind! You're very brave for deciding to fight this and I hope everything works out for you.
Thanks. Sometimes I think I am losing my mind just because of all my stress and my loss, but the 'visitations' from my late husband are not disturbing at all, they are comforting, and I think that is his intention.

I definitely believe in a spiritual world that exists beyond this world so I know he is there. I just did not think his spirit could go back and forth from that world to this world, until @Sgt. Pepper informed me of that.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Thank you for dedicating time to answer my problem.

You're welcome. I enjoy assisting other people with any concerns or issues they may suspect are paranormal.

Yesterday we found a wooden knife on the kitchen table and everybody claims they didn't put it there.

I think that's an interesting new development.

In order to eliminate any human being from the neighborhood messing with us I started locking our door, even in the morning. I didn't used to do this because we live in a small island where everyone knows everyone, but after this I am kind of disturbed.

I think locking the door is an effective way to ensure that no one from the outside is up to no good and trying to mess with you.

I just wanted to ask, if something else was inside my house wouldn't the dog realize it?

My answer is both yes and no.

In my experience with human spirits, they can choose whether or not to make their presence known to the living. I believe the same holds true for dogs and cats. On rare occasions, I've sensed a spirit, but neither my dogs nor cats sensed the same spirit. It doesn't happen very often, but it has happened.

Also, the thing with the forks happened years ago.

Based on what I've experienced and understand about human spirits, they aren't as constrained by time as we are, so I don't think the passage of time matters. In fact, I think that some of them don't have any sense of time based on our conversations. Some spirits, in my experience, only see what they want to see and have no interest in anything else, including other spirits or the living. It seems to me that some spirits would rather be left alone.

In Horror movies we see ghosts that become violent in a short matter of time.

My suggestion to you is to pay no attention to how ghosts are portrayed in horror movies because they hardly ever get it right.

Although in here, if there is something inside the house, it doesn't make it's presence noticeable very often.

Most human spirits don't make their presence known at all to the living. They would rather be left alone.

I really don't know what to believe or not or what to do.

I think that's perfectly acceptable. It's not always simple to deal with the paranormal.

For experiment, I moved on the kitchen table a small object from my room and I asked my parents to not move it. I just wanna see if it will go missing again.

I think that's a good idea.

As far as I am concerned, the things that disappeared a few days before and in the past were always from the kitchen.

It's not unusual for a human spirit to focus its attention on one room of a house or building.

The truth is somebody died in our family years ago, my grandpa. He didn't die inside the house though, he was staying in here before his death.

I think it's a common misconception that human spirits will always stay where they die. While that is true for most hauntings, it isn't always the case.

I don't know if it's just my imagination or there is really something disturbing in here.

My advice to you is to set a digital recorder on a level surface in your kitchen, press the play button (verbally indicate that you are beginning a recording session), and then silently leave the room for at least two to three hours. You must also ensure that no other person enters the kitchen or makes any noise while you are recording. That's what I do when I'm investigating a suspected haunted location. I would also set up motion-sensor cameras that record any movement in the room from different angles. If you don't have access to motion-sensor cameras, then the digital recorder will work just fine. But you must be very meticulous when attempting to record EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena) or basically spirit voices. If you'd like to communicate directly with the spirit or spirits, then I recommend using a spirit box (also known as a ghost box). If it were me, I would use an assortment of ghost-hunting equipment, including more advanced equipment like my GS2 Laser Grid System (like this one), or if I suspected a child spirit or more than one child spirit, then I'd use my interactive talking bear called BooBuddy, which attracts them. I've been researching and investigating well-known haunted locations and suspected haunted locations for sixteen years, so I've accumulated a fair amount of ghost-hunting equipment. And, finally, I don't know how far you're willing to go to determine if a spirit (or spirits) reside in your home. I don't know if you're even interested in attempting to communicate if there is a spirit in your home.