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Mississippi Governor Proclaims Confederate Heritage Month


Veteran Member
I agree with most of what you said in the first paragraph. The flaw in your argument though is the very last sentence. I am going to ask you a straight forward question and I hope you can give me a straight forward answer. Is "love" a requirement for marriage?

So you want to assume you know what I assume about gender. Fascinating. I would submit I observe two genders I dont assume them. I known that those two genders account for well over 90% of the people we see. I also observe that a tiny portion of people that dont fit neatly into either of those categories for reasons related to biology. I also observe that the vast majority of people who presently claim they are neither male nor female do so for reasons that have nothing to do biology. It's based on belief, thoughts and feelings. Fine if belief, thoughts and feelings actually brought things into existence I would be a billionaire and right now I would be on an island i own with my super model wife all of which I brought into existence with my beliefs, thoughts and feelings. I sure as heck would be taking to you.
Feelings, beliefs, and thoughts make us what we are.
Thoughts and feelings can actually "bring things into existence," like our love for another person, for example. That's just a "feeling." Clinical depression is based on our "feelings." Sexual orientation is based on our "feelings."

The examples you gave are fantasies and desires.
Things aren't true simply because you believe them, think them or feel them.
They can be. Like sexual orientation. I think I know my sexual orientation better than somebody who isn't me and can't experience my feelings.
You seem to be claiming otherwise.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
Well, yeah. When it pertains to human rights, most definitely.

Slavery is reprehensible. Trying to preserve slavery is reprehensible.

The USA decided a long time ago that slavery is a violation of human rights.
Depends on how far you want to expand "human rights".

Agreed. But again so what? Is this celebration calling for a reinstatement of slavery? I dont think we should be in the business of deciding what views people can express based on shether its reprehensible or not. To allow people to express only opinions we like is not a virtue.

The USA also decided a long time ago that slavery was just okie dokie. Therein lies the problem.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
I do find it reprehensible. So what? Should what people are allowed to do be determined by what you think is reprehensible?
Holding another human being in slavery should not be allowed. And not just because I, or you, or @SkepticThinker find it reprehensible.

But the question of this thread is, should people be allowed to celebrate those who kept slaves for keeping slaves. Celebrating such people is reprehensible, yet it should be allowed. But it should also be criticized, there should be protests over such a decision.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
Feelings, beliefs, and thoughts make us what we are.
Thoughts and feelings can actually "bring things into existence," like our love for another person, for example. That's just a "feeling." Clinical depression is based on our "feelings." Sexual orientation is based on our "feelings."

The examples you gave are fantasies and desires.

They can be. Like sexual orientation. I think I know my sexual orientation better than somebody who isn't me and can't experience my feelings.
You seem to be claiming otherwise.
No actions bring things into existence. I won't be kept warm and dry by the thoughts or feelings of a shelter.

Irrelevant. The idea here is simple. If it's true I don't actually become a billionaire if I believe, think of feel that I am then neither do i actually become a man or woman because I believe, think of feel that I am.

I don't care about your sexual orientation. You dont magically become a man because you believe think or feel that you're man.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
Holding another human being in slavery should not be allowed. And not just because I, or you, or @SkepticThinker find it reprehensible.

But the question of this thread is, should people be allowed to celebrate those who kept slaves for keeping slaves. Celebrating such people is reprehensible, yet it should be allowed. But it should also be criticized, there should be protests over such a decision.
I didn't mention slavery but people who have a problem with other people saying things they dont like did. Yes it should be allowed and yes it should be criticized. This isnt complicated.


Veteran Member
Depends on how far you want to expand "human rights".
How about not being owned as property.
Agreed. But again so what? Is this celebration calling for a reinstatement of slavery?
One has to wonder exactly what it is they are celebrating.
I dont think we should be in the business of deciding what views people can express based on shether its reprehensible or not. To allow people to express only opinions we like is not a virtue.
People can express whatever views they want. So can the people who think those views are reprehensible.

Denying people rights is a whole other ball game.

The USA also decided a long time ago that slavery was just okie dokie. Therein lies the problem.
A problem that has since been corrected.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I think the worst that anyone can reasonably say about Biden are that other people probably could have done a better job.

He's a "meh" president. Not great, not awful, and only looks good relative to the president who came right before him.

Despite the shortcomings of President Biden and the Democratic Party, I consider the Democrats to be less of a threat to freedom, liberty, and justice for all than Trump and his MAGA-conservative Christian followers. However, I wish they would choose a better candidate other than Joe Biden, but if it comes down to him and Trump again in the 2024 presidential election, my choice is clear. I'll vote for Biden again. I voted Republican for 26 years until the 2016 presidential election. It was my first time to vote third party, and I voted Democratic for the first time in the 2020 presidential election. I won't support the Republican Party with my votes and money again as long as Trump and his sycophantic cohorts are controlling it. I think that he and his loyal cohorts are a serious threat to our democracy. Therefore, I'll continue to vote for Democrats and financially support the Democratic Party. That's the least I could do.
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Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
How about not being owned as property.

One has to wonder exactly what it is they are celebrating.

People can express whatever views they want. So can the people who think those views are reprehensible.

Denying people rights is a whole other ball game.

A problem that has since been corrected.
If only it stopped there.

You can't conceive of it but thank God thats not the final determinant of what can be celebrated.


A celebration of things you don't like doesn't deny anyone their rights.

And could once again be reinstituted but maybe this time you'd be the slave.


Veteran Member
No actions bring things into existence. I won't be kept warm and dry by the thoughts or feelings of a shelter.
Not what I said. Please engage with what I said.
What's irrelevant?
The idea here is simple. If it's true I don't actually become a billionaire if I believe, think of feel that I am then neither do i actually become a man or woman because I believe, think of feel that I am.
Again, you've not taken into consideration what I actually said and are still spinning of from what you said, and I rebutted.
I don't care about your sexual orientation. You dont magically become a man because you believe think or feel that you're man.
Again, you've not responded to anything I've said and just repeated yourself again.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I agree with most of what you said in the first paragraph. The flaw in your argument though is the very last sentence. I am going to ask you a straight forward question and I hope you can give me a straight forward answer. Is "love" a requirement for marriage?

No, it is not a requirement. That is a rather silly question. What marriage equality does is to give the same rights to everyone. What s wrong with that?
So you want to assume you know what I assume about gender. Fascinating. I would submit I observe two genders I dont assume them. I known that those two genders account for well over 90% of the people we see. I also observe that a tiny portion of people that dont fit neatly into either of those categories for reasons related to biology. I also observe that the vast majority of people who presently claim they are neither male nor female do so for reasons that have nothing to do biology. It's based on belief, thoughts and feelings. Fine if belief, thoughts and feelings actually brought things into existence I would be a billionaire and right now I would be on an island i own with my super model wife all of which I brought into existence with my beliefs, thoughts and feelings. I sure as heck would be taking to you. Things aren't true simply because you believe them, think them or feel them.
It is not an assumption. You demonstrated how little you know. You are conflating gender and sex. They are not one and the same. That can be demonstrated scientifically. And I love your last sentence. You need to apply it to yourself. Real scientists that study this have shown that your narrow interpretation is wrong over twenty years ago.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
Despite the shortcomings of President Biden and the Democratic Party, I consider the Democrats to be less of a threat to freedom, liberty, and justice for all than Trump and his MAGA-conservative Christian followers. However, I wish they would choose a better candidate other than Biden, but if it comes down to him and Trump again in the 2024 presidential election, my choice is clear. I'll vote for Biden again. I voted Republican for 26 years until the 2016 presidential election. It was my first time to vote third party, and I voted Democratic for the first time in the 2020 presidential election. I won't support the Republican Party with my votes and money again as long as Trump and his sycophantic cohorts are controlling it. I think that he and his loyal cohorts are a serious threat to our democracy. So I'll continue to support the Democrats by voting for them and financially supporting them. It's the least I could do.
Unfortunately it's not true. Leftists have destroyed America.
Not what I said. Please engage with what I said.

What's irrelevant?

Again, you've not taken into consideration what I actually said and are still spinning of from what you said, and I rebutted.

Again, you've not responded to anything I've said and just repeated yourself again.
I did take what you said into consideration. I magree that belief, thoughts and feelings are necessary things to get done but by themselves, beliefs, thoughts and feelings create NOTHING and that's what I said which you ignored. AGAIN no matter how much I believe, think of feel I am a billionaire, i am NOT actually a billionaire

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
No, it is not a requirement. That is a rather silly question. What marriage equality does is to give the same rights to everyone. What s wrong with that?

It is not an assumption. You demonstrated how little you know. You are conflating gender and sex. They are not one and the same. That can be demonstrated scientifically. And I love your last sentence. You need to apply it to yourself. Real scientists that study this have shown that your narrow interpretation is wrong over twenty years ago.
I agree. People saying they should be able to who they love is silly. As for rights it was t necessary to decimate marriage to give gay people rights. Beyond that I dont think marriage is a right and the resultant benefits if marriage aren't a right either.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
In your personal opinion, of course.

This is also your personal opinion. I, on the other hand, obviously have a different opinion than you.
Yes same as yours.

Yes you do and it's STILL nothing more than your opinion.

Let's try an experiment, name something leftists have done that has hurt America.