thats all the gay ppl on this forum? wow. must be more in the closet. *^-^*
i found out when i was 13... it wasnt a big deal. who cares. inside i was going through my christian phase, i was deeply influenced by my teachers and such. so it was hard for me to stop masturbating or being gay.... finally i looked into my own religion and lo and behold, it says nothing. sexuality is part of the body, and it has nothing to do with being a good person and helping people and feeling love and compassion for others and yourself and God. since its part of the body, the body dies and the soul lives on, born again into a tree or another human or whatever. so being gay is only in this life. im only in highschool, my mind is on my studies, and my art, not my sexuality. thats like, until college. i have other things to focus on. i have never had a relationship with a boy because...there arent many gay guys in my class. plus im freaked out cuz im a social phobe. ya. thats me.